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" I'm Hero, nice to meet you. What's your name?" said the girl, smiling as she extended her hand. I eyed it warily. She saved me from the powerborn,or Corey, but she was friends with him, thats for sure. Should I run? No, she still saved me. Corey looked like he was ready to kill me. I shook her hand softly, beginning to feel very shy. Hero laughed. "Don't worry, I don't bite!" she said. I grinned and took of my grey hood. " My name is Ender." I said, my cheeks burning slightly. Hero studied me." You don't get out much, do you?" she asked. I shook my head." My father usually just keeps me inside for safety." Hero laughed. Our eyes met. " You're an Enderman hybrid." we said at the same time. We laughed again." How old are you?" I asked, grinning." It's my birthday today. I'm now 16!" Hero said. Wait... 16!?" Its your birthday too?" I said, eyes wide.

" Ender! Ender?" called a familiar voice. I froze as Hero's eyes followed the sound of the voice. Oh, no, Notch is coming for me!" We gotta go, now!" I whispered. throwing my hood up over my head again. I grabbed Hero's hand before she could protest and burst into the gang of citizens and vendors." Hey, wait! That man is calling your name,Ender!" Hero said, pointing behind us. I turned and saw Notch in the crowd, pulling off hoods and apologizing afterwards. " Come on!" I said, darting between everyone. Hero stumbled behind, confused.

 I looked at the gates and saw that the guards were closing the gates as fast as they could." No!" I yelled, running faster. We will never make it in time. I closed my eyes in defeat. I just want to get away from Notch... I felt my enderpearl ring burn, and I heard the familiar pop of an enderman teleporting. Hero gasped and I opened my eyes and saw that we were outside the gates. " How did you do that!?" Hero said, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. I shrugged and turned around to see Notch running toward the gates." Open the gates! Ender! Come back Now!" Notch roared. Hero's eyes narrowed." Why should she? Who are you anyways?" Notch turned to Hero's direction." I am Ender's father, Hero. Your father will be back soon." he hissed, his eyes filled with anger. The towns people murmured as they crowded the gates, watching the standoff. Hero turned to me." He is your father?" Hero said, pointing toward Notch." He's not." boomed a new voice. I turned around to see a man with a black cloak that had orange swirls that glowed on it. Notch gasped." Seto!" The man called Seto grinned." Hello, Old friend. I'll be taking the girls to their REAL father." He said, putting emphasis on the word'real'. The gates fully opened and Notch ran out snarling." Ender, Hero, get behind me. Seto works for an evil man." Seto laughed. " this 'evil man' is your real father, Herobrine." Seto said. Hero gasped. " Come with me children." Seto said, extending his hand. Hero and I nodded and took his hand and purple mist surrounded us. The last thing I saw of the over world was Notch lunging at me, screaming" I will get you back!"

 When the mist disappeared, it revealed the last place I expected. The Nether. Hero stood beside me, gaping at the large mansion in front of us. Standing at the bridge, however, was a man I only saw in dreams. A man with brown hair, and bright, white eyes.

Hey Minecraftians! Thanks for all the support! Please vote if you like it! Hero and I are trying our best to update as fast as we can! As always, have an amazing, writers-block free day!

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