Blade is a girl with a hard life: abusive dad, abusive brother, and a fragile mother. She's an average girl with more struggles than an average loser: she's abused, bullied, harassed, and more.
Sound familiar?
Though the story is the same, a few ch...
"Ma Chérie, could you grab Zeppelin's jacket? The kid's just like me: he doesn't prepare himself for cold situations," Remington calls to me from downstairs in our house, chuckling at his own joke. I smile widely, continuing to help Everett tie her long wavy dark brown hair into a ponytail. "Sure thing, Love!" I call down to Rem, and I hear him call a curt 'thanks.' Everett skips out of the bathroom once I finish her hair, and she rushes to grab her small Cheshire Cat Vans that she's been obsessed with lately. Pssshhh, whaaaat? No idea where she gets that obsession from. Let me just, you know, step in front of my mountain of Cheshire Cat stuff and hide like .00004% of it. Stepping into Zeppelin's room, I grab my one if my son's thin hoodies, looking around for something thicker than the blue and black checkered print clothing. I find a black leather jacket and take both down to Remington, all while giving Everett a piggy back ride. When I get outside, I shout to my son, "Zeppelin Reese Kropp! When we get home you're cleaning your room!" He groans, but agrees to my request, all while Remington smirks, snickering behind his hand. when he thinks I can't hear him, he murmurs to our son, "she told you," which earns him a slap upside the head. "You've lost your Harry Potter privileges," I tell him with a somewhat serious face, trying not to crack up laughing as his face takes on a look of horror. "Nononononono! I'm sorry! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry!" It's basically like this the whole time we drive to the Warner Grand Theatre that's located here in LA. I step out of the car, dressed in my black Nikes high tops, my black tight "work out leggings," my 'Parental Advisory: explicit content' white crop top, finishing off my look with my Palaye Royale hoodie tied around my waist. Remington laughed when he first saw it, but couldn't really say much, considering he was the first to pre order merch from my new dance crew, The Mad and Forgotten. I help my little Angels out of the car. my daughter, Everette May Kropp, who got her first name from Emerson and her middle name from Juliet, is dressed in black skinny jeans, a white tank that has 'Palaye Royale' on it with a skull on it, and a maroon vintage cardigan Emerson got her for the kids' sixth birthday this year, which was two days ago. Her eyes are kind of weird, one eye being a sterling grey shade, the other being a light hazel like my own. Zeppelin Reese Crop, named by his god parents Sebastian and Stephanie, is dressed in faded black semi-skinny jeans, while he's sporting a black 'The Mad and Forgotten' muscle shirt which looks so cute on his teeny frame and AWWEEEE guys I can't my son is literally a model child, with is one sterling grey eye, twin to his twin's, and his brown one. Well, My daughter is also a model child, but yanno. He's a Mama's boy. Remington grabs our son's jacket, and we walk into the theatre. Emerson's already warming up on stage, while Sebastian is talking to Stephanie at the bottom of the theatre steps. "UNCLE SEABASS!" Everette screams, and decides to literally hurl herself off the first step and trust that Sebastian will catch her rather than the flight of stairs below her. "EVERETTE!" Remington shouts, taking a step to try and run to catch her while I fly down the first few steps, but Sebastian scrambles forward and beats us to it. He catches her and my baby girl giggles. "Hi, sweetie," Sebastian says breathlessly, a little bit frazzled by her little scare. She giggles, and gives Sebby a big sloppy kiss on the cheek, making a small smile grace his face. She then sees Steph. "Aunt Stephy!!" She exclaims, trying to climb from Sebastian to Steph, making us all laugh. As Steph takes her, both Remington and I go back up the stairs to get Zeppelin, who stood at the top of the stairs patiently. I see Canon and Austin walk in, their newborn girl, Amielle, in Canon's arms. Kaylee and CC come in next, their own two year old daughter, Emery, skipping in between them. I don't have time to socialize though, due to the fact that Zeppelin launches himself into my arms and points eagerly down the steps. Zeppelins is super shy, and hardly speaks. It worried us for the first three years, but we've grown to embrace our son, just the way he is. He smiles big at Emerson, who's completely unaware that anyone has showed up as he continues to practice the drums for Mr. Doctor Man. It's when his girlfriend, Shy, knocks off his top hat that he stops playing to complain. She flicks him and points at us. Emerson smiles widely. "Children!" He says happily, getting off the stage to come see the twins. Zeppelin smiles widely. "Aunt Shy! Uncle Emerson!" Shy grins widely, and picks up Zeppelin. She immediately fit right into