Chapter 22: Hero

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Chapter 22: Hero

I had taken only three steps out of the doorway when I felt a second spike in energy. This one, much stronger than the first, but it was cut off abruptly. 

I also thought I heard something, and was about to dismiss it, but Pitch suddenly asked, "did you hear glass breaking, too?"

As soon as he asked that, I bolted back to Ender's room, not bothering to knock. Vivian stood somewhere in the room, I could sense her, as she wasn't making an effort to conceal her, but I didn't care about her right now. I rushed to the bathroom, and there was Ender. Laying unconscious on the floor, surrounded by a field of shattered glass bits.

"Oh, Ender," I softly spoke. I gently picked her up, and softly asked, careful not to wake E, "hey, Pitch, do you think you can start to clean this up a bit?" 

"Yeah, sure," he replied calmly, knowing we shouldn't upset Ender's subconscious by disturbing its sleeping. He started picking up the glass shards quietly and suggested to the unseen presence, "Viv, can I get a hand?" 

A moment of silence was followed by a hesitant, "y-yeah..." I laid Ender down on the bed, to see her wings were back to normal, and getting smaller by the gradual second. I sighed as I looked her over, relieved she only seemed to be hurt on her fist, but nothing more than broken skin. I found some bandages and wrapped her hand. When the demons had cleaned the glass up, Pitch and I sat somewhere in the room, but Vivian actually retreated back in Ender, claiming she wanted absolute silence to think. 

Pitch could sense I didn't really want to talk at all, so he was careful to tread very lightly as he asked me, "Hero, please, tell me..." He reached out to touch my shoulder, but I flinched, finally showing how on-edge and scared I really was. 

"Hero, you're trembling," Pitch softly whispered as he pulled me into a hug, reassuring me greatly. He purred comforting thoughts as he stroked my hair. I slowly calmed down in his arms. 

"Pitch, why are you so warm?" I asked him quietly, trying to find something to talk about to keep my mind off the current situation, "aren't Demons' bodies supposed to feel cold?" 

"Nah, only some," he answered, then added, "but it is rarer for a Demon to have a warm body. It also depends on how they feel about their human. The more they dislike their human, the colder they are. That's one of the reasons you think I'm warm. Because we both know you mean a lot to me.~"

I smiled a little bit at that, and stood up when I heard Ender make a sound from he bed. Pitch stood with me. Next to her bed, I checked for a sense of uneasiness, but Ender seemed to be peacefully waking up. 

Her eyelids fluttered open, and I let out a breath I hadn't noticed I'd begun to hold. 

"Hey, E," I greeted her with a smile. She managed a small smile of her own. After a minute or two, Ender told us what had happened, and that she was calmer now. 

I asked her if she wanted to sleep for a bit, and she admitted she was pretty tired mentally and physically. Pitch and I left for Ender to talk with Vivian. 

Pitch asked me back in my room, "did 'cha notice how Ender seemed to be excluding something from her story?"

I was quiet a moment as I sat at my desk and replied, "knowing Ender, I'm certain she was, but I want her to tell me herself, I can't ask her." 

"Heheh," Pitch chuckled, "humans are funny creatures," he commented. 

I smiled back at him and replied, "I honestly have to agree with you." 

Pitch stretched out on my bed more, if that was possible, and yawned. 

"Would you mind if I took a nap on your bed?" he asked.

"Not at all," I replied. I may have decided he should just sleep in my subconscious, had I known I would quickly fall asleep on my drawing desk a little later.

•    •   •

I guess Pitch had been awake when that happened, though, because I woke up back in my bed. Pitch is really sweet, was my initial thought, but I then realized he napping just on the other edge of the bed. 

"Pitch-!" I practically squeaked, surprised. 

"Mmm?" he casually answered, unaffected.

"What-what're you doing?!" I whisper-hissed. 

"Uh...I was kinda napping, I guess... Why's that a problem?" he asked, not understanding. 

"Do you have any idea what it means to share a bed?!" I cried, embarrassed beyond words to have to spell it out to him.

"Oh-OH-yeah, hahah, sorry I forgot what that meant to humans. Don't worry, I won't do again it if it bothers you," he apologized. 

I blushed, my whole face probably bright purple and not black. 

"You looked scared," Pitch said, concerned, "you gonna be okay? I really am sorry," he apologized again, starting to get embarrassed himself by my reaction. 

Suddenly, a new voice entered the room, "honestly, I can hear you two from the Little Demon's room. Come on, she's awake again." 

"Vivian!" I sputtered, surprised. 

"What?" She didn't get it either. What is WRONG with Demons?!

I just jumped out of my bed, completely flustered, but not letting it show. 

"DEMONS!" I frustratingly exclaimed. Pitch and Vivian just shared confused looks and shrugs. 

"Anyway, c'mon, let's go," I stated firmly as I marched stiffly out of the room. Pitch dragged his feet behind me, feeling guilty. I knew he was worried I was mad at him, I learned early after meeting him that he hated the thought that it would ever be possible. I really wasn't, but I wanted to make sure he remembered this. I'd apologize later. 

Pushing everything out of my mind for now, I opened the doors to Ender's room, to see her sitting on her bed, wings and tail out, but they were her usual ones. She looked up and smiled when she saw us. 

We all sat down, and she told me, "so, um, there's something I didn't include in my story...I told you all about the whole 'I'm a monster' deal, but I didn't tell you what kind of...triggered the reaction..."

Pitch made a sound that wasn't quite a snort, more just a stiff led laugh, and apologized, "sorry, sorry...'Triggered' memes..."

I rolled my eyes but it got a smile out of Ender. I guess she really was feeling better.

"Anyway," she continued, "when I drank that obsidian rose tea you guys made...It worked too well. I saw my-our-past, when we still lived here in the Nether as little kids..."

"Wow, really?!" I asked, my eyes lit up, "what was it like?"

She frowned and replied, "You wouldn't be so excited if you remembered too. Our mom was there, too, you should know."

"Okay, I want to hear this," I said, positive of my choice.

"Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Then, Ender went on to explain our mother's fate and our own.

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