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I sit down on my bed with a huff as my phone vibrates. I pick it up to see a text from an unknown number. I frown at my screen and unlock it to view the message.

*Hey babe, wanna meet up tonight?;)*

I frown and stifle a giggle. Some poor guy has accidentally messaged the wrong person. I type a response back to the mysterious number.

*Sorry dude, I think you've been given a fake number.*

I laugh and lie down on the bed with a sigh, not expecting them to reply back. My phone dings so I unlock my phone to view the message.

*Fuck, seriously? Who is this?*

Is this person dumb? As if I'm going to give my name to a random person that texts me.

*hmm...not so keen on giving my name out to random people, but nice try:)*

I send the sarcastic reply and roll my eyes when they reply back. Can they give it a rest?

*Touché're a girl though right?*

I chuckle and roll my eyes, typing a reply. Boys really are desperate.

*Nice talking to you but I have better things to be doing than messaging some creep I don't know, goodbye:)*

I smile at my response which is blatantly a lie considering I have nothing to do and nowhere to be. I close my eyes, hoping to finally get some rest but once again my phone vibrates. I groan. Can they not take a hint?

*Yeah, you're definitely a girl;)*

I roll my eyes at the response and ignore the message, obviously a fuckboy.

This book is going to be more of a short story with key moments from their relationship rather than a full blown story. I really like the concept of this one and I hope you enjoy it:)

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