~Big Sad~

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Steve, Clint, Vision, Pietro, Peter, and Loki are online

Steve) Oh

Clint) what

Steve) I thought it was just Tony and Bucky having a bad day

Clint) nope

Nat and Wanda too

Vision) Doctor Banner and Mr. Stark have not been out of their respective labs for quite some time.

Peter) thor is big sad today

Loki) I'm not sure what "big sad" entails exactly, but I'm inclined to agree.

Peter) big sad is when... its like... its a meme okay i dont know how to explain it

what happened to make everyone big sad

Steve) I have no idea, Bucky just left in the middle of breakfast and locked himself in his room.

Vision) Wanda has done the same.

Clint) Nat has been in the training room for hours just beating the crap out of stuff

Loki) I'm sure you can all guess where all of the weather outside came from.

Pietro) whatseveryonesdealtodayman

Steve) Maybe everyone just needs some cheering up? We could brainstorm ideas for some kind of group activity tonight.

Peter) comfort food

Vision) Perhaps something to involving the vast entertainment center?

Loki) Destroying mutual enemies.

Clint) Makeovers

Steve) Oh, wow, okay. That's a lot of different ideas.

Pietro) notrlyjusthaveavideogamenight

Peter) omg thats genius

Vision) A video game gathering involving a combat centric game would likely draw out some of the frustration many of our team members are feeling.

Clint) and food would draw out the rest

Loki) And Thor loves makeovers.

Pietro) heytoasterputinanorderfor25pizzas

Steve) Okay, we'll put Peter and Pietro in charge of food for the night. Vision, can you look for a suitable video game for tonight?

Peter and Pietro have left the chat

Vision) Affirmative, captain.

Steve) And... Loki, is there any task you'd like to do for the evening?

Loki) I'll prepare the living room for total annihilation.

Steve) Sounds great. I'll get some stuff in the oven as soon as I can. Clint, can you get the word out to everyone? Let's say, meet in the family room at 19:00?

Clint) you got it cap. Lemme grab my airhorn and head into the vents.

Loki) Barton, tell me where you keep the hair curlers and whatnot.

Clint) don't you have one?

Loki) No...

Peter) but Mr. Loki u have curly hair

Loki) I'm well aware. Trust me.

Clint) oh my god you have naturally curly hair

that's why you had so much product in it in the battle of new york you were going thru your straight hair emo phase

Loki) Are you going to gloat? Do I really have to listen to you gloat?

Clint) nope

but you do have to let me style it tonight

Loki) Fine, but I'm painting your nails.

Clint) Done.

Vision) Captain, I'm getting news reports. I'm not sure that it was wise to team Pietro and Peter up.

Steve) Uhhhh okay, I'll worry about those two while you guys get everything set up. Everyone know the plan?

Clint) yup

Loki) Yes.

Vision) Affirmative.

Steve) Alright! Time to go get the charges lifted from the Peters.

Clint) wait did they get ARRESTED





I really apologize for how long it took for me to come back to this. I seriously fell into writer's block after Endgame, but I just really wanted a Peter-centric chapter with Far From Home being released. Hope you guys don't mind that it's short and a little bit of filler, but hopefully the next few  chapters that I have planned will be more exciting.

Let me know what you guys thought of Endgame in the comment! I'll leave a spoiler comment thread for you guys to talk in!

P.S. So apparently Texters, Assemble! is eligible for the Watty's! Should I enter this year for fun?


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