I decided to just use the same expert from the last book. BUT, there will be changes. Read on!
God. Why? Why Why Why Why Why Why wHY WHY WHY WHY ME?! what did I do to deserve this? it was just an accident, nothing that harsh happened, and nobody got seriously hurt.
so why is it that I'm the one sitting in this chair while Sea World Medics bustle around me, with my boss sitting next to me a sobbing mess, and her boss a centimeter from my face, with his blue veins fighting to blister their way out of his plum and burgundy face. Seriously, the man's worse than Mr. Machoka, and that man could go blue.
so, what, may you wonder, occurred to plant me into this slippery chair with Menoetius the Titan? Well...* * * * *
I jump on the stage in front of the crowd who smile at me. I smile back and continue the greeting, introducing Shamoo.
I jumped into the water, and I catch sight of the sign that reads the name of the whale. My eyes widen. Armeus isn't fully trained! He's only been in captivity for a year! He might----
suddenly, a huge black and white object smashes into my side, making my back slam into the glass of the tank and I loose my train of thought.
I hear the muffled screams of the crowd from above and behind me, but all I can do is clutch my stomach. the Killer Whale swims away and starts to circle back to me, but I swim away. One of the many tests before they even consider letting you train to be a trainer is swimming the length of the massive pool in under 30 seconds. (true fact, it's one of the many reasons my cousin didn't work at Sea World)
I swim as quickly as possible to the nearby rock and struggle to pull myself out, gasping for breath. My vision had started to get blurry while I was under. I see my Mom standing at the glass, crying clinging to a near-tears Dakota, and Elijah is pounding on it, trying to see me.
Andy Biersack notices me struggling and runs over to me, with the rest of Black Veil Brides on his tail. As he reaches me, the Killer Whale grabs my foot and drags me back under, slamming my temple on the rock on the way under.
I thrash around, trying to get out of its mouth as it drags me to the bottom of the pool. What confuses me is that the creature hasn't pierced my skin or injured my foot, which is still in its mouth, with its teeth yet.
I feel the water slowly filling up my lungs, and I start to cough it out in the water. I haven't screamed because it causes lack of oxygen. Besides, I've had training for this, right? this is what I've been prepared for. Hah. No. it's one thing to practice and prepare, but it's another thing to be a victim. all the training? out the flipping window.
I look up and see through the water and my hair--now that the wig has completely sunk to the bottom of the pool, along with the water cap I'd had on my head-- Andy's contorted figure panicking and the rest of the guys pacing or leaning down to try and jump in, but pulling back. The whale releases me and I again soar up to the surface, wheezing and paddling swiftly to the rock where BVB is located.
As I'm swimming, I'm taken back down. The back of my head bangs against the tank repeatedly, and with each slam, the shrieks and screams get more muffled. through the glass, I watch my family cringe every time my head connects, and I see them screaming my name. suddenly, Elijah drops on the floor, banging weakly on the glass.
I can hear his piercing, raw scream as clear as day, and is see him shaking uncontrollably and he is clawing at his chest and neck. He's having a panic attack. I mentally sigh with relief as I see Mom and Dakota run to him.
The edges of my vision is fading black again and it finally occurs to me: The whale is playing. He thinks I'm playing with him. He doesn't think I'm a trainer.
This time, when he releases me, I swim up and launch myself out of the water and blow a whistle, signaling that it's a trainer, and that he needs to chill the fluff out. The whale stops trying to drown me, clearly confused.
The stadium fills with hushed whispers and worried cries. I glance up at the audience and see that the doors are being blocked, leading to why they're all still here.
When I dive back into the pool, I swim to a different rock and grab a pale of food. Every trainer has a technique they use when they train an animal, and when they use a certain technique, the animal slowly will submit, even the newer ones.
I start to train the whale, slowly making my way next to it in the process. When I'm done, I toss the pale onto the rock and wait. By now, the stadium is dead silent.
The whale snatches my hand in its mouth and my heart plummets along with the whale, whose dragging me like a rag doll. I hear my family and the band scream my name and I hear a deep voice yell, "you idiot!" but I didn't care at the moment.
Suddenly, it releases me and floats in front of me. for a while, we just stare at each other, floating in the middle of the huge pool. I then break out into a grin and realize the trick he wants to perform.
I lean forward and kiss the whale and the crowd erupts into cheers of relief and happiness. I swim onto its back and allow the whale to take us to the surface. As we near it, I move to crouch on It's nose area. As the whale explodes into the air, I stand and we spiral while the whole stadium is screaming at the top of their lungs in joy and relief.
I swim to the rock where the band is waiting with grins and looks of alleviation. I haul myself out of the pool and switch out my broken microphone after saying, "Thanks for trying to help, guys. Could you do me a favor? could you go over to my family, the people who I was talking to that sit right next to you, and calm them down?" they nod and walk away while I apologize to the crowd and finish the show.* * * * * *
So here I am now, being checked out by our Park Paramedics while my butt is being served to me by my boss's boss, who, as it turns out, was the one who called me an idiot.
