Chapter 7 - Acnologia ( History -Part 1)

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~Back at the guild, Mira's POV~ (A/N: Bett'cha weren't expecting that were you?)

"Yes... yes... Thank you. Bye." I said as I closed the call. "So, what did they say?" The master was looking at me. I figured I must have looked really pale because there was a look of concern plastered to master's face. "They said that it's fine. And also..." I cut myself short, not knowing what to say. The master gave me a look to say that I should keep going. "And they also said that they raised the reward to 16 million jewels." I finished. The master looked at me in shock.

"What the hell, a raise!? 16 million jewels!? Are those kids trying to make themselves rich!? " the master shouted, earning a look of shock from the whole guild. My composture returning, I shrugged before going back to my earlier task.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

After getting off the train, me and Grey headed to the town hall to get our mission with more details. "Move it already. I don't wanna be late and the sun's gonna set before we get there if we move this slowly!" I shouted back to Grey. He seemed a little spaced put since we got off the train but I didn't think too much into this. After the mission, he'll definately have something to be thinking about. I thought. "Huh? Sorry. Coming!" he said catching up and running past me. "Now who's the slow poke!?" he shouted, turning around to face me. He was running backwards... with a grin on his face. That smug little face has to go. I thought as I smirked as well and ran after him, passing him in the process. He turned around so he can run faster and started after me. "Hey wait up!" he called after me. "Yeah yeah slow poke! You'll have to catch me! Hahahaha!" I said back laughing as we went along. It reminded me of when we were little. We used to do this a lot.

~small time skip to the town hall~

I stopped in front of the town hall to wait for Grey and catch my breath. Lookng at the horizon, I saw that we only had approximately another 2 hours and 43 minutes before the sun would start setting. Finishing catching my breath, I saw Grey coming over panting. I just giggled at him. "Grey, shirt." Understanding, he took the shirt I just took out of our travel bag that I made. I got spare shirts just for him. "When did you get so fast? I remember you always used to beat me, even with 10 second headstarts for me but I was able to keep you in sight." Grey claimed. I just shurgged and went in.

With Grey tagging along, we went through the doors. There, we asked some people that were around if they could point us in the direction of the mayor of the town. After finding him, he lead us through the corridors and into a spaceous room so we could talk about the details and what the mission was about. We also found out that the dragon was kidnapping some children and I had to keep from making annoyed faces. "This dragon usually comes under the cover of night or dawn. He swoops down and catches any child that catches his eye." the mayor said. Grey was nodding next to me, thinking abour the situation. "Your mission is to make this dragon go away or kill him. Killing him is not an option I doubt but if it's possible, do what you can. We also want you to make sure that all the children come back safe. If for some reason some children go missing," he continued. "That's fine. But as long as they were missing when you got there. Otherwise, we want every child back." 

I thought about it for a while. As I thought, I came to the conclusion that Acnologia was only taking kids to teach them magic. Kids learn faster than adults and the adults are normally scared. But... I thought. Why take kids that have family? That's weird. "Ok. We'll take the job." I told the mayor. Turning to Grey I saw him still thinking. "Grey, we start at sun set. We'll start patroling the streets and if either of us see him, we trail him to his hideout. We meet back here in front of the town hall at dawn.  Ok?" he nodded. I nodded as well. "Make sure every citizen stays in their houses. It would be wise for everyone to start heading home now, so they have time, and to stay inside until we say it's safe." Grey added. "I understand." the mayor said. He turned to the door and ordered the kinghts to tell people to start heading home and make sure everyone's inside. They nodded and left. 

Turning back to us, the mayor looked a little grave. "I understand that it will take a while for people to go inside. Good idea. Also, about the reward, it really was 10 million. It was raised to 16 million just two weeks ago. Please understand that the reward will be payed in full." Grey just stared, shocked at the raise while I just nodded my head in understanding. "Ok. Thank you for the update. Grey, we should probably start going out on patrol as well. Help the civilians while on it, y'know?" I said, standing up and waving my hand in front of Grey's face to get his attension. Coming out of shock, he nodded and stood up as well. "We'll be on our way then." Grey said waving a goodbye to the mayor before leaving after me.


"They must be pretty desperate if they incresed the reward." Grey said walking side by side with me. I just nod my head. They're definately desperate. I mean, who give 16 million jewels as a reward for such an easy job. I thought. But then again, he did say this has been going on for nearly a year now. And no one has the advantage I have with this mission. And everyone who figures out he's Acnologia run with their tails between their legs. I look up to see Grey looking at me. I tilt my head slightly in question just as he turns he face the other way. I thought I saw a little pink creep onto his face but I just dismissed it as the sun set light. The sun was already going down and everyone was inside.

"I say we split up. It'll be easier to cover more of the town and we won't get spotted as easily because we can be more cautious." I suggested. He seemed to consider my suggestion for a while before nodding. "Ok. Just be careful. I'll go left you go right." Grey said. "Sure. But you take care as well." I said before heading right and him left. 

I start patrolling the streets by going up and down. I look in the allyways before continuing on my course. I jump from roof to roof as it is easier to see things from above. I also use my death demon slayer magic to create a death demon death flame that would usually kill someone. But in this case I was using it as a light source. I continued patrolling the street to make sure that no one is out for a stroll while also keeping a look out for Acnologia. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see movement. One from above and one from below. Dropping down from the roof, I see a dragon fly by into the forest with a very dissatisfied look on it's face: Acnologia. Then, someone bumps into me but thankfully we don't fall over. "Hey." Grey said. "Hey. Now let's g after Mr. Dissatisfaction and see where all the kids are." I saluted back before running off. I heard Grey chuckle before running and catching up. 

We run next to each other into the forest, following the blue tiger stripped black dragon. I'm guessing he was annoyed at the fact that he didn't have any prey tonight. Too bad. He won't have any more for the rest of his life. I thought. We caught up with him when he started slowing down. We saw him decend and we followed him. We hid in the bushes just as he went into a cave entrance big enough to fit one dragon and a half through. Me and Grey soon followed. The second we made it inside, we saw all the kids that were kidnapped were sleeping peacefully.

Make sure that all the children come back safe. The mayor's word ran in my head. Nodding, I come out of my hiding place and walk over to the children. The second I do, Grey whisper-shouts after me about what I'm doing and that attracts Acnologia's attention. 

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Acnologia's voice boomed. The children started waking up because of that but I quickly put them back to sleep with some sleeping magic. Sometimes, having the gente Earth Dragon Slayer magic can help. "I'm hurt you don't remeber me father. And after all that training and time we spent together." I said, dramatically with my hands over my heart and moving from side to side. My eyes looked up to meet with Acnologia huge ones. (E/C) eyes stared into white ones as realisation hit the big dragon. "But it can't be. (Y/N)? I thought you would be dead by now." he said looking at me as if he was halucinating. I just sighed. "I sometimes just wish that but after being cursed with immortality by the Music God because of how I died. She found it amusing and sent me back. So then, let's just say I can't. And not only that, I also aquired the damned Music God Slayer magic." I said, mumbling that last sentence.



Just so you guys know, there is no need for concern. I'm not ending the story right here. I just said "To be continued" because this is part 1 of the history of (Y/N)(L/N). Also, since I'm going back to school tomorrow, I just thought I should tell you. So yeah...

Bye minna and see you next week.

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