We reach the first tour date, which is still in LA, two days after Black Veil Brides picked up the triplets, Kaylee, and I. We stayed in the bus the whole time, but just drove around to places like the mall on the other side of LA, the one I haven't been to. So far, the ride's been pretty pleasant. I had to explain to Canon how I knew her twins, but after that everything was pretty calm. Elijah has been acting kind of weird, though. He constantly flirts and it's not like him.
Andy also seems tense. Every time he sees Elijah, he kind of gets an annoyed look on his face and he goes on his phone or goes for a smoke. I think Dakota's really the only one who's noticed.
She's also really the only person I've confided in. I decided she could be trusted, and told her my whole story. The real one. The one with the abusive dad, two faced brother, forgetful mother, the whole package deal. She surprised me a lot, not reacting nearly as bad as I thought she would, and she promised to keep it to herself. I'm thinking about telling Canon and Kaylee. They've become the sisters I've always wanted, and we basically tell each other everything--at least they do. I'm planning on joining that confession soon.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts---better known as my nap---by the bus coming to a lurching stop, spilling me off the couch and onto the floor. I groan, while I hear a shout and everyone runs to see what caused "God to fart inside our tour bus" as CC puts it. I hear Canon snort while Kaylee 'awe's, Andy and Jinxx rushing to help me, also joined by the sound of CC's laughter and Jake scolding the drummer.
Once I'm on my feet, I shake the two worried musicians off, saying that I'm okay. It's the first day of tour, and we have two hours to get ready for the day.
"I say that we get ready in thirty minutes, start setting up the tent, and then we can walk around and talk to the other bands till it's time," Ashley shouts, Elijah high fiving the bassist. The boys start to nod while the girls gasp, some of us females displaying a hurt look on our faces while the rest just give each other looks that basically says 'he's joking, right?'
Canon steps forward and puts her hands on her hips, her long midnight blue nail polish, twin to her hair color and signature lipstick, sparkling each time her fingers twitch. "Listen here, sir," she starts in a kind voice, but you could obviously hear her annoyance as well. "I have been on a bus for two days, not stopping for some real coffee."
"If you think for one minute--" I pause to loop my arm through canon's, setting my other on my waist too, "--that I am not going to drag your asses to a good quality restraunt with great french toast and a tall glass of cranberry-orange juice, you better think twice." The rest of the girls--being Kaylee and Dakota-- nod in agreement.
Ashley scrunched up his nose. "Who drinks a tall glass of cra--"
I silence him by lifting my hand from my waist and making my fingers snap shut as if my hand were a talking puppet being silenced and saying, "I think you need to drink a tall glass of shut the hell up. Don't you dish my favorite morning drink."
Andy walks up to my side that isn't occupied my Canon and ruffles my hair, laughing out, "somebody's grouchy after being woken up from her slumber."
I shoot him a glare and say, "bite me."
He gives me one of his ghost smiles--this one more prominent than the others though---and leans in tauntingly, saying, "gladly." I frown at this, taking notice to his attitude. He's only like this when Elijah's in the room.
I don't have time to think more about it before Kaylee says, "well, we can still get ready in thirty minutes, take another half hour to eat at the diner we passed, and then come back and set up the tent. The rest of the time we can go with Ashley's plan." I immediately smile at the sound of the diner, deciding I want to get a half hour in. Yes, it's the same diner I work at. It's quite a drive to get to the diner everyday from Dad's house, especially with it being in the other side of the city, but it pays well, and it pays fast. Once a week.
I smile and nod my head at the idea, skipping out of the kitchen, yelling back at the group that I'm going to get ready. I showered last night since I dyed my hair again, this time a salmoney-magneta pink shade, so I skip straight to clothes and makeup. I quickly put on some natural, gold based smokey eyed eyeshadow, doing my signature thick cat eye eyeliner. I slick some pink tinted lip gloss on, in lieu of my normal ruby red lipstick.
Going with my simple gold bull ring septum piercing, I leave my lip piercing empty. Quickly, I also slide on a tight spaghetti strapped black and white colored circus striped crop top, along with my black leather booty shorts. I decide against my fishnets, knowing I'll just get a super awkward tan. I step into my plain black vans, and put my hair into two French braids, weaving in small white flowers I bought at a crafts store and some black lace ribbon.
With that I skip out of my room--which in the end (no pun intended XD) I had to keep--and down the hall, yelling out that I'm ready. Almost immediately, Kaylee, Dakota, and Canon join me.
Kaylee is dressed in split leg shorts, one leg plain denim and the other with an off white lace on top of the Jean fabric. Her top is a tight off white tank top, the neckline heart shaped. Her shoes are a pair of white high top converse. Kaylee's makeup is simple, just a touch of mascara and strawberry tinted lip gloss, which is all she needs. Lucky her, she has flawless skin. Her hair is up it two space buns, and she's sporting a warped tour 2016 draw string bag.
