Chapter 9

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Mikey's pov

I wake up early taking a shower and getting ready, I was gonna tell Calum my feelings towards him today so I have to look good.

I fix my hair put on cologne and brush my teeth, I don't want Calum to think my breathe stinks so I also use mouth wash.

I walk to his house nervously and when I finally get there I realized I could have just taken my car.

I knock on the door and Calum's mom answers it.

"Hey sweetie! Calum's in his room you can just go on up." She smiles and let's me in.

"Calum?" I say nervously.

He smiles at me "hey Mikey what's up?"

"I-I n-need to t-tell you something." I mentally face palm for stuttering.

"What is it?" I hear concern in his voice.

"Please don't ignore me and stop being my friend after this." I beg.

His eyes widen "I'd never stop being your friend, Mikey what's wrong?" His voice is full of worry now.

"I like you." I mumble hoping he didn't hear me. He did.

To my surprise his face lit up and he smiled widely "I like you to!"

My eyes widen. Did Calum Hood just say he likes me!? "What!?" I ask making sure I didn't miss hear him or anything.

"I like you too, I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't think you liked me." He says looking down. Wait what? who wouldn't like Calum he's literally perfection.

"So what does that mean?" I ask nervously.

He smirks then pulls me close to him and whispers in my ear "it means I'm your boyfriend babe."

I smile and hug him, he giggles and wraps his arms around my waist.

He sat down on the bed putting me on his lap "do you wanna watch Netflix with me?" He asks looking for a good show.

I nod and try to sit on the bed but he wraps an arm protectively around me not letting me.

We end up watching Once upon a time.

"Baby, can I kiss you?" Calum asks nervously even though I don't know why he'd be nervous.

I turn around so now I'm straddling him.

He leans in and I do the same and before I knew it our lips met.

We move in sync I lightly tug on some of his hair and he wraps his arms around my waist slowly moving his left arm down to my thigh.

By the time we break a part we're both out of breathe.

"Was that your first kiss?" He asks surprised.

"Yea why was it bad?"

He shakes his head frantically "No it was amazing! You're a really good kisser."

I blush and smile like an idiot.

He lays me down and cuddles me leaving kisses down my neck sucking on my skin.

I know this will leave marks tomorrow but I don't care. I tilt my head in pleasure trying not to moan since his moms here and that'll just be awkward to explain.

I flip him over so now I'm on top and start kissing his lips, down to his neck. I take off his shirt and leave kisses down his chest.

He shifts up wards and takes off my shirts and his eyes widen "woah who knew you had such an amazing body Michael!" His eyes scanning me.

I blush and tried to hide it by covering my face. He puts my arms out of my face and kisses me flipping us over again so he's on top.

I like it better when he's topping. He gives me love bites and kisses down to my chest teasing.


After that we did some... 'activities' that happened to be in his bed.

We're currently spooning I'm the little spoon and we're watching Once upon a time.

"Baby." Calum says startling me since it was quiet. He noticed I jumped "shít I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you."

"It's ok." I assure him.

"I was wondering if you were sleeping over." He cuddles me tighter.

I nod "yea is that ok?" I ask hopeful.

"Of course it is baby." He gives me a kiss on the check and we focus on the tv.


A few minutes later I realize I hadn't eaten anything, I check the time and it's 12:30 pm.

"Calpal I'm hungry." I whine like a little kid.

He chuckles "ok let's go to Jerry's, it'll be our first date." He smiles.


When we're at jerry's eating our food an old lady comes up to us looking at us in discussed.

"Are you two dating?" She asks.

"Yes we are." Calum answers for us.

She gives us a disgusting look "ew." Was all she said. Bitch.

"What chu mean 'ew'?" Calum sasses the lady getting everyone's attention.

"It's just disturbing seeing a boy and a boy date." She cringes.

"Well it's a good thing it's legal now so I can do something like this-" he cups my cheeks and smashes our lips together kissing me. The old lady looks shocked "and not care what you think about it." He smirks.

The old lady shakes her head in disapproval and goes back to her seat and everyone's slowly going back to their own conversations instead of focusing their attention on us.

"Wow I've never been sassy to an old lady before." He laughs.

I giggle and we eat our pizza half and half, well I might have taken 2 or 3 of his slices of pizza.

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