Chapter 15: Hero

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I heard somebody knock to enter my room, and I looked up from what I was working on at my desk. "Hang on, I'm coming," I said, standing up and walking to the door. I opened it to see Ender, wings, tail, and all. I wasn't bothered by it-I'd seen it plenty of times before, and made sure she noticed it didn't worry me."Hey, Ender, come on in, I actually really wanted to talk with you." She nodded and asked me, "before you do-why the sudden change in attitude? You were definitely avoiding me earlier." I sighed, guilt weighing down on me. A voice from behind me suddenly piped up, "because Hero wanted to tell you why she was feeling insecure since the Happening started with you-!" "Pitch, I'd kinda like to be the one to tell her," I said calmly. Ender gave me a weird look. "Who's that?" I half-smiled and answered, "come on in, I'll introduce you two properly." We walked into my room, to see Pitch relaxing on the bed, legs crossed and arms behind his head. Ender seemed surprised by how laid-back he seemed. In fact, she was surprised to see a demon, let alone my demon. Pitch hopped off the bed and shook Ender's hand with his usual friendly grin. " 'sup?~* I'm Pitch, Hero's Inner Demon!" I laughed lightly and said, "hardly, though. You kinda stink at your job." Ender seemed very surprised from this friendly demon, that actually liked humans, who was practically suffocating me with a hug, as he doted in what was kinda a singsong voice, "I only chose to, because I love you too much to hurt you!~~*" "Wow. He's very different from my inner demon," Ender muttered.Pitch and I simultaneously nodded in agreement. I sat down at my desk and offered Ender to take a seat on the chair that didn't have a back, so that her tail would be comfortable. She thanked me and accepted the offer. Pitch promised to stay quiet on the bed, so we let him stay there. It's not like he didn't already know all this. Ender apologized, "so, yeah, I just want to say sorry about inner demon almost...k-" I placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "It's okay. Your inner demon almost did, but I'm still alive and breathing. Plus, it was kinda 'my fault'...?" I said the last part somewhat hesitant, not completely sure if that actually was right."Anyway, why were you avoiding me?" Ender asked.I started out, "so, remember the day we met in the market?"She chuckled, probably remembering that the first thing she ever saw or heard me do was tackle a guy to the ground and scream, "Creeper!""Yeah, and there was that guy...Corey, right? So what about him?" She asked. I began the long story, "you know how I was friends with him beforehand. I also mentioned he gets himself into a lot of trouble, although he does have a good heart. The thing is, he has an identical twin that I'm also friends with, who's name is Kyle. I don't think I mentioned that part to you. Either way, they were both part of a small group of my only friends that were human growing up. One day-we were all about thirteen or so-Corey's Happening began." I closed my eyes, recalling the memory quite well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Hero's Flashback*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We were all playing tag by the river:me, Kyle, Corey, and two other friends, Thomas and Annabelle. Corey was it, and chasing me as fast as he could, but just couldn't reach me. Suddenly, he slipped on a wet rock and fell to his knees. We all stopped running and rushed over to help Corey up. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut in pain, and he was breathing heavily. His knees had gotten scraped and were bleeding a little. Annabelle whispered his name, "C-Corey?" and his eyes shot open. Only, they weren't his eyes. His eyes weren't just blue, but they were still piercing-in fact, more so than before. His eyes were still aqua blue, but they were outlined in bright orange, and they glowed. They looked a dragon's. He snarled and snapped at the air once. We all jumped back when we saw his fangs emerge, which were followed by a blue tail with orange spines and blue-and-orange, leathery wings. "Bro? Corey?" Kyle asked, frantic. Corey turned to him and opened his mouth. Out came a huge, powerful jet of scalding-hot water. Kyle dodged it, fortunately. Annabelle shouted, "Corey, snap out of it!" His head whipped in her direction and he lunged for her on all fours. She screamed and Thomas cried out, "leave her alone! Corey, we're your friends!" Corey looked at Thomas, hesitating, it looked like. Then he let out another fountain of scalding water. Thomas had to drop and roll out of the way, but still got a little wet. I had stayed silent the whole time, and Corey noticed me just now. I stood tall and held my ground, staring him down directly in the eye. He approached me slowly, like a predator does to cornered prey. I could've run, but I didn't. He glared, upset I wasn't giving him any fun. I knelt down suddenly, eye level to him, and took him by surprise. I hugged him. He squirmed, but I didn't let go. I said, "Corey, it's me, your friend. Can you still hear me? Do you remember me?" He had stopped struggling, and was silent. "I'm not going to fight you. I'll never hurt you. And I won't leave your side, because you're not just my friend, you're my family." I felt Corey suddenly wrap his arms around me, hugging me back, with heavy sobs escaping him. I smiled and closed my eyes. I gently said, "there you are." "I'm sorry-" "Shh, it's okay." "Hero..." Corey hugged me tighter and asked," do you really mean that...?" "Of course I do," I said softly, still smiling.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"And in the end, I was the only one who could change Corey back. Not even his own brother could, but I did it," I finished the story. Pitch grinned on the bed and said, "that's my Hero."I looked down at the floor, dreading Ender's next question."Okay, but, what's that have to do with me...?" she asked."I was able to help Corey, when even his family couldn't. But for your case...I was the freakin' cause of the Happening," I guiltily admitted."Oh...well, you kinda weren't, really..." Ender said. I looked up. "This morning, it happened on its own. These did, at least. And just now, too," she said, motioning to her wings and tail. I sighed and replied, "I still couldn't do anything to help you. What kind of family am I to you, if I can't help you when you'd need me the most? Heck!" I suddenly said, surprising both Ender and Pitch, "what've I done for you at all?! True, Seto teleported us here, but you got us to him in the first place! Congrats, Ender! You've got yourself a useless freak of a sister who can only carry a body her own size down a freakin' hallway and talk to humans, mobs, and demons alike!" I suddenly put my head in my hands, staring at the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pitch move from the bed and over to my side. Ender was too surprised by my sudden outburst to speak. Pitch silently picked me up, much to my (unexpressed) surprise, then sat in my chair, putting me down on his lap, hugging me reassuringly. He used to do this if I was feeling insecure. I hugged him back, needing that comforting gesture.Ender found her voice and said, "that's not true, though! You saved me from Corey, and you saved him from his inner demon! Plus, you were a lot better than me during sparring until my inner demon came along." I looked up only a tiny bit, and Pitch smiled down at me, nodding in agreement with Ender. I smiled weakly, still feeling small being held my him. He commented suddenly, "by the way, forgot to mention this earlier, but your hair looks nice that way." He smiled as he gave the compliment to try to cheer me up. Pitch just trying to make me feel better, though, is what really made me smile. He put me down, finally, and asked Ender, "could I ask you for some basic information about your inner demon? Even if you don't know what you're doing or what's going on around you whilst being possessed, one can gather a lot, if not all information on their inner demon. Take Hero, for instance. First time I possessed her, we knew everything about each other the moment I took control. Her subconscious thoughts were begging and pleading for me to go away and leave her alone so she wouldn't hurt anyone She knew I couldn't say no to her, so we've become friends since."Ender nodded, and began to describe her inner demon to us.

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