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I opened my eyes and yawned. I looked at the clock and gasped. It was almost 9 in the morning! Why didn't Dad or one of the maids wake me? I stopped as I realized everything that had happened yesterday. I sluggishly got up from my new bed, looking at my new room, which was a light purple color. I looked down at myself and saw that I still had my clothes on from yesterday. Slowly, I undressed and took a warm bath. As I stepped out of the tub a soft knock came at my door." Ender?" Hero called out, her voice muffled. I smiled." One moment, Hero!" I called back, drying myself off. I got dressed in a purple tanktop that showed most of my back and purple shorts, and caught a glimspe of myself in the mirror and gasped. My eyes were beginning to glow violet! I rubbed my eyes, but they didn't go away. I heard a harder, more frantic knock and a deep voice yell out," Ender! Open up!" My eyes widened. They can't see me like this!" Wait a moment!" I said, and heard a flutter. I looked and I saw small black wings on my back." Ender? Is something wrong?" Hero asked, the doorknob jingling. " N-no! I-I took a bath!" I stammered. I looked in the mirror, and my eyes had stopped glowing and the wings were gone. I quickly unlocked the door and Herobrine burst in, followed by Hero. " Why didn't you answer the door immediately?" Herobrine demanded, his eyes a bright white. I winced and looked down, ignoring as Herobrine seemed to glow black again. " I was taking a bath." I said. Herobrine sighed." Okay. I'm sorry. I had felt a strong...presence." He said. Hero hugged me, her eyes lit up with excitement." Dad is going to take us to the training room!" she said, smiling. Nova came in and barked once, as in agreeing. Herobrine smiled, the glow now gone." Lets go, girls." He said, gesturing for us to take his hand." I wonder what powers we have. I know you have the ability to teleport!" Hero said as she took his hand. I hope I have more powers than flying, seeing auras, and my eyes glowing violet. I took his hand and lightning surrounded us. Once it cleared, we were in a large bedrock building." Welcome to the Training area!" Herobrine boomed. I looked at the vast area, curious, but scared. I did NOT want to do this today. What if I lost control or something." Let's begin." Herobrine said, grinning as his eyes glowed brighter.

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