Book list/ favorites!

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Hey, guys! I just wanted to mention some of my favorite books/series on wattpad that inspire me and really gave me something to get caught up in when I was stressed writing my Black Veil Brides series! So here they are!

'Savage Eyes/ A perfect Lie' TRS series- _thatbandnerd
This book series is about a girl named Ryan Pitts and her friends, who meet The Relapse Symphony and how their lives are impacted. It tells the love stories of each member of TRS, but focuses mainly on Ryan. It was really amusing and funny, and also very captivating (especially book 2 ;) ) I think a lot of you guys would like it, and if you haven't listened to TRS, top two songs I'd recommend are:
Savage Eyes- The Relapse Symphony
Panic! Time's Running Out- The Relapse Symphony

The Tour Series- lelisevn
This book is mostly about Of Mice & Men, but has lots of different bands (BVB, PVRIS, BMTH, etc.) it's about Canon, an aspiring writer who goes on tour with her childhood friend Lynn Gunn and her band PVRIS, and how she meets her best friends and love. It was a really nice read, and ngl it's a bit heart wrenching. Can't really recommend a song since their are lots of bands but check them all out of you haven't heard of them!

'Ma Chérie' Palaye Royale Fanfiction- risaackerman

Okay this book is kind of the to me, the others were too, but this one stands out the most because one, there aren't that many Palaye fan fics out there, and two, there are literally three of them that I can actually tolerate reading. I really don't know why, but I'm super picky about my fan fiction reads so to find a great Palaye book was so refreshing! Anyway this is about two girls, Alyssa and Evelea, who are apart of the band 'Amaryllis' that get to your with Palaye. I really love the take on how they got together, and I feel like the way the band acts captured their real selves perfectly.

'Ma Chérie' *another* Palaye Royale fanfiction- Maxisnotdead

Okay, usually I'm not a fan of fanfictions that make the people way different than they are *not spoiling but certain Emerson details* *read cause you'll love the book and its plot twists* but this book actually blew me away, so much so I don't mind at all. It's about a girl named August and her friendship with Palaye--and a relationship with the  emo vampire Kropp brother. It's seriously amazing and I love love LOVE it! A big bonus is that the author tends to update frequently and in double updates, so you don't have to feel the pain of waiting forty years and then selling your soul just to get a chapter. 

So that's it for now! If you want me to check out your book, leave a comment below! Byes! •~^

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