Chapter 24: Hero

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I was doing it again. I was spending all my time next to Ender's grave. I didn't have the energy to train, nor the motivation to eat or sleep more than I had to. Pitch made certain I did, though. He was really sweet, and truly considerate, and knew I appreciated it more than anything even when I didn't thank him. Ender's grave kept drawing me to it, and not just because it was her resting place. It had something off about it, and Pitch didn't disagree. I think he said something about how it was lacking "dead-demon smell," whatever that smelled like. I kind of hoped I'd never have to know.It was another day of me hanging around Ender, when Dad finally decided to talk about the situation."Hero, we both know this can't go on. I'm not saying forget. Never forget, but slowly let it go. Please, I'm begging you," he really was begging as he spoke to me. I sighed and nodded, answering, "I really am trying to-I suck at it, I know, but... I'm not sticking around here because I can't accept it.""Pardon?" Seto asked, confused. He'd come to talk, too."Ender left behind this... 'energy' everywhere she went... It's still here, bits and pieces of it, at least, like a lost soul that was left behind," I tried to explain.My dad hugged me and sighed, "Hero... I'm not sure if that's true or not, but you and Ender had a special connection, even for twins, hybrids, at that. Maybe parts of that is right. Her actual soul might really still be around here, not ready to say goodbye to you."Seto nodded in agreement, adding this was, indeed, possible.Pitch popped into the room suddenly, poking his head in through the doorway."Oi, Hero! Guess what, we've got us some visitors!~" he was practically bouncing as he chirped the news.I smirked and asked him, " 'Oi?' When have you ever used that term?"With a shrug he replied, "does it matter? Let's go, c'mon! It's rude to leave guests waiting!"I smiled a little, my spirits a little lighter than they had been lately. Seeing Corey and the gang, as that was what I was expecting, would probably put me in a better mood than I had been in a while. Dad and Seto followed me and Pitch, who was bounding down the hallway with the energy of a young puppy. I couldn't help but smile at the thought.Reaching the front door, I was honestly surprised to only see Corey. As soon as his eyes locked with mine, he lunged forwards and nearly tackled me to the ground in a bear hug, shouting, "thank Notch-Er, Herobrine you're okay!" "Huh?" I asked, lightly laughing as I hugged him back, "what're you talking about, now, Corey?" He pulled away, a solemn look in his eyes, as he explained, "I knew already about Ender, obviously, we both know you've been writing from time to time..."At the mention of my sister, my interest sparked."...but I thought I was going insane when I saw her: wings, tail, teeth, and all, in the Overworld, of all places!""What!?" Pitch and I simultaneously shouted. A quick fizzling sound came from Corey and none other than Corey's inner demon, Nexus, (quite literally) bubbled up. "Hiya!" he quickly greeted before adding into the conversation as he somewhat nervously fidgeted with his bandanna, "yeah, she was talking to this one guy, Carl...Fox, I think?"I nodded, ready for him to continue. "Hate that guy, Carl...he's such a-" I was surprised that Nexus, who somewhat resembled a fish, was completely adorable, and appearing super innocent, had that word in his vocabulary for anything other than a sporting goods store. But he flushed as soon as he said that, and apologized without even being reprimanded, "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for...but it's not entirely false." Corey just nodded in agreement. "Anyhow, she's raising an army," Corey finished the main problem, "and I think she referred to herself as...Vivian?" I froze. Pitch was just as shocked as I was. Vivian had succeeded. And Ender was alive and trapped inside her subconscious being. Something inside me snapped with sudden anger erupting from me as I literally shook in fury.Something broke in the distance, a few rooms away. Pitch rested a hand on my shoulder, and I forced deep breaths, desperate to calm down."I'm going. Now," I stated out loud to everyone, and asked Corey, "wait for me until I grab my things?" He just nodded and Pitch volunteered to help me pack. Seto and Dad weren't stopping me, but they really just hadn't seemed to take in the current situation. I furiously stuffed some clothes into a bag, and Pitch, who actually never needed to change clothes, waited patiently as I packed. By the time I had finished, Dad and Seto walked in to see me sheathing my obsidian sword (the one with the Enderman charm that I'd never taken off of it ) into the scabbard on my belt. I'd actually hand-made the belt and scabbard myself, so it would fit on whatever clothes I wore. "Princess, please wait a moment," Seto advised me in a gentle voice that almost made me flinch because of how guilty it made me feel. "I'll wait and listen," I stubbornly answered, "but even though I really am taking in your advice, I'm still going. I don't think anything is going to stop me."Seto was solemn in his reply, "Hero, it's too dangerous for you to simply walk in on Vivian, and you know that," he insisted."It's not worth refusing to try," I argued, "...and I'll raise an army of my own before giving up on Ender."Dad shook his head and sighed, "Hero, that isn't bravery. It's suicide. You're a smart girl, even a potential tactical genius, so why do you insist on simply charging in, head-on? You know it won't accomplish anything at all."I frowned and gazed at the floor, not sure what to say or if I should say anything. "Hero's smarter than that," Pitch insisted from behind me suddenly, "who said we'd be charging at Vivian directly?"After no one had said anything, he added, "actually, she wasn't planning on fighting first, were ya, Hero~?" I smiled and