So I realized that the book is now in the month December, and I was totally about to keep writing this in summer perspective. I'm such an idiot, I know. Anyways, here's a Christmas chapter!!
I drop my head on the steering wheel, tired to no end. I don't know if I can keep doing four jobs a day while being pregnant. The Diner has been packed, not to mention Sea World (even though they took me off any further shows during my pregnancy for any future incidents) and Hot Topic--- well, Hot Topic in LA is always packed, but even more so now, with it being winter. For some reason, as soon as the winter season hits, people flood the malls on their fur lined puffy jackets and fleece clothing.
I'm about to pull out of the mall's parking lot, struggling a bit with my dozen fingers due to the mid evil weather when Steph texts:S- Hey if ur still at the Mall, could you pick up the present I ordered Sebs for Xmas? If you already left it's fine, I'll pick it up 2morrow.
I bolt upright. Aw, Frickle Nugglet!!! Christmas is in three days!!! I face palm: I literally forgot about Christmas, meaning I forgot to get my boyfriend and family a gift. I'm the greatest girlfriend ever. I quickly text Stephanie that I'll get the gift as I shrug my flannel on before sliding my fleece hoodie over my head, placing my beanie back on. stepping out of my Impala, I back into the mall.
I first pick up the gift Steph got Sebastian, which is already nearly wrapped in a pearlescent tan color, the paper sealed together with black ribbon. Stuffing the present gently in my new backpack I bought earlier today at work in preparation for starting school in a few weeks, I start on the gifts for everyone.
For Emerson, I quickly pick up a set of Vintage Damask Contour Drum Sticks, a copy of The Essence of Alan Watts (since he loves philosophy), and a new sketch book,
Since he complains a lot about the paper quality of his current one.
For Sebastian I get a new vintage dress coat, which is his favorite thing to wear on stage, a new guitar strap, and a bunch of guitar pics that are a collection of different brands.
I get Steph a few bottles of her favorite perfume, along with a gift card to Forever 21. Thanks to Canon, she's now hooked on that store. I also get her and Sebastian tickets to go see The Rolling Stones (those I bought online. Psh, I wish I'd found those at the mall though.)
I get Mason a few new band tees, due to the fact that all of his are so used they have giant holes in them, along with a new leather jacket. I'm honestly trying to patch things up with him, and I might as well start with a sign of peace: a Christmas gift.
I decide to get Mom a few small things, and then show her the gift I'd gotten her last month. Yeah, I know. I remembered Christmas a month ago, but not when it's literally next door. Anyways, I get her more clothes, some makeup, an iPod, and lots of candy.
I also get Kaylee and Canon gifts, Kaylee a MCR vinyl and a makeup palette, and Canon a Forever 21 gift card, along with a BMTH shirt. For Jada, I get him a gift card to Shoe Locker, cause I know he loves him some Nikes. I get Dakota and Elijah BMTH concert tickets, along with two vinyls for each of them.
As for Remington, I honestly don't know what to get the perfect boyfriend. I mean obviously I replace his ratty leather jacket, and get him some shorts because the one pair he owns is....interesting, and sure I get him more eye makeup, along with all the Harry Potter books, movies, pins, and character wands that we sell in Hot Topic, as well as the no-brainer, three giant jars of Nutella. But what could I get him that shows him I care about him more than he knows?
I decide I'll show him the dance. The dance I made that I've never shown anyone. The dance I created when Jada left, and it's a dance that promises one thing: I'll always be there. But of course, I'll wait until after I have the babies.
With that I pic up Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Firefly wrapping paper (I may have fangirled over the last one, which I also might've had to buy myself the shirt with the dinosaurs that say 'Curse your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal!')
With that, I skip back out to the Impala, that has a small thin layer of frost covering the hood. Putting all of the bags in the back, I head home.

In The End
FanfictionBlade is a girl with a hard life: abusive dad, abusive brother, and a fragile mother. She's an average girl with more struggles than an average loser: she's abused, bullied, harassed, and more. Sound familiar? Though the story is the same, a few ch...