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Steve has joined the chat

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Tony: ok everybody do this

replace one word of a movie title with bacon

Steve: OOH

Bacon Wars!

Natasha: Was that Food Wars or House Wars or Cupcake Wars...?

Steve: No... I finally watched Star Wars! All three of them!

Natasha: You know there's prequels, right?

Steve: WHAT?!?!?

Bruce: The Incredible Bacon...?

Natasha: The Bacon Instruments.

The City of Bacon.

Clint: The Bacon Games.

Steve: Captain Bacon: The Bacon Avenger!

Bucky: Dude- Captain Bacon: The Bacon Soldier!


Bruce: Not cool, Thor. Not cool.

Loki: Thor: The Dark Bacon/ The Bacon World.

Wanda: Avengers: Age of Bacon?

Tony: guyssss

Iron Bacon 1-3????

Pietro: X-Men: Bacon of Future Past???

Wanda: No, Pietro... We don't talk about that...

Pietro has left the chat

Wanda has left the chat

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