Chapter 9 - Dragon War (History Part 3)

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"I think I should take it from here. You'll find out why I'm a dragon and-" he turned to look at me. "-you're always uncomfortable talking about the Dragon War." he said. I thought for a bit. Not only was I uncomfortable, but I also remembered very little because of the fact that I kinda made myself forget most of it. I nodded and Acnologia took over.

~Grey's POV~

She nodded and Acnologia started talking. I wasn't really paying attention even though I should. They already knew what happened and they're only retelling the story for me to understand. But I just couldn't pay attention. (Y/N) was such a nice and innocent looking girl when actually she has so much pain in her past that no one could understand unless they've known her for a long time.

Not only that, but she is an immortal human with a dragon friend that might have actually been human before this Dragon War thing.

(Y/N)'s nice, kind and caring nature has been there since she was born but it got nicer with more pain. That more pain she experienced, the kinder she got. That's because she didn't want anyone being hurt the way she was. She try to protect others from the pain of the world even if she doesn't know them much or even at all in general. That's why she doesn't have a problem making friends and that's also why she's loved by everyone around her.

If people do hate her, they might see something they don't have and that's why. She's also so beautiful. That happy smile of hers which if you look closely enough, you can see much pain and sadness behind it. The (H/L) (H/C) that flows freely, and those beautiful (E/C) eyes. Everything about her is just so perfect.

I just don't understand who would want to hurt such a perfect per- WAIT! WHAT AM I THINKING!? Did I seriously just call (Y/N) perfect!? I shook my head and tried to concentrate on what was being said.

"Grey are you OK?" (Y/N) asked, looking at me. I turn my head feeling  blush creeping onto my faceand reply. "Y-yeah. Can you just restart? Please? I just spaced out for a sec there."

~(Y/N)'s POV~

"A few month later, there was a large dispute over the treatment towards humans." Acnologia continued. "'Should we live among humans or rule over them?' was the whole reason that started a whole war. There were 50 50 with the votes. After a lot of disputes between dragons with different opinions, a war broke out." I put my hand up to Acnologia to stop him for a second.

I looked over to Grey to make sure whether he was listening or not. We were saying the whole story for him to understand in the first place. When I looked at him, he looked spaced out. I nodded when Acnologia looked at me and he nudged him with his bid dragon snout. Grey didn't even flinch.

Huh? That's weird. The second that happened he would have jumped and ran. I thought. Despite him having relaxed his muscles, he still would have had his guard in. I waved my hand in front of his face. No response.

Grey the shook his head slightly like he was coming out of a trance and looked up. "Grey are you OK?" I asked, concern definitely in my voice. Acnologia put his snout back down and settled again. "Y-yeah. Can you restart? Please? I just spaced out there for a sec." Grey said, turning his head to the side. I see a little red creeping onto his face. Is he blushing? Must be my imagination.

I looked apologetically at Acnologia and he just shook his head slightly to say that it was fine and that he understood. "So as I was saying. A few month later, there was a large dispute over the treatment towards humans." Acnologia restarted. "'Should we live among humans or rule over them?' was the whole reason that started the war. There were 50 50 with the votes. After a lot of disputes between dragons with different opinions, a war broke out."

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