2: Hey There, Trainer Girl

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^Blades mom

I walk back to the car with Mom, explaining on the way. "Dad knows what we look like, so I'm taking us to my off and on job: the salon." Mom nods, and her eyes brighten up a little bit at the idea of a makeover.
  Once we reach Fantastic Sam's, I help Mom climb out of my "clunky car." As soon as we walk in, Daniela's and Katy's, Two employees', eyes light up with excitement. Katy squeals and runs over to our group, and Daniela, Dakota, Elijah, Mom, and I laugh.
   "I haven't seen you in so long! so what are we doing today?" Katy babbles excitedly in her thick, Russian accent. I smirk at her enthusiasm.
   "Actually," I start, pausing to grab my mom's wrist, "I was hoping you could help her." Katy lets out a gasp and picks up a lock of Mom's butt-length, dead, limp hair with her index finger.
   She looks up at me and responds, "I'll see what I can do," before leading my mother to the wash station.
   Almost as soon as they're out of sight, Daniela is in front of me, telling me to follow her.

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I lift my wavy, silver colored hair and smile. The roots are an obsidian black, accenting the silver metallic color very well. Daniela was going to shampoo dye it, meaning it'd wash out everyday unless I use the specific shampoo, but I'd told her permanent dye, so it stays. She'd been hesitant, but now, she can't stop gushing over it.
"the colors much more vibrant, don't you dare screw this up!" She warns, and I nod. I quickly pull out my wallet, but Daniela refuses to let me pay. "On the house," she says proudly. I sigh, but nod.
Mom comes over and smiles, saying, "so, what do you think?" Mom says with a big smile plastered on her face. Mom's roots, still ink black, are making the white blonde hair, an inch from her scalp, stand out more. It's honestly a beautiful transition, from obsidian, to silver, to a shimmery pearl white. It's now grazing just under her shoulders. My god, she took of more than a foot!
"I love it!" I gush, running my hands through her silky soft hair. I honestly do, the hair makes her amber green eyes pop, and her already pale skin look fairer. The brooding red lipstick I'd put on her is suddenly a whole lot bolder.
The funny thing is, though my mother can burn faster than wood when in contact with a match when she's in the sun, she almost full Mexican. The part that isn't Mexican is Cherokee Indian, which should basically brand my mother with more of an olive toned complexion, but it can't be helped.
My father is full white, with Aztec blood in the mix, and somehow he has the skin of a beach boy, a natural sepia-tawny glow to his skin, making his sandy golden hair more vibrant. I received my hazel eyes from him, as did my brother, Jada. My twin brother, Mason, received my mother's amber green eyes, which is often mistaken for hazel. (A/N: real quick.

This is hazel

This is amber green

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This is amber green.

This is amber green

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