Chapter 14 - Dare and Kiss

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~3rd POV~

Grey took the love of his life by the hand and went to join in with the guild that were partying away. (Y/N) giggled slightly at the happiness of the others. She's so cute. Grey thought to himself.

The new couple smiling, they stated partying again. Until their happiness got run over by Mira calling a small group of the guild away to play a interesting game. The group consisted of Erza, Grey, Lucy, Natsu, Elfman, (Y/N) and Cana.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Mira exclaimed with a mischievous smile on her face. They all nodded and the couple did too, though reluctant. Mira went first they had decided since she thought of the idea of paying the game.

"Hmm. Let's see, Lucy! Truth or dare?" she asked. Lucy seemed to think for a moment before she picked dare. "I dare you to kiss the person you like!" Mira said, an evil smile spreading across face. Lucy blushed so red, she could be mistaken for a tomato. "I-I don't have a-a-anyone I like." she stuttered.

Cana , though surprisingly not drunk after 6 barrels of alcohol, join in. "Come on. You're tomato red. There must be someone." Cana teased. Pouting, Lucy reluctantly agreed. "But everyone must close their eyes. And I mean everyone in the group." The small group nodded and closed their eyes. Lucy, still nervous, gave Natsu a quick peck on the cheek before saying "You can open your eyes now guys."

Opening their eyes, they looked from face to face eager to see the stunned boy to know who she kissed. But all the boys had their usual expressions on. Though no one noticed that Natsu was a little happier than before. Continuing the game, Lucy picked Grey next. This isn't going to be good. (Y/N) thought, trying to keep her nerves under control.

"Dare." Grey answered confidently. Mira smirked and whispered something in Lucy's ear. The dare. (Y/N) and Grey guessed. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes darted even Mira's smirking face, to Lucy who was about to give the dare and Grey who was about to take it.

Giving the (OH/C) haired girl an apologetic look, Lucy responded to Grey with his dare. "I dare you to kiss (Y/N) in front of the whole guild." There was a moment's silence until Grey said "Ok." After that, the new couple went up to the second floor in front of the balustrade and waited for Mira to get everyone's attention. (Y/N) was trembling and seeing this, Grey took her hand in his and held on like there was no tomorrow. Grey nodded to reassure the trembling girl. (Y/N) calm down and waiting for everyone to look their way.

Once everyone was looking, Grey did his dare. No hesitation. No nervousness. No fear. Just love. Love for the girl who's hand he held. Love for the beautiful (E/C) eyes the girl had. Love for her as a whole. Personality and everything that came with it in the pack. Grey was just simply head over heels in love with a girl hundreds of years older. But he didn't care. He just loved.

The kiss was no rough. I was calm. It was tender. So tender that (Y/N) completely forgot about the audience watching. She forgot about the people around the guild Hall. She forgot about the hundreds of eyes that were pinned on them. She just enjoyed the passion o the kiss and melted. It was just them in the room. Just them in the world. Just them in that moment. That sweet, sweet moment that she wished would last forever. Time slowed to a stop and the world was moving to their beat.

But that had to be all. Grey had to move away. They had once again regained awareness of the world around them. Time started moving again and the guild was once again looking at them. There was a long moment of silence. After a few seconds passed, the whole guild erupted in a loud cheer. "GO GREY!" "THAT'S OUR MAN!!" The whole family was roaring cheers about the boldness of the the 2 young lovers and how they were able to perform what they did in front of hundreds. After that, the night ran smoothly. There were a couple of people that came in to tell them they were too loud and that the sun set but they didn't care. Fairy Tail partied until they dropped. Literally.

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