Chapter 20: Hero

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I really wanted to question Ender as we walked down the hall, me leading her back to her room-we'd taken her to Dad when she passed out-but I restrained myself. If she really had amnesia, she must be terrified. We reached her room, and I slowly and calmly told her, "hey, E. Do you remember anything? I'm Hero, I'm here to help you, okay?"I wanted to make sure she understood that, and thankfully, she did. With a nod, she slowly answered my question, " said my name was...E?""E for Enderline, or Ender, for short," I explained with a nod."Okay...Well, all I remember is an impact of magic...purple, I think it was? I'm not certain. Everything after that, and that's all."I let out a long, winded, and obviously worried breath of air."You really don't remember anything else...?" I almost asked myself, though Ender shook her head no anyway."So...who are you?" Ender asked.I looked at her, and I knew my eyes were probably glossy from possible tears to come. "I, Princess HerobrineThe2nd, am your twin sister."Her eyes widened as if this was impossible. "Herobrine...I should know that name..." she muttered."Herobrine's our dad," I answered honestly."What?" she looked up at me and smirked like I was joking, "you're kidding, right?"I replied, "no, I'm not, also, the universe is under attack and the great Unicorn King has laid siege to the aliens. It is our duty as his generals to lead the army and defend our world."She blinked like I was nuts. I grinned and apologized, "sorry, that part wasn't true. Herobrine really is our father, though."Pitch took the opportunity now of all times to pop up from behind her and probably give poor Ender a heart attack from suddenly being hugged as he added, "and if you wanna, you can refer to me as your big brother!" I sighed and explained, "sorry, that's Pitch, my inner demon." I then remembered Vivian:where was she, and did she have any idea what's going on?"Pitch, where's Vivian?" I blurted out. Ender seemed to look up. She them stared at the ground in thought and mumbled to herself, "Vivian...another familiar name..."Pitch paused a moment, looking for her presence, and answered, "hiding behind an amnesiac Ender.""I'm not exactly hiding, per say..." a hissing voice came from Ender, and a cloud of black smoke took form in the room. There was Vivian, chains and all.Pitch grabbed her by the wrist and forcefully spun her around, slamming her into the wall, with him facing her."What do you know?! We want Ender back, NOW!" he barked. Vivian actually looked afraid, and I know I did, too."Pitch..." I said, "what's...this isn't you at all..." I was really just mumbling to the floor.Pitch just continued glaring at Vivian, who finally spat out, "okay, okay, easy! I don't know any more than you two! I just happened to not forget everything!"Pitch growled, "then why didn't you tell her yet? Why just hide behind her empty, confused shell?! You can share everything with her, we both know that!"Vivian tried to push Pitch away, but he was too strong as she protested, "that'd almost be worse! What about the little gaps and crevices in her memory I can't restore?! I don't know if you noticed, Pitch," she spat his name as she finally managed to push him off her a little.She finished her statement with a yell, "but unlike you, I'M NOT MY HUMAN'S LITTLE PET! I'VE BEEN CHAINED DOWN DEEP INSIDE FOR A LONG PORTION OF MY LIFE, AND UNLIKE THE BOND YOU TWO HOLD, WHERE YOU'RE FREE TO COME OUT ANY TIME YOU FEEL LIKE IT, I DON'T KNOW ABOUT EVERY LAST ONE OF ENDER'S MEMORIES!"
