Chapter 24

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"Why do you like going out to so many clubs?" I asked Karim.
Sergio and Marcelo were knocking back tequila shots faster than you can breathe. Gareth watched them with amused eyes, sipping slowly on his drink as Marcelo began to sway and smile stupidly.

This club was louder than the last, wilder and it looked even more dangerous.

"I don't know, I guess it occupies my time." He replied, not taking his eye off of Cora who was on the dancefloor with Lina and Daniella.

They laughed and moved around to the beat of the music, looking like sardines on the packed dance floor.

Catalina looked over at me and winked slyly. I smirked back at her, taking in her outfit.

Damn could my fiancee dress or what?

I looked around at the people in here, feeling slighty uneasy at the lack of maturity and security. I did have Vic and his team here but you could never have too much security.

The ones whose tongues were shoved down each others throats. The way some of them were dry humping on the dance floor. The scantily clad women latched onto the fat old men. The others were agressive and shady looking men.

This is almost like a cliché teenage party.

Although I didn't want to ruin the guys fun, I had a bad feeling about being here. Something was just weighing on my heart and it was suffocating me.

"Where did you bring us Karim?" Gareth asked with a nervous laugh, voicing my thoughts.

"My friend was supposed to be here tonight. Would've been better if he was here, then there would've been a hell of a lot more security than ours. Fuck it, I don't feel safe here. 5 more minutes, get the ladies and we're going to crash at my place. Sounds good?" Karim said with a sigh. We all nodded quickly.

Thank god we're on the same page.

Something bad is going to happen.

I heard a loud crash followed by an even louder commotion coming from the direction of the bar. The DJ stopped the music stop and everyone else looked around for the source.

Well there we go.

"What the fuck is going on," A feminine voice called.

"Baby it's not what you think," Another voice answered.

Damn it, that was James.

All of us poked our head out of the booth and saw a crowd gathered around who I could only assume was James and Daniella.

We pushed our way through the throng of party people and found James looking like a deer in headlights backed up to the wall, Daniella who looked on the verge of strangling him and another familiar looking woman who had a sly, conniving look on her face.

"How could it not be what I'm thinking? I find you two with your tongues shoved down each others throat and your hands trying to grab on her flat ass." Daniella screamed again.

I pushed my way closer and stood behind her along with Karim and Marcelo while Sergi looked for the rest of the girls.

"Dani I swear she came onto me," James pleaded in a pained voice, grabbing her hand.

"Yeah right James," Daniella scoffed shrugging him off,"This is pathetic."

"Or your boyfriend just wants a good time because you're not giving it to him?" The blonde woman piped up, a sneer plastered over her face as she fluffed her hair,"You do look at bit worn in the face."

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