Avengers: Endgame

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For several years now, I've been writing this book. It started small and blossomed into something amazing and incredible, and altogether something I never could have imagined. I'm so happy that every single one of you have taken time to give my work a try and even stay and grow with it. I know that we are all very excited for our final Avengers movie, and I'm so glad I get to have all of your support and friendship through these times, but there is a serious topic I'd like to discuss.

It's been more than ten years of amazing movies, entrancing characters, invested storytelling, and extremely hard work from everyone involved in the fandom, from the creators of the films to the talented fanfiction writers and fanartists. Anyone who has ever seen an MCU movie has helped us get to the point where we currently sit.

Before we had phases, before we had sequels and prequels, before we had an extended universe, we had the fandom. Marvel works hard to garner success, but every fan that couldn't wait for Iron Man to hit theatres helped ensure their hard work paid off. The fandom has grown and evolved, expanded and enfolded. The fandom itself is alive now, millions of cells working to power an immense body of love for characters, films, and our beloved comics.

It is up to each of you to help uphold the fandom and show it respect. For more than ten years, we have been building up to this. It is your duty to do what is right for the fandom and everyone in it.

Avengers: Engame releases fully to large portions of the world in 24 hours. It is your job to do everything you can to let each and every person, each and every fan, experience this tremendous occasion. This is triumph, with all of the fanfare and glory it has earned. It deserves to be experienced to the fullest.

Tag your spoilers. Tag your memes. Tag your reviews. Tag your comments. Tag your posts. Tag your descriptions. Tag your bios. Tag your fanfics. Tag your fanart. Tag everything, so that no one has this amazing experience lessened or taken from them.

Tag your spoilers.

We're in the endgame now.



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