Twenty Four

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I follow my Sunday routine and grab myself a newspaper and some coffee. I make the short walk back to my apartment and sit on my bed with my coffee and newspaper as soon as I get inside. I sip on the warm beverage and smile as it soothes my insides. I flip over the first page of the newspaper and read an interesting article about student loans which catches my attention. I strongly agree with the points being made and flip over to the next page once I've finished reading. I turn over the next three pages due to the usual celebrity gossip but I freeze before turning over again.

I scan the pictures taking over an entire double page spread of me and Brad in the park a few days ago. The picture shows Brad picking me up and carrying me with both of us laughing hysterically. I bite my lip to suppress any emotions attempting to resurface as I look over the article entitled:

B R E X A  B R E A K U P  ?

Brexa? Is that what they're calling us? I read over the article that's very rudely written, containing mainly insults aimed towards me.

Have Brexa broken up? Pop sensation Brad Simpson has apparently broken up with short term girlfriend Alexa Edwards. Heartbroken Bradley has been spotted out and about on his own looking rather glum with no sign of Edwards. A reliable source has told us that the couple have been "arguing for a while" and that a breakup seemed "imminent" for the young couple.

I roll my eyes at the article filled with lies to make me seem as though I had 'broken' Brad's heart. I swear newspapers just make up these apparent 'reliable sources', we didn't even have the chance to argue. I sigh and turn the page as my heart begins to ache at the sight of the pictures. I need to forget about this and move on, my career is more important. I sip on my coffee as I try to become invested in an article about the upcoming election. Thankfully, my phone rings and saves me from the political drivel that politicians try to sell.

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Hey, Lexa." My agent greets me. "I have some really exciting news!"

"Really?" I ask her eagerly. I have been going to auditions non stop lately to keep my mind busy and I definitely had more offers after the publicity from my previous job.

"Yes! Well, I'll start with the less exciting news first." She says. "You've been cast in two music videos for quite high end bands, which is fantastic."

"Okay..." I encourage her to tell me the good news, not that I'm unappreciative of the other jobs.

"You also got the role in the soap that you auditioned for!" She excitedly announces.

"No way!" I squeal excitedly. "This is brilliant, thank you so much!" I thank her.

I can't believe I got it! It's only a small role but it's one of the biggest soaps out there right now. I can't wipe the smile off of my face.

"It was all your acting, don't thank me." She kindly says. "The producer will send you a script in the mail that you'll need to learn. There isn't going to be a lot due to this being a small role, but it's really a big achievement, well done kid." She praises me.

"Thank you!" I happily thank her before saying my goodbyes and hanging up the phone.

I'm finally doing it, I'm finally getting somewhere.

Tomorrow I'll post the final chapter!! I'm sad I love this story, remember to follow me for when I post more like this.

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