"Sorry, I forgot the word 'drums' exists," I joke, trying to lighten my awkwardness. James laughs some more.
"It's cool."
"C-can you sign my wrist?" I ask shyly, and he nods, magically pulling out a sharpie. I guess I made a face, because he explains.
"When you're a rockstar, you carry these things everywhere." I laugh, and hold out my wrist, while he signs it. When he's done, he pulls out his drumsticks, and hands them to me. I make a dying donkey noise and my mouth drops open.
By this time, James is cracking up. "You really are a weird one. I think you're cool. Well I have to go, but I will definitely see you around. This place has amazing food."
"B-bye!" I call out to his retreating figure, his family waiting outside. With that, I skip my way around the diner, and happen to skip right into Andy, causing him to grip my waist to steady me. I blush.
"You okay?" He asks, a ghost smile he always seems to wear when he's amused graces his face, his eyes dancing. I simply nod. "Where you going?"
"To get some food and clothes," I state, lifting my hand to indicate I'm leaving. He raises an eyebrow when he sees my wrist. "W-what? It's fluffing James Culpepper. I'll probably only meet him once."
"In that case, where to the boys and I sign?"*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
I ended up getting six signatures: two signatures one ankle, one on the other, one on my hip bone, one on my collar bone, and one on my wrist. Jake and Jinxx signed my left ankle, while Ashley signed the other. Andy signed my hip, CC signed my collar, and due to my 'bang bang pssssshhh' we know who signed my wrist.
I practically skip out of the diner, walking past the tattoo parlor I sometimes work at. I only do piercings there with my friend Ruby, who saw me and is calling after me, "DON'T FORGET TO TEXT ME, YOU TURD!" I laugh at her, promising while BVB quickly follows me.
"She's seems intense," Ashley says, making us all laugh. I mean, this is Ashley.
"You guys don't have to walk me to my car," I say, but Ash rolls his eyes and tells me to shut up. I'd dropped Mom off at a hotel, telling her to check us in, and not to open the door to anybody but me, which she said she'd happily oblige.
Once the goodbyes are said to the Boys, Andy walks over to me. "Hey, Blade." I take in his messy but still neat black hair, along with the gold streak he'd gotten during his time on this year's warped, and smile. (A/N: okay so last book I tried to make it close to the story line, but his book, Andy goes to 2015 warped without Juliet being on the tour, and they met for the first time last chapter. It's all over da pleze.)
"H-hey," I stutter. His small ghost smile slides across his face, and I can't help but let a full blown smile take over my own. He always has a shy smile, but an amazing sense of humor. He's completely different when her on stage. When he's performing, he has either a real, full smile, an angry face, or some other emotion. But when he's on stage, he pours his heart into the emotion. It's almost like he bottles it up until he gets to the stage.
"---thing, and- Blade?" I snap back into reality.
"S-Sorry, I zoned out. Can you repeat like, all of that?" I ask shyly, and he lets out a small, quiet snicker.
"Sure. So I wanted your opinion on something, and I'm a bit worried to actually do this. I think it might piss of the guys, but what do you think of me doing a solo album?"
I stiffen. "Like on the side or in lieu of--"
"As a side project, Black Veil Brides is too important! It serves as many people's beacon of safety, for their sense of comfort. It's home for the outcasts, which is something I felt I was when I was growing up. I still do sometimes." At this he lets out a sad laugh, and I feel pity for him. I step closer to the blue eyed boy I who just had a moment of vulnerability, and placemat hand on his arm.
"I think that, if doing a solo album on the side of Black Veil Brides, and it's something you feel strongly about, then go for it. You'll technically be promoting both careers with both labels, and if the band doesn't understand, then they aren't true friends. Same goes with your fans. You may loose quite a few, but you're entitled to having slide where you can make some decisions based off of what you want, not what the fans want." Andy lets one of his--unfortunately--ghost smiles appear, and gives me a side hug and a kiss on top of my head.
"Thanks." I grin, the calm version of what my fancies is going internally, and we not our goodbyes.
I quickly drive to the grocery store, picking up a few snacks that'll hold us off until I get my checks tomorrow. Then, I head to the mall to get some clothes.
For me, I get some Cheshire Cat print vans, The Joker print converse, a BVB print hoodie, a PVRIS muscle tee, two pairs of black jeans, one pair of striped jeans, a 'Winchester Brothers' sweater, a Gryffindor sweater, four Harry Potter shirts, each of a different house, and a doctor who pull over hoodie. I also grab the personals, before heading over to get Mom's stuff.
I grab her personals, before sprinting away from that section. What? It makes me uncomfortable how all the women have to stop and look to see my size while I pick out my shiz! Anyway, I flee from hell and grab mom a set of black jeans, three sets of regular blue jeans, one set of grey ones, and one pair of split leg black and white jeans. I then grab her two tank tops that are from The Misfits, one pullover that is Queen, a T-shirt that says 'you're never alone when you have books', another that says 'bad things come in small packages too' and a Neck Deep pullover. I quickly rush to the accessories, knowing if I don't turn away from clothes now, it'll be too late. I grab a purple stone dragon claw necklace, a pocket watch necklace from Alice Through The Looking Glass, two MCR chokers, because both Mom and I love MCR, a black skeleton bracelet, and a clear vinyl spike choker. I grab two backpacks and stuff the clothes in them, since it's 30% off everything in the bags due to school (which I don't have to attend.)
I quickly pay before going back to the car and sorting our stuff out, putting Mom's stuff in the mad hatter backpack and mine in the Cheshire Cat one.
When I get to the hotel, I knock three times, like I told Mom I would. She opens the door and takes me inside, and I hand her her backpack.
But before I can say anything, I hear a voice say, "Bladen. Finally."
I freeze. No. Not him. Why?

In The End
FanfictionBlade is a girl with a hard life: abusive dad, abusive brother, and a fragile mother. She's an average girl with more struggles than an average loser: she's abused, bullied, harassed, and more. Sound familiar? Though the story is the same, a few ch...