Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - First trial

{Grey's POV}

Announcement and the leave of Levy & Gajeel and Elfman & Evergreen, can't anyone seriously just break the thing by accident so we can all go? At least there's only 2 minutes left. And with that, I'm thinking about (Y/N) again. That beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair that so well compliments her (E/C) eyes. I'm gonna win this for her. Then we can be on the same level.

"Let's go. Times up." Loke said. I nodded and just jumped in the water and towards the island with him trailing behind. Guess the time passed quicker than I thought? Well, now I have to concentrate because I don't want to lose now do I?

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Well, now that Grey and the rest are off, it's time to get my Eagle Eye working right? Welp, here goes nothing. I activated my Eagle Eye and cast a spell that let me use telepathy at the same time to talk to gramps. From what I could see, natsu and happy only have C, D, E, G to choose from since H, F, B and A are occupied. And he chose... E. Gildarts. Though he thought it was Erza because it was E which is kinda funny. I used my telepathy to tell gramps that and went onto the next pair.

"Let's see who's next. Lucy and Cana are still on the way. This should be interesting to see." I said out loud and continued watching them. By the time they reached shore, every path was taken apart from C so they had no choice but to choose that. And since its connected to B and Bickslow and Freed took that the it = Battle. That'll be interesting.

"Gramps, Cana & Lucy took C and are battling Bickslow and Freed who took B. It will be a battle. Gajeel and Levy took H so they ended up with the calm route. Lisanna and Juvia took D and are going against Erza so that's a Pitched Battle. Elfman and Evergreen took A so they got Mira meaning another Pitched Battle." I was saying all of this while Gramps took a mental note of everything I was saying and remembered the paths and who got what to determine the most likely outcome to this. "And Grey & Loke took F while Mest & Wendy got G which are connecting resulting in a Battle between teams." I finished.

"Thank you for the details. Great work (Y/N) thank you for your hard work. Keep it up." the master said.

"Sure thing gramps." I turned away from him and looked back at the island continuing what I was doing before. Apparently, Levy & her boyfriend got out already and Cana & Lucy managed to get past the boy that truthfully were holding back as a "good kind of pay back" for whatever happened from before I was here. Natsu just barely managed to scrape by the challenge by backing down. So he does feel some sort of fear and he does know when to back down.

"Natsu, Cana & Lucy and Levy & Gajeel are out." I told the master. Though I did have telepathy on, I couldn't be bothered to actually use it. And there's no one else around so what's the point?

"Ok. I'll be going to tell them of the next trial but make sure you stay here." the master said but I stopped him with a brief wait. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Yes?"

"The outcomes for Grey's and Elfman's battles  have yet to be decided." I said. I was watching intently to see the outcome. From what I heard, Mira was a powerful S-Class despite not using her ability often, unless really needed. As for Greg's match, let's just say it had Grey participating so it is a much watch. Grey was fighting Meet and Wendy.

Even Loke was holding his own against them. The info I gathered about the guys says that Loke is a Zodiac Celestial spirit. He is Leo the Lion, the king of the zodiac and because of what happened long ago, he was banished from the Celestial world. Shortly after, he joined Fairy Tail and waited for his power to run out but Lucy saved him and so he became her spirit.

I continued to concentrate on their much first. Meet was out a d Wendy was losing ground so that means the boys win. "Grey and Loke win." I knew the outcome before it happened. 2 seconds later, Wendy was out and the buys won.

"I must get going now. Whoever isn't there yet is out." the master said as he was leaving. I just nodded and started watching Mira's battle. In the last couple of weeks since I joined, me and Mira's actually ended up as really good friends so I really wanted to know the outcome.

As I watched, I saw Evergreen called Elfman to the side to discuss their strategy. Elfman looked surprised but nodded anyway and turned to face Mira. Eagle Eye only allows me to see and not hear so I didn't know what Elfman and Evergreen said but it seemed to surprise Mira enough to distract her and give Elfman and Evergreen a chance. They knocked her out and barely passed as the master started to say if they were the only ones out. Barely passed huh? This shall become interesting.


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