nodded, admitting he was right about that. "It's arguable, but Vivian isn't entirely psychotic. I also have a gut feeling she'd want to see me."Dad looked at me a moment, and sighed, "well, I guess it can't be helped. I'll rally my troops, though that might take a few days. Seto should go with you."Turning to look at my father, Seto nodded his agreement and promised, "I'll guard her with my life, sire.""Thank you, Seto," I said, making sure he knew how much I appreciated it, "but still do your best to stay alive," I lightly teased. He responded with a smirk of his own.With that, we rounded up Corey, then I led the three of them to the portal room. Nova and Dad stayed behind to organize the army. With a quick good-bye, we soon found ourselves back in the Overworld. It was hard for me to believe how long it'd been since I'd returned, but I tried not to think about what I'd been here for then."Actually..." I started thinking out loud, "what if Notch was at our aid?"Pitch shook his head and answered, "he'd be a powerful ally, but wouldn't hesitate to betray us as soon as he got his grubby paws on E. Plus, there's no guarantee he'd join us in the first place!" Corey asked Nexus, who'd suddenly came from nowhere, "anyhow, you're leading the way to Vivian's army camp!"Nexus have a shaky nod, a bit nervous but mostly excited. Pitch pat his back in encouragement, and gave him a grin wide enough to show his slightly-pointed teeth. Nexus returned it with his sheepish, shy smile that many people would probably have found cuter than a young puppy. • • •Within maybe forty minutes, we found ourselves outside an enormous camp full of different creatures: some (but very few) ordinary players, hybrids of all shapes and sizes and species, and some things I couldn't even name.I turned to Seto, Corey, and Nexus and asked, "can I ask this of you guys? Do you think you all could wait here? We need the few allies we have in this dimension, too, not just the Nether."Nexus agreed, and Corey did, too, but only after he made me promise not to put myself in any danger. That left Seto. "I promised your father I'd protect you, Hero, and I also promised you I wouldn't leave your side!" he insisted. "Please, Seto, even bringing Pitch with me into their camp would be a stretch," I begged him. He refused, not budging. "I can't ensure your safety if I'm not by your side at all times, Hero."Pitch tried to persuade him, "Seto, I'm not a sorcerer like you, but being a demon, I know a thing or two myself. Enough to keep Hero out of harm's way.""So you claim," he remarked, unconvinced."I've managed to keep Hero safe for sixteen years, Seto," he assured him, "I'd gladly protect her even if it meant my life; she's my little princess, too."When he said that, a sudden memory sparked in me..."Hiya, Hero! It's nice to finally introduce myself! I'm Pitch!~" the strange creature greeted me. I was curious, so I suddenly asked, "why do you have light grey skin?" He blinked, appearing surprised."I was just born with it. It's not all that uncommon, because I am a demon." he explained."A...a d-demon?" I asked, backing away."Oh, don't worry, I'm actually one of the good ones!" he tried to calm me down.I looked at the ground and said, "but you're still a makes it scary to think about.""Then, how about a knight?" "Huh?" I looked up. "I'll be your knight! It makes sense, right?" he asked me. "Why's that?" I didn't understand. He smiled brightly, his pretty, white teeth showing."A knight lives to serve, just like me: I live to serve you, my princess."I blinked suddenly, remembering where I was, to see Pitch had finally convinced Seto to go with Nexus and Corey. I waved goodbye as they ventured off to find our friends. Pitch and I were left alone, and I turned to face him. We gave each other a nod, and began walking towards the base. As we walked through the crowd, we couldn't have gained more attention. People parted quicker than the Red Sea as we walked, and strange looks and whispers followed us as we made our way through. A large gap opened up in the crowd, and Pitch and I stopped there to see a redhead boy with orange eyes and fox ears. "Dr. Livingston, I presume?" Pitch suddenly asked, then chuckled under his breath. The boy stared questioningly at Pitch, slowly raising his eyebrow. "No, Carl..." he replied curtly. Then, he suddenly noticed me. His eyes widened, and turned to look at Pitch again as if to confirm something. I realized our faces could be known to anyone working under Vivian. "You're..." he started, but I cut him off with a nod. The crowd around us were starting to recognize our faces, too, and the commotion was rising quickly. I couldn't hear myself think the voices around us were so loud, but suddenly were all silenced by a single sound."Enough!" boomed an all-too-familiar voice. I shifted my gaze upwards to see Vivian, wings flapping so that she hovered over her subjects."Vivian. It's been too long," Pitch greeted formally.She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow, then gave Pitch an eerily wide smile that actually looked genuine. "I'd have to agree, Pitch, old friend...and Hero, as well, wonderful," she greeted us warmly, landing next to Carl. "Come, we have much to talk about," she ordered as we followed her inside to an empty tent. "Well," she started, "it seems we've been long enough apart for Pitch to learn his manners." Pitch took the insult incredibly well, and calmly replied, "yes, I was quite rude to you, I must apologize for that."Vivian seemed genuinely surprised by Pitch's attitude...or, rather, his lack of it for her. "Anyhow, I'm assuming you're here because you want the Little Demon back? Well, you're obviously not getting her that easily," she practically purred, "however. Because you've treated me with the respect I deserve, I'll allow you to talk with her. Ender, love..." she coaxed, "how about you say hello to your sister?"

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