Hey guys! I just realized that most of you probably don't even know who Palaye Royale is so here's one of their songs! Thinking of doing a fan fic for them idk yet. This song is Mr. Doctor Man^^
Get Higher is the second song^^ Idk if you're into more of a dark theme watch the first one and if you kinda like the rebel feels watch the second. Okay, now onto the chapter ( which is kind of triggering so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)
I hug my brother bye before he gets in the car with his pregnant fiancé, Kristen, driving towards their hotel at our next venue in Mansfield, Massachusetts, since we'll spent an entire day driving from Pennsylvania to there. I hate to see him go, but what else can I do? Besides, it's better than watching him leave for the Army.
I freak out when someone drops their hands on my shoulders and yells as loud as they can. What's up with that!?
I fall down on my hinges facing the culprit, frightened and shaking like a leaf, to see Ashley Purdy, laughing like he saw Friday the 13th. What? It's not even scary, they should call it a comedy. Not joking for those of you who know I'm sarcastic like 24/7.
I decide to get him back, because why not? I let my bottom lip start quivering, as if I'm going to start crying, and I quickly use my hands to cover my mouth. Mostly because I'm about to start smiling. Before turning to sit on my side, I twist my eyebrows up in a sorrowful way, and then pretend to start sniffling, tilting my head so my hair will be a veil that will hide my face from a seriously freaked Ashley. I hear running footsteps, before I hear voices.
"Oh my god is she okay??"
"Blade! Oh my god, what happened?!"
"What the hell did you do, Purdy? I swear if you hurt my friend, your baby maker is gone." Oh, that one was Cybil.
"Ashely, not again! Why do you keep making girls cry?"
"Uh, is she okay?"
"Guys stop talking and check on her!"
"Well I don't want to, crying girls scare me!"
"Don't let Ash do it, he probably made her cry."
Someone kneels down next to me and I snicker silently, letting out fake sobs to act as if they're wracking my body. A hand goes to my shoulder and leans in and down, trying to get a look at my face. I glance up slightly to see Remington Leith, from Palaye Royale. He's looking at me with soft eyes, his expression concerned.
Once I can't keep up my act anymore, I pull my hands back and burst out laughing. I listen to all conversation halt, and can practically feel everyone drop their jaws and stare at me with complete and utter disbelief. I'm literally laying in my back, laughing so hard my whole body is shaking. Ashley is the first to break.
"Why you--" he stops to charge at me, and I squeal and pick myself up, sprinting behind Remington, who stood as soon as he saw I was fine. Ashley tries to run around Remington, but I move his shoulders to he would move with me. Suddenly someone grabs me from behind, making me squeal.
"You little bugger! I thought Ashley raped you!!" CC yells, and everyone stops laughing to stare at him shocked. Hell, I even stop laughing and struggling to gape at him.
"Ash isn't that bad!"
"That's so rude!"
Ashley has a shocked face, but it instantly turns into a scowl.
"Ceece, I don't know who you think I am, but I would NEVER force someone to have sex with me. And I wouldn't ever have sex with Blade. She's like my little sister, and she'd be the last person on the planet that I'd EVER hurt in ANY way. Nice to know you trust me." With that he stalks off. CC looks shocked too.
"C'mon, Ashley, I was just kidding bro!" And he chases after his best friend. With that, Canon, Kaylee, Cybil, Juliet,who is officially dating Andy now, Dakota and I all look at the rest of Black Veil Brides and Elijah.
Jinxx glances at us first. "What?"
"Go fix it," Cybil states firmly, and the rest of us girls nod. Andy looks at us too, and stares for a bit, before he nods. He quickly pecks Juliet on the lips, and leaves with the boys. My heart cracks every time they do that in front of me.
Don't get me wrong, Juliet and I have become inseparable. We pretty much go everywhere together, when her band isn't playing their shows here on your. After the mall trip, I decided that if anyone deserves Andy, it's her. Not me. I'm worthless. I finally understood what my dad was saying. Thinking this, I discretely turn my wrists inwards. Yes, I've been cutting again, and no, not over Andy. Not completely. It's just so many things are finally catching up to me. But I haven't since Jada came back two days ago.
But I'm wear bracelets now. One of them is the charm bracelet Andy gave me that I haven't taken off since. Their are only three others, but they're still back. I thought I was done with bracelets, I really did, but I guess I'll never be done with them. Not until I can stop cutting. Not until I can stop living.
A hand waving in my face let's me know I've zoned out. I glance up at the tall person to see Remington. He smiles at me shyly, to which I smile back, biting my lip to contain my inner fan girl. What?! He really hot, okay? Just saying.
"Hey, you're touring with BVB, right?" All I do is nod, still biting my lip to somewhat obtain my smile. He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "I'm Remington. Do you and your friends wanna come hang out with my brothers and I?" My grin widens at the thought of hanging out with one of my top five favorite bands, and think of a way to get words out before I repeat the Ronnie thing from two days ago.
"S-sounds good. I mean I'm down. I mean that I'm okay to hang I just have to ask them cause I don't know if they're down after what just happened and I'm going to stop rambling now." I'm out of breath by the time I'm finished. Remington laughs and hugs me.
"I take it you like our band?"
It still takes me like five years. "L-Love your band, I do." Damn it! I knew I should've given myself time! Now my nerd side is taking over, like it does when I'm on nervous overdrive.
This makes him laugh harder while I face palm. I hold up a finger and point to my friends. He nods at me with a slight smile before I sprit off over to them to ask.

In The End
FanfictionBlade is a girl with a hard life: abusive dad, abusive brother, and a fragile mother. She's an average girl with more struggles than an average loser: she's abused, bullied, harassed, and more. Sound familiar? Though the story is the same, a few ch...