Twenty Two

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*get your ass over here*

I frown as I read the text. I just got myself a coffee and a newspaper, fulfilling my Sunday tradition, to find a text message from Brad. It seems so weird to say Brad instead of dick boy, I'm still not used to it.

*what? Why?*

I sit on my bed and sip my coffee as I wait for a reply from him.

*I'm taking you somewhere, don't argue.*

My stomach flutters a little but I quickly shake it off. I'm not a teenage girl.

*okay:/ where should I meet you?*

I stand up and check myself in the mirror, at least I got ready today.

*I'll meet you at the tube station:)*

Oh god, this is actually happening. I can't tell if I'm excited or dreading it. I decide to push off all emotions and just actually get there. I lock up my apartment and make my way to the tube station, finishing off my coffee as I do and throwing it in a bin in a rush. I don't know why I'm rushing. I wait impatiently for the tube to arrive and quickly get on it. I don't sit down this time, it feels more appropriate to stand up. Eventually, the tube pulls up at my stop and I push past a few people to get off of it whilst texting Brad.

*Where are you?*

I have no idea where I'm supposed to meet him so I'm just kind of wandering around, looking for any sign of curly hair. I can't believe he chose such a public place to meet considering he was so worried about a closed off cinema. Is this for the cameras?

*I see you*

I look up from my phone with a frown and walk closer to the exit.

*Where, you creep?*

I feel a hand wrap around my wrist from behind me and spin me around. I see Brad in front of me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Hi." He grins. Why is he so happy?

"Hey." I smile softly.

"Come on then." He pulls me with him out of the tube station.

When we exit the station, I expect to see the usual black car waiting for us, but there's nothing there.

"No chauffeur today?" I teasingly ask. I don't know why he has a chauffeur, what ever happened to learning how to drive?

"I wanted to walk today." He shrugs and moves his hand down from my wrist and into my hand, lacing our fingers together. I like this, this is nice.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Why would I tell you that?" He laughs.

"Because I asked so nicely and you need to make up for me seeing your private parts." I tease him.

"I thought we agreed you're not allowed to mention that again?" Brad pouts as he swings our hands back and forth.

"No, you told me and I didn't agree." I giggle.

"You're mean." He continues to pout but laughs a little afterwards.

We continue to tease each other until we reach the park that I recognise from where we kissed for the first time. Brad tugs at my arm to lead me into the park and we begin walking down the cobbled path covered in fallen blossom leaves.

"I thought there are always paparazzi here?" I ask him.

"There is. But like I said, it's also where I used to come when we started out and now it's where we had our first kiss, so I don't care about those assholes." He says sincerely.

"Cute." I tease him. "Are you trying to impress me?"

"Pft no." He scoffs. "Why would I want to do that?" He obviously lies. I like this side to him, it's much better than the arrogant person he was pretending to be.

"Because you fancy me." I bluntly say.

"You're mistaken." He teases back.

"I'll leave then shall I?" I play along and separate my hand from his, walking towards the exit of the park.

"Oh no you don't." Brad runs towards me and grabs me by my waist from behind, picking me up and walking with me in the air.

"Stop!" I giggle.

He ignores me and walks me over to the familiar bench, before placing me on it softly. He sits next to me whilst chuckling, a little out of breath.

"You're annoying." I scowl at him.

"You love it." He shrugs and pulls me closer to him.

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