"Look, sir, with all due respect, the animal is fine, nobody got hurt, and everyone had a blast. I have to get to a shift I'm late for, but I apologize for inconveniencing you. I need this job, though. I promise that it won't happen again."
He just stares at me for a few minutes before sighing and nodding, motioning for my boss and I to get out. we scramble out of our chairs and leave so fast, you wouldn't have known we'd even walked in, if it hadn't been for us going into to get yelled at.
As soon as I walk out my Mom rushes to me and flies into me sobbing, clutching me for dear life. I murmur soothing words to her, rubbing her back to calm her down. She's had so much change lately, she was scared that I could change too, in a way that would mean she would go through this alone.
After a few seconds, she lets go of me and smiles weakly, tears still streaking her cheeks, but says nothing. I know my mom: If she is overcome with emotion she doesn't speak, for she doesn't trust her voice.
soon, I hear Dakota scream bloody murder and I fly into the air, along with my mother. I turn in time to see the girl practically soaring at me and I brace myself for the impact. she flings herself in my arms and collapses, dragging me to the floor.
I sit on the floor, too stunned to move, and Elijah, Andy, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and CC reach us. Not even ten seconds later. she shoots to her feet, bringing me with her and slaps me across the face. My head snaps to the side and I stare at her in shock with everyone else.
"You little--" but she's cut off by Elijah covering her mouth with one hand and holding her head to it with the other.
He smiles at me and I see all the worry in his eyes. " Is this how your work is everyday? Cause that would explain the bruises." I freeze for a moment, but laugh it off. They can't know. "how are you?" He tries.
I walk over to him and pat him on the back, saying, "So I'm fine, I just need ice. I'm gonna be a bit sore though," I pause due to a shaky laugh. "Medics say I'm gonna be pretty bruised up, and I may not be able to walk that much without pain for the next few days, but that's the worst of it. we're going to be late to the diner."
The twins needed more money that the Hot Topic job could pay, so I helped them get another job. Another couple of hours with me!! Just kidding. Anyway, Mom shows me Elijah's phone to show me a text they sent about today's events.
But before Elijah can respond, Dakota bites down on his hand full force, causing him to yelp and drop his hands to cradle the one injured.
"You had us worried sick! We could've lost you. when you weren't coming up for air, a-a-and when y-y-y-your h-head--" she has to stop to regain control of her wobbling voice, "You can't do that to us. We may not know each other that well, but you're still the nicest, most caring person here. You're NOT going to the diner today."
"Then good luck getting a ride," I state smugly and both Dakota and Elijah's mouths drop open. "Look, I can't afford to skip jobs." Dakota sighs in defeat and I walk over to Black Veil Brides.
"Thank you guys for everything."
"We didn't do anything. I panicked the whole time and the boys were like apprehensive relatives in a hospital waiting room," Andy points out. I blush, realizing this is the longest conversation I've had with him.
"W-well, you did try to help when the whale was using me as a chew toy, a-and you calmed them down," I point to the arguing twins, and my mother, "a whole lot."
The boys all grin and we head our separate ways, with my friends, Mother, and I racing to my Impala to get to the Diner.
Well, as soon as we walk into the diner, all of my co-workers rip me away from my family. I'm being patted down from head to toe, while being asked, "are you all right?" I laugh and tell them all I'm fine, before grabbing my waist apron and putting it on.
When Black Veil Brides walks in, I grab their menus and walk them to the table closest to the small little stage area we have. A girl wants to audition for a place to play. Maybe they could help her get somewhere. "So what can I get you boys to drink?"
"Boys?" CC asks bewildered, puffing out his scrawny chest.
"Blade, babe, we're men," Ashley corrects, and I can't help it: I burst out laughing. CC and Ashley looks wounded, while Andy rolls his eyes. Jake is asking what he missed while he was in the bathroom, and Jinxx high fives me.
When I sober up, I ask, "so the drinks?" The boys---sorry, men-- sigh in defeat, but put in their orders. I quickly bring them out, place them down, and start to the walk away, right as a little girl screams at her Dad, throws all of her Mac n cheese on the ground, evidently making me slip and fall onto someone.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I start to fuss, trying to get up, but failing miserably.
"It's totally cool," a deep throaty voice responds, and arms wrap around my waist.
Oh my Lordy Jesus.
I know those tattoos. I swallow, and slowly look up. When I meet the person's eyes, I feel my throat close up, and feel my mouth dry. Andy Biersack smirks at me.See? I told you! Change! But, you know, only minor change.

In The End
FanfictionBlade is a girl with a hard life: abusive dad, abusive brother, and a fragile mother. She's an average girl with more struggles than an average loser: she's abused, bullied, harassed, and more. Sound familiar? Though the story is the same, a few ch...