I race into the venue, Kaylee close in my heels and Dakota following closely behind. The boys are a few feet behind us, Andy no more that half a foot. I'm in front, thankful that the years of running from my dad payed off. We decided to race, and whoever gets to the gates first gets to embarrass someone on stage during Black Veil Brides's show. I skid to a stop o XD I've passed the gate, throwing my arms up in victory.
"NOOOOOO," CC cries, falling dramatically to his knees. He pretends to sob into his hands, and Kaylee pats him on the shoulder. That is, until CC pulls her down and starts tickling her, causing her to thrash and shriek with laughter. I grin at them. They'd truly make a lovely couple. Andy puts his arms around me and drops his head on my shoulder, out of breath.
"If I've got gazelle legs, you've gotta be a cheetah," he groans out, making me laugh.
All of bvb, Dakota, Elijah, Kaylee, and I have been conversing for a good three minutes before we all silence at he sight of Canon just now walking up. She looks up at us once she's in front of us, while we all stare at her incredulously.
"What, you actually thought I was about to run that? It's like 12,000.9832 degrees out here!" She exclaims with wide eyes.
I snort. "Very specific," I tease. She fake glares at me.
"Oh shut it," he fires back, a hint of humor in her tone.
She suddenly stops talking at the sight of someone, and full blown sprints at them. We all stare with our jaws dropped as she flies into Austin Carlile's arms, and he spins her around.
We all walk up to them, still shocked, and Canon finally looks away from her boyfriend's face to look at us. "What?" She asks us once she sees our faces, and her eyebrows furrow.
"'It's like 12,000.9834 degrees out here!'" I mimic, and she reaches out with both hands and shoves me lightly.
"Fight me! And it was .9832 degrees, not .9834." I roll my eyes, but let her have this one. Picking my battles. Austin laughs at our small bickering, and is about to say something when I get a call that interrupts him, the beginning guitar rifts to 'Diary of Jane' by Breaking Benjamin filling the air instead. I groan. That's my work ringtone. I sigh, knowing I probably have a glum expression on my face by the looks I'm getting from everyone, and answer my phone.
"Blade! Get here quick! It's packed and I'm kind of freaking out!"
My eyebrows furrow at the voice. "Ruby?"
"No der, Sherlock! You need to come! Tomas, our piercer is sick and we've got about eight people lined up outside angry because they had an appointment today, and on top of that I can't find any of the appointment papers, and Tomas's license is behind, and-" I can practically feel my eyes bugging out of their sockets due to the rate in which she's talking at.
"Ruby Jones! You need to take five seconds to shut the hell up and breathe, honey. You're scaring me. Listen, email Tomas about his license so he can come into work again by Friday. I'll be in soon, but just know that this is my vacation time, so you better be paying me damn good money for this." Ruby lets out a cry of joy from the other side of the phone.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! Don't worry, you'll be in and out, thirty minutes tops!" And with that my friend hangs up.
I pull my phone from my ear and repocket it, telling the group, "that was work. I gotta go in real quick. They're lucky I'm here. It's super close, right next door to the diner. I'll be back in forty-five."
"You're not goin' alone, are you?" Kaylee asks worriedly, stepping towards me with her hands tightly clasped.
I give her a reassuring smile. "It's a three minute walk, sweets. I'll be fine."
"I'll go with you," Andy and Elijah blurt at the same time, turning to give each other annoyed looks when they hear the other's voice. Canon rolls her eyes and links her arm through mine, while Kaylee links hers through the other. "We'll go."
I shake my head. "No, guys it's cool, go meet the bands! And I know for a fact you're both squeamish." Both freeze when they hear this.
"Wait, what're you gonna be doing?" Canon asks warily. I grin evilly.
"You know, sticking a long, super sharp, evil looking needle deep into someone's flesh until I rip a whole through it. Lots of blood and gu--"
"HAHAHAHA NO. Bye Felisha!" Canon shouts, jumping back into Austin. Kaylee is already hiding behind CC.
Austin looks at me, still silently shaking with laughter and amusement in his eyes. "You couldn't just say you're a body piercer, could you?"
"Nope," I say sweetly, popping the 'P.' I start to skip towards the exit when Canon jumps on my back and let's out a battle cry.
"NO NEEDLE IS A MATCH FOR ME, MY FRIEND!" I squeak as we both go down.

In The End
FanfictionBlade is a girl with a hard life: abusive dad, abusive brother, and a fragile mother. She's an average girl with more struggles than an average loser: she's abused, bullied, harassed, and more. Sound familiar? Though the story is the same, a few ch...