Dakota, still sporting her signature chartreuse colored hair, has hers split down the middle and French braided like mine, only hers stop after her scalp is braided and is put into space buns like Kaylee's hair. She has on a choker with the green alien head on it, which matches her hair, and a white tank top that says 'parental advisory explicit content' on it, along with some ripped black booty shorts. Her eyes are ringed gently with eyeliner, a small wing extending from each of her eyes' outer corners. Her lips are painted in a velvet black, her nose holding a sterling silver ring. Her shoes are solid black converse.
Canon has her extremely beautiful midnight royal blue hair in a fishtail braid that sits lightly on her right shoulder, due to its long length, with pieces pulled out to frame her heart shaped face. Her lips are still coated in its blackish blue shade, making her silver vertical labret stud that sits I the center of her bottom lip shine. She has small winged eyeliner on, making her frosted eyes seem paler, wearing no other makeup except her lips. She has on a tight cream colored crop top, with black short jegging shorts to go with it. She wears black and white adidas high tops to finish of her outfit.
The four of us sit on the couch, tapping out feet or messing around tapping patterns waiting for the boys to get out. Five minutes later, and we're still waiting.
"They take five ever," Canon complains, and I hum in agreement boredly. Andy is the first to come out, wearing a ripped up white muscle tee, with the words on the fabric so faded I can't make out the words. He pairs the muscle tee with black suspenders, and a pair of black and white circus striped jeans. I feel the eyes of the girls switching from Andy to me, wondering if we planned out outfits, which we didn't. He glances at me and gives me a once over, a small smile gracing his godly lips. He is then followed by Elijah, who winks at me. When Andy sees this his smile is immediately dropped, and is replaced with a frown. He mutters about stepping outside for a smoke, letting the door slam behind him when he does his action, I stare after him for a bit, wondering what I can do. Is it me? Why does he only get angry when I converse with Elijah?
I don't get an answer before the rest of BVB files out, and we all exit the bus to walk to the diner.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
I'd been walking behind the group, quiet and still in my own thoughts. But as soon as the diner comes into view, I smile widely and sprint towards it at full speed. As I pass the group only a few realize what I'm doing, and I don't miss my favorite pair of blue eyes stare at me with surprise. If you think I mean Canon, you're wrong. They're my second favorite.
I open the door and walk over to the counter. Sadie, the teen at the counter who went to school with me smiles at me in recognition. I smile back before shouting out, "yo, Mick! I'm in for about a half hour, clock me in, will ya?"
"Sure thing, B! Get your slow bum movin'! My gran moves faster than you, and she's been dead for fifteen years!" Is my New Jersey boss's kind response. I chuckle.
"I move faster than than you in your glory days! Now do me a solid and cook me some French toast!" Mick used to be a track star, won a whole bunch of state and national competitions. We all like to give him a hard time about it.
"Alright, smartie pants. You want your disgustin' suicide drink that'll probably kill ya before second hand smokin' does?" I laugh at Mick's insult towards my favorite drink, cranberry-orange juice and the way he weaves his hatred for smoking in. Mick's mom died of lung cancer from smoking, and she got him addicted to cigars.
"Sure, Mick."
"Comin' right up!"
Sadie tosses me my waist apron and I skip to the table she points me at. By the time I've take two separate tables' orders, my group walks in. I hear Sadie seat them before she calls out, "yo, Blade! Table seven!" I give her a thumbs up and finish the order I'm working on before scampering over to my friends. They're just staring at me.
"What can I get you guys to drink?" I ask with a smile, and they just gawk at me. After a few quiet moments I snap my fingers to get their attention. Canon is the first to speak.
"Um, B-Bear? Did you literally just actually get a job that you'll only so once?" I laugh at her question, while Andy seems to be thinkin hard about something. I walk over to the spot next to him around the round table and pat him on the shoulder.
"If you're wondering if you've been here before, ya have. Remember that really awkward moment there I slipped on Mac N' Cheese?" Suddenly I see the recognition flood through his beautiful eyes as he stares up at me, and a smile spreads across his face. He's about to say something but is interrupted by Ashley.
"Oh yeah! I remember that you slipped and practically gave Andy a lap da-" he doesn't finish due to the fact that I clicked my pen closed and chucked it at him, hitting the bassist square in the forehead. He yelps and falls out of his hair, into Canon, who makes a disgusted sound and shoves Purdy off her lap and onto the floor. The rest of us are laughing so hard I think we peed. I stumble towards Mick, who came out of the Kitchen with my plate and cup in his hands, and thank him silently, still shaking uncontrollably with laughter all the way back to the table.Extra long chapter for helping me hit 2k on Rebel Love Song! Thank you all so so much, you're all awesome! Byes! •~^

In The End
FanfictionBlade is a girl with a hard life: abusive dad, abusive brother, and a fragile mother. She's an average girl with more struggles than an average loser: she's abused, bullied, harassed, and more. Sound familiar? Though the story is the same, a few ch...