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I woke up, half expecting Notch to be right there, his cruel smile and hard gaze tearing at my insides. I kept still for a moment, unblinking, unbelieving. Was I truly home, in my bed, in my own room? I sat up slowly, taking the fabric in my hands. It was real! I was home." You're awake..." said a familiar voice. "Dad." I said, my voice cracking from the rawness of my throat. I turned and saw him leaning on the wall by my door. He smiled softly, his white eyes full of worry. 

   I instantly felt guilty. I left with just a note and was gone for a long time. It was hard to keep track of time in that cell."Are you okay now?" He asked nervously.I nodded looking away from him." I'm sorry I ran off,  Dad. I got... homesick, I guess." I whimpered, tears coming to my eyes. "Shhh." Herobrine cooed, coming close to me. He lifted his hand slowly, wiping away my tears." Its okay..." he said softly. I smiled at him , suddenly feeling the soreness of my body. My skin was red, and I had bandages on my wrists where the chains used to be."After your initial training, once you get better, of course, you will be studying with Seto. " He continued. I nodded again. There was a small pop, and Herobrine was gone. I took a deep, shuddering breath. I felt empty, and I realized Vivian was gone. 

   There was a small knock on my door, which tore me from my thoughts." Come in." I called out. Hero walked in, and hugged me." Glad you're okay, E." she said. I smiled at her as I hugged back. " Me too." I said, before my doors burst open." GROUP HUG" yelled another voice, and Pitch slammed into us from behind. I gasped in surprise, and my wings came out, and I flew up."Pitch! Don't do that!" Hero scolded. Pitch laughed. I smiled as well, fluttering nervously. Hero looked up at me." How did you do that?" she asked, awed. I stayed silent for a moment.

   Notch's glare seemed to cut at me. I squirmed, my wrists rubbed raw after what seemed like a week . Its been constant dousing, until I pass out from the pain.  "Herobrine MUST have brainwashed you or something... " he murmured at one point, kneeling near me.  I growled at him, and kicked him the the leg. He cried out and I felt his power in the cell drop." We will escape." Vivian hissed, making my eyes turn orange. With newfound strength, we hopped up, breaking the chains. We ran toward the door, but as soon as we touched the handle, more chains rapped around our waist, pulling us back. Our wings came out, and we flew upward, but we were slammed back to our position. "YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE!" Notch yelled, and disappeared as water entered once more...

" I... uh, tried to escape at one point and they just came out." I replied. Hero nodded. " Awww, how sweet. Won't tell her everything, little demon?" said another voice. In came Vivian, her skin grayish. Pitch ignored Vivian and hugged me once I flew down."Glad you're okay, kiddo." he purred. Vivian rolled her eyes." Glad you care about me too." she said sarcastically. " Hey, at least I'm not an avocado!" Pitch said in a sing-song voice. Vivian's eyes turned dark and the room grew cold. "Don't you dare call me an avocado, Demon boy."Vivian growled."Stop it guys!" Hero said. Vivian growled and turned into smoke, disappearing into my chest. I sighed with relief. 

   "Feel like going to training?" I smiled, nodding." Race you there!" I said mischievously, my wings coming out."Hey! No fair!" Hero whined. I giggled and threw open the door, and was hit by a blast of purple magic. My wings seared with pain, and a migraine   wiggled its way to my mind. "Ender!" Hero gasped. Suddenly, my mind went black, and I realized I was frozen in place, and my eyes blurred. I felt someone shake me, and I focused on a man with no pupils. I screeched and moved away."E-Ender?" the man asked, confused." The blast must have given her amnesia!" said the man beside him, who was in a purple cloak. "Take her to her room, Hero! Seto and I will try to find out how to cure her." the man with no pupils ordered. The girl nodded and marched me there, muttering. She led me to a large room, and I sat on a bed, looking expectantly at the girl named Hero. Who was she? Who was.. I?

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