Chapter 13: Ender

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I didn't know if I was visibly shaking or not, but once Herobrine told me to go with Seto, my mouth went dry and my hands were almost vibrating. I hid my hands behind my back, ignoring Seto's glance, and focused on what Herobrine told us. I would have to do Teleportation, an Obstacle course, and swordsmanship. I'm doomed. The only one I was good at was Swordsmanship. As Herobrine walked away with an excited Hero, Seto spun me around. I instantly cringed and Seto let go of me, feeling guilty." I need to check something real quick. You need to trust me... okay?" I nodded, my eyes wide. Seto held out his hands, palm up, and it erupted in purple flames. Seto looked up at me, smiling encouragingly." Touch the flames." Slowly, I brought my hands closer, and I grabbed Seto's hands. I felt no heat or coldness from the flames. Seto grinned as the flames jumped off of my hands and swirled around my arms, revealing the symbol of magic, a hand with a flame. The flames disappeared as did the symbol, and I shivered." Your a sorceress, Ender."Seto purred, sending chills up my spine." After training, come to my quarters... I'll show you something. Come on, let's see you teleport like last time. " he said. I nodded and walked to a redstone block. I had to try to teleport to a glowstone block. I closed my eyes and focused, begging my powers to teleport me. I felt my body vibrate, and I opened my eyes to see I still haven't moved. I closed them again, feeling Seto's eyes on my back, and felt my body vibrate faster."Move." I whispered, and I heard a gasp. I opened my eyes to see the glowstone block was levitating in the air. My eyes widened in terror and the block was lowered back into place. " Let's try the Obstacle course." Seto said after a minute. " O-okay." I said, heading to the starting point. the first thing was parkour, and I jumped easily. I got to the first checkpoint, my face red. I looked down at Seto, who was about 10 blocks down and I felt dizzy. Great, I'm afraid of heights. The next part was a lava parkour, then swimming for 20 blocks, and finally the finish line. I did the rest with ease, only falling once, and thankfully, Seto used his magic to save me. At the end, I was out of breath, and my legs felt like jelly, so I sat down. After 5 minutes, Herobrine called out," Swordsmanship! Ender, Hero! You are up first. Then, Seto and I will show you how its done." I nodded and stepped forward, bringing out Seto's gift to me, the compass. I pressed the E and the emerald scythe came out, this time, enchanted. Seto looked surprised and I smiled. In my spare time, I enchanted it with unbreaking V. Hero brought out an obsidian sword and smiled at me. I kept smiling, ignoring the buzz in my head." Begin!" Herobrine boomed, and Hero lunged at me. I blocked it, stumbling back from the force of her blade. Hero's face was blank and I began to panic slightly. She swung again, and I dodged, getting a small gash in my leg. I hissed in pain and swung the flat of my scythe at her. She easily dodged and twisted her sword by my scythe, disarming me. She hen swept her feet under me causing me to fall. Hero grinned and pointed her sword at my chest."Checkmate." she said as the buzz in my head grew louder. My eyes and back burned, and the world melted...
Attention Endermada! Queen Ender here! I hope you like this chapter! Be sure to vote and have an awesome day! I'll be babysitting in a while so I may not be on for sometime! If you need help with anything, ask my Generals!

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