the family, and even cracked jokes with me. "Guys, put my kids down, we've gotta rehearse and Love, you've gotta head to the back to warm up." I nod. "Zepp, Ev, stay with your Aunts, okay?" They nod, and I kiss them both. "Good, see you in a few, 'Kay?" "'Kay," they say in usion. I slip backstage. The whole crew is waiting. "Jesus, sis, you have two kids and now you're always late," jokes Jada. Yeah, he decided to not go back to the army, and he quit the old dance crew. A few people like Zahra, Logan, Eliza, Seth, and the triplets (Aspin, Jaxon, and Zoey.) we then did the recruiting, and managed to form a crew of forty-eight people. "Shut it, old man, and let's get practicing." We run through the routine, once, twice, three times, and so on until I felt that it was perfect. Which, by the way, didn't happen until I hear my goofy husband shout from the stage, "how's everybody doin' tonight?" Followed by the room full of people screaming. Palaye's gotten really popular over the past few years, almost as famous as BVB. My new crew? We've surpassed G&BOMR, and then some. Needless to say, lots of people are here. I sprint out to the front of the stage to watch Remington, Emerson, and Sebastian's performance, making people go nuts. It only gets louder when they see goofy look Rem gives me as he sees me and leans down to place a sweet kiss on my lips. After that, they start their performance, starting with 'My Youth Generation', then going to 'Warhol', then playing 'Primary Propaganda', 'Teenagers' by MCR, and 'Where is the Boom?' "So this is the last song that we're gonna perform for you guys tonight, but I want to say something to Ma Chérie first." people scream when they here the song title and my nickname, while I blush. "You told me four years ago, to give you this piece of paper after you had our little angels, and now, I'm doing as you asked. I want my four years late Christmas present." He finishes his sentence with a chuckle, everyone laughing along with him, myself included. Remington kneels down in front of me, handing me the pink slip of paper. "Savior," he tells me, making it obvious for me what I was to do. I smile widely. With that, Remington performs Ma Chérie. Afterwards, I fight my way backstage, and quickly change my top to the standard black bralette.
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I slip my hair into a half up half down, before jumping on stage. The crowd goes nuts. "So how'd you guys like my hubby's band?" I ask with a wink, earning me a lot of screams and wolf whistles. I playfully scold them. "Oi, watch it, he's taken." I hear Remington shout from the crowd, "he doesn't mind one bit!" We all laugh. "So, I know you guys are excited to see Remington's birthday present--," people cheer loudly. "But I'm saving the best for last. On cue, the lights flicker out, and the creepy music starts up. A few of the audience members scream, making me snort after I hand the microphone back and slip on my creepy doll mask.
Once we finish our first routine, we all rush backstage, boys quickly changing while the girls Velcro on their red skirts. (A/N: yes it's the same one from the first book)
As everyone is climbing offstage as we finish, while I grab the mic again. "So, I was gonna do a solo piece after we finished but," I pause, breathless, and the crowd 'boo's. I laugh. "Let me finish, geez, anyway, I was, but now that my husband finally gave me the slip for his gift, I guess I'll do that instead." I put the microphone back, and 'Wild Heart' by The Vamps starts to play. I know, all of you guys were like 'awe your gonna be dancing to savior by Black Veil Brides! You guys are secretly in love!' But no. Sorry, we're both happily married, and Juliet is actually expecting. Heck I'm madly in love with Remington and our little angels, so just no. As soon as it starts, I leap up into a spin, making everyone go nuts. Throughout the routine, I only break eye contact with Remington when necessary, like if I have to do a spin or a roll or a flip, all the contemporary versions anyway. Once I finish, the crowd goes nuts, and someone pulls my leg from the stage, making me lose my balance and fall into the crowd. Thankfully, it's just Remington, who catches me bridal style. I giggle. "Hi, Love," I quoth, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. He holds me tighter, and shouts out, "goodnight, everybody!" With that, Remington sprints us to backstage where are kids are waiting, all while I'm tucked safely in his arms. My family is beyond perfect, and I have all the friends I could ever ask for. It doesn't matter where I've come from, only who I've come to be, and to me, I'm the best version of me. What else do I need?
The End.
AAAAAAH IT'S OVER I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I've had so much fun writing this story, and I hope that all of my stories make you guys happy :3 thank you all so so much for coming this far with me, and I hope we have many more adventures together! Goodbye, Loves! •~^