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I was wearing my grey cloak, and I had someone in  my left hand. It was Hero. I kept running, tugging her along as I barreled through the crowd. I felt frozen inside, and parted away from myself, watching myself frantically running from my fake father. The past  Ender saw the gates closing and stopped, closing her eyes. Her ring flashed red and particles surrounded her, and teleported, Hero's face in awe. Why am I seeing this? " Ender!" Notch screeched in anger. Seto appeared like last time, and past Ender ran to him.  This time, time slowed down,  and I looked around. Past Ender's face was scrunched up with fear. Hero was slowly inching closer to Seto, who had a kind smile on his face.  Everything began to depixelate, and I heard Notch's voice slowly say: You are always welcomed back...

    Everything was black. I walked forward with confusion." Hello?" I called,  my voice echoing. Vivian appeared in front of me, her eyes narrowed." Hello, little demon." she purred." Don't call me that!" I snapped. Vivian paused for a moment." Of course...now you are here..." Vivian began. I loosened my shoulders." Yeah, why am I here?" I asked. Vivian smiled softly." You are homesick... perhaps you should go back home for a while." she suggested. I froze." My home is here, Vivian!" She sighed. " Yes, but you should go back. Last time you were there... well, you didn't get to say goodbye very nicely..." she trailed off. I stayed silent for a moment. " I can't believe I'm doing this... okay. A MONTH." I said. Vivian nodded and dissappeared.

   I woke up, and quietly packed my stuff. I left a note saying I will be back in a month, and that I was just going to the Overworld for a while to explore. I mean, after all, a white lie never hurt anyone... I tiptoed to the Nether portal and went through. Thats when a heavy thing hit my head and I passed out...

...and awoke in a cell, my arms raised above my head by chains. " Notch!" I screamed, my anger at its peak. Notch opened the cell ans walked in smiling sadly." Easy, Ender..." he cooed, kneeling near  me. I spat in his face." I'm going to kill you!" I growled. Notch frowned, and wiped off the spit ." Good luck with that, Enderline. " he said darkly, walking out. Thats when the cell began to fill with water, and it began to burn. 


Attention, Endermada! Sorry for the late update!!!

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