Pitch finally let go, satisfied he at least got answers, even if they weren't the ones he wanted. Vivian had let off her steam, and Pitch had calmed down, so both Ender and I let out a small sigh of relief that the tension was over. Pitch sat down next to me, and asked Vivian, a little gentler, "okay, don't expect apologies out of me after this, but I am sorry for getting carried away this one time. Anyway, what do you know? Those wings from Ender didn't just happen. You had enough power at the time to see through her eyes, right?"Vivian was calmer too, and leaned against the wall as she sighed, "I don't really know, I just saw a blast of purple magic, felt it hit the little demon, and the next thing I know, I'm starting to like this little demon, who doesn't mouth off to me, better than when she had memories." I frowned at that, but didn't act. Pitch could still sense how upset I was, and wrapped an arm around me in a comforting gesture."Viv, you know we can't keep E this way, stuck and lost in the dark," he said to her the same way you might tell a child something.Vivian rolled her eyes and muttered, "yeah, yeah, I'm going to enjoy my freedom while it lasts, though. Whatever you want to do, do it, but don't involve me.""That's kind of unavoidable," Pitch mentioned a point of common sense."Somebody please explain what is going on," Ender suddenly spoke up. I felt bad for kind of excluding her from the conversation about her well-being."Sorry, we may be going to fast," I explained what I could to Ender about Pitch being my inner demon and Vivian being hers. I also mentioned the first time we introduced everyone together, too, that time we were training. She seemed to very faintly recognize Seto's name, as well as Vivian and Pitch, the more she thought about it.I asked Vivian, thinking she'd be more cooperative if I talked to her directly, "Vivian, please, you need to know something, right? Amnesia just doesn't seem to fit. What was that magic, anyway?"Vivian actually looked me right it the eye, somewhat surprised I was addressing her. My eyes begged her for answers, which I can tell made her more surprised.With a sigh, she suggested, "it could be whatever Seto casted. I still doubt it's permanent, even if it was actually amnesia. Seto wouldn't carelessly throw around things like an amnesiac spell, especially if they were permanent. So we don't have too much to worry about," she finished with a shrug. I wasn't happy with the answer, but still calmly answered her, "isn't there something to speed up the process?"She thought for a minute, then shook her head and replied, "nah, not that we have. It's an extremely rare item that's only available once a century, after all.""Like what?" Pitch asked with a raised eyebrow."Like the Obsidian Rose, doing its blooming only once in a century, as I just mentioned," she sounded annoyed.Pitch then turned to me and grinned. I thought for a moment, then grinned in turn."What?" Ender and Vivian asked simultaneously.Pitch answered excitedly, before I even could, "Ender does have that!"I continued, "Ender, you don't remember prince Aaron, the Blaze, do you? That night, after training, Aaron came over for dinner and gave you an obsidian rose!"Ender smiled suddenly and asked, "so, we just need to find where I put it?""Mm-hmm," Vivian sighed. Ender looked over to her, and just slightly irritated, said, "if you don't whine and help us look, I'll let you out and keep you out for a week once we find it and my memories are back."Vivian, for the first time ever, looked happy. It was a shock to all of us:her eyes lit up, and she seemed to grow in sense of something-maybe confidence? Either way, she started searching the room immediately, along with Pitch. I noticed Ender may have lost her memories, but she was still Ender. She also had basic common knowledge, too, like what blocks where what and all. That was a relief, she wasn't clueless as to what she was searching for."Vivian, what did you take to the Overworld with you?" I asked, just to make sure."Just clothes, food, and the Little Demon's ring and Scythe, both of which, as you can see, she still has. So if she does have the rose like you say, it should be here.""Thanks, Viv," Pitch cheerily chirped as he searched the higher shelves on a bookcase that contained several items besides books, "when you're not a complete avocado, you're not terrible, ya know!"Vivian let out an annoyed "tch" kind of a sound, but still searched vigorously."We don't have a nursery in the castle, by chance, do we?" I asked. I hadn't left like Ender had, and I'd gotten to know the place well, but I never remember seeing a nursery, botany center, or even a plain old garden here.A voice in the doorway answered, "no, I'm afraid not. If you'd like one, I'll be sure to talk to some servants about that.""Hey, Seto, thanks, but that's not necessary," I said, not turning around."Now, may I ask what in the Nether would be going on in here?" he calmly asked with a faint smile hidden in his voice.Pitch answered, "we figured it out, we're looking for the Obsidian Rose Aaron gave her a while back! It should cure her, according to Viv!"Seto chuckled at Pitch's choice of words and said, "if that's the case, I'm afraid you all overlooked the fact that it's right here." We all spun around, to see Seto was pointing to a glass vase with the black-and-dark-purple flower inside, sitting right next to the doorway.Vivian thanked him-VIVIAN actually THANKED somebody-with a sigh, "thank you, we appreciate it. She lifted the vase, picked up the flower inside, and lowered the case back onto the table it rested on. She handed it impatiently to Ender, as if she knew what to do."Well? Go on!" she cried, seemingly exhausted to have been surrounded by people she thought of as idiotic for so long."What am I supposed to do?" Ender answered, asking the same question Pitch and I wanted to ask."Consume it, obviously.""What? Like, thorns and all?""No. Just the petals are necessary, really."I smiled and offered, "if I'll be allowed in the kitchen, Pitch and I can whip something up to make it more edible!"Pitch was jumping up and down excitedly when he heard that. He loved to cook when given the chance, and he was good at it, too.Seto nodded, "of course."With three grins, and one sneer, it looked like, from Vivian, we all marched off to the dining hall, save Pitch and I, who started making a tea, of a sort, complete with obsidian rose petals.
We entered the kitchen moments later, and set down the drink in front of Ender. "Sorry about the flower, but you'll be getting your memories back soon enough," I said with a smile. Ender returned it, and said, "thank you, all of you. I don't really know any of you, or at least don't remember, but you've all been very kind. Thank you, everyone."With that, she started to down her drink.Attachments area

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