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He moves forwards, pulling me with him. I better get used to this if I'm going to fake date a band member. I walk out of the door with Brad, our hands laced together. Bright white flashes go off from all directions, blinding me instantly. I hold Brad's hand tighter out of instinct as the bodies close in on us screaming and shouting question after question.

"When's the next album coming out?"

"Are you dating your band member?"

"Are you gay?"

"Who's this girl?"

"Are you two dating?"

I blink my eyes rapidly, trying to bring my vision back. I look forwards to see the back of Brad's curly hair, surrounded by blue dots from the flashes. I see him get in the car so I follow, the door closes somehow and we are suddenly in silence. I breath out heavily, blinking fast.

"Woah." I mumble. Brad chuckles at me and tells the driver where to go. I eventually catch up with what's happening and look to Brad.

"Is it always that crazy?" I ask him.

"This is a quiet day for us really." He shrugs.

"A quiet day?" I ask in disbelief. He nods and gives me a weird look as if it's obvious. "Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Nightclub." He says simply.

"At 7:30pm?" I ask him in disbelief, it's way too early to get drunk.

"Yep." He nods.

"You don't talk much do you?" I ask him, getting annoyed that he won't talk to me. I'm trying to make an effort.

"Not to people I don't know." He gives me an intense look, making me keep quiet for the rest of the journey.

I don't think I like him. He seems to be so miserable, but with the few interviews I've seen for research, he's a completely different person. He's always happy and funny. But now, he's distant and arrogant. What have I gotten myself into?

I pull out my phone and text dick boy.

*Save me!*

I put my phone away and sigh. I miss my little apartment already.

The car pulls up outside of a completely black building, Brad gets out instantly so I follow him after thanking the driver. Brad waits for me to get out so that he can grab my hand in front of the one or two men with cameras and lead me into the nightclub. As soon as we're indoors, he drops my hand and walks off. I follow him, not wanting to be left alone in a strange club.

He stops at the bar, ordering himself a drink before looking to me.

"You getting anything?" He asks.

"Uh...no." I frown, it's only seven! I don't mention the fact that I don't drink because I don't think that I like him.

"Suit yourself." He scoffs rudely and takes a sip of his drink.

"Are you always this rude?" I ask him.

"To girls like you, yeah I am." He doesn't even look at me when he responds.

"Girls like me?" I frown at him, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Gold diggers." He says as if it is the obvious answer.

"Excuse me? I am not a gold digger." I say angrily. How dare he?

"Oh really?" He scoffs and stands up from the bar stool, looking down on me intimidatingly. I swallow hard.

"Yes really." I mock his words.

"Why did you take this job then? For the experience?" He laughs mockingly.

"I took it because not everyone is rich and some people struggle to make it through each day with the little money they have. I don't want you or your money or your fame. Frankly, you're the last thing I want, you're a rude, egotistical, self obsessed arsehole." I shout at him over the loud music.

Brad just looks at me with a smirk on his face and leans down so that he's closer to my face.

"Inspiring." He winks at me and walks away, checking his phone.

I groan and kick the stool, hurting myself in the process. Why is he so annoying? I watch him walk over to a group of boys and share some kind of misogynistic joke with them, earning a rowdy laugh from the group before he glues his eyes to his phone. He's so rude. I sit at the bar and order myself a non-alcoholic drink whilst watching Brad from the corner of my eye. I receive a buzz from my phone and I check it instantly.


I sigh and smile.

*Total asshole at work today. Not fun.*

I drink my drink and eye the other people around me, watching people fake smile at each other and flirt helplessly. My phone interrupts my nosiness.

*Same, the girl was a total bitch as I assumed.*

I frown at the message and type my reply.

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