Chapter 4 - Settling In

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WARNING: Cursing is used in this chapter.

~(Y/N) POV~

After everyone was done partying, they started to calm down and went back to their usual business. I did the same. After we finished the party, I went to the counter to get my guild mark. "Master?" I asked. "Just call me Gramps. What is the matter (Y/N)?" "Could I maybe get my mark?" He put his hand on his chin like he was thinking. "I don't remember where the stamp is. You'll have to wait until Mira wakes up." "Someone talking about me?" Both Gramps and me turned our heads to see Mira coming down the stairs from the infermary and go behind the counter. "What were you talking about that you need me for?" she asked. "Our new member here needs her mark but since I forgot where the stamp is, I needed you for it." Gramps replied.

I smiled shyly. "Sure!" She turned and left. A couple of minutes later, she returned with a stamp. "Colour and the place?" she asked. "(F/C) and on my (B/P) [Fav colour and best place, just FYI] please." She did as I asked and I looked at it pleased. I smiled in satisfaction before a girl with brown hair walked over and asked for beer. 

"Hi. I'm Cana. Welcome to our guild." she smiled. Her face was red so I assumed that she was drunk seeing that Mira didn't just hand her a cup but a whole barrel instead. "I'm (Y/N) and thank you Cana." she smiled again and asked me to drink with her. I said maybe another time because if we had a competition, I'll be sure to win. I know because there was this one time I sneaked out of the house and went to my friend's house. 


I sneaked out of the house to (F/N)'s house. We made a bet today to see who can drink the most and I knew I was going to win but she didn't think so. That's when me made the bet. I rushed past the many houses in the neighbourhood until I reached a house that had all it's lights out. "Well, I'm here." I said as my friend stepped out of the shadows. 

He stood an inch taller than me but was always shy around others even if he was the taller boy. We clicked and became friends only because of that fact. I was the only on that approched him at school. Naturally we became friends. "Come on. We'll have to sneak through the window at the shop to get the drinks." I followed him until we came in front of the forest. We walked a little more until we stopped just before a really old tree. He pulled up a door and let me go first, shortly climbing in after me.

I knew that we were going to the secret house on the other side of the moutain and it would take 3 day to get there but it only took a 20 mins walk and 5-10 mins run through the tunnel that we created. After 15 mins, we came to a ladder and I climbed up and pushed another door open. Making sure that no one was in the area, I pushed myself up before helping (F/N). We went to a small hut that was a storage room full of barrel of beer. 

Smirking, I jumped in through the window and so did (F/N). Then we started out drinking contest. It wasn't about speed in this one. It was about how much: the quantity. By the end, when I saw the dawn break the dark night, (F/N) had drunk 10 barrels before stopping because he felt like passing out. He didn't want to because he wanted to see how many I drank before doing the same. If he fell asleep only to wake up with more barrels than that empty on my part, he could have just thought that I cheated and emptied them out and into the groud. So I continued drinking. By the time we had to go home before our parents woke up, he had gotten better and I had drunk around 38 barrels without being remotely drunk. He was amazed and out his hands out in defeat. 

After that, we left the same way we came to go back home. We we reached his house, we got the surprise of our lives. The lights were on and we could see the wondering shadows of his parents frantically looking around the house for him. He sneaked in through his bedroom window and said that I could go and that he'll take care of his parents. I wasn't convinced though. "You HAVE to go before your parents find you missing as well. Don't worry. I'll be fine." he reassured me. I still had a little bit of doubt but he had a point. My parents would make an even bigger fuss and I would be grounded until I was 18. I nodded and rushed off to my house and into bed. 

~End of flahsback~

I remember having only 2 hours and 47 minutes of sleep that night before my parent and I had to get up to do our daily routines. I smiled at the memory. "What are you smilin' about?" I looked up breaking from my trance to see Natsu and Laxus coming down the stairs from the infermary with Erza close behind. "Just remembering the past. Oh and sorry about today. I think I should have used less magic so that you guys would be up eariler." Laxus chuckled. "It's fine. I'm thankful that was only 15 percent for us three. But to knock out Natsu with 2 percent-" "That's amazing." Erza finished, sitting down besides me. Then I saw Grey walking up to us. 

"Glad to see you guys up. Well apart from Flame breath." Then he looked at me and indicated to my mouth. Then he mouthed the word 'drool'. I wipped my mouth to realised that was he said was indeed true before my face turned red. Wait. Did I fall asleep? Now that you mention it, I have a blanket around me. "Grey, did I fall asleep?" He nodded and pointed towards the window that showed the sun setting. Now that he showed me, I also noticed that the guild was starting to clear up. I guessed that with the use of magic from the battle and the healing magic that I used along with Grey, I was tired and fell asleep due to exhaustion.

"Seems like we just woke up and we already have to go home." Erza said. Shit. I thought. Everyone has to go but since I was out of it most of the time, I didn't even get time to look for a house or hotel to stay in. Seeing my discomfort, Mira asked. "You don't have a place to stay do you?" I shook my head to show that she was right. "Then you can stay over at my place today and we can look for somewhere for you to stay tomorrow." Erza offered. I nodded in gratitude. "Thank you. That sounds like a wonderful idea." "Goodnight them." Grey and Natsu said in unison before beginning to bicker as the walked out of the guild hall. After saying g'night, Laxus left and so did Mira. 

Cleaning up the counter and closing the doors, we headed to Erza's place. I was expecting a house but instead we ended up in front of a dormatry. We went in and into Erza's room. The second I stepped in though, I was met with a really long room that had the walls lined with stands that had armour on them. I admired the different types of armour as Erza lead me to a empty room that had to be intergrated into hers to fit all her armour. "Thanks and sorry for intruding." "No problem. If anything, I should be apologizing for the mess." I giggle before letting out a soft 'It's fine' and plopping myself on the soft and comfy bed. I didn't even have time to say 'Good night' to Erza before the dark abyss of sleep took over. 

I was really tired.


Hi minna-san. I hoped you've enjoyed my story so far. Since I'm in the Easter holidays right now, I'll try to update more often. Please leave me a comment to let me know on how I've done so far.

And if you want to give me some ideas or tell me what could be improved, I'll happily try to change it to make it better for you guys to read.

Well, I'll see you guys in the next chapter. 

Bye-bye minna-san.

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