Part 18

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Connie smiled as she sat on the bed holding Noah wrapped in a blanket on the bed.
"Hey, I've called Charlie, Zoe, Grace's childminder and Layla. Charlie will bring Grace up in the morning" Jacob said as he walked back in.
"Thank you" she smiled at him.
She moved over and patted the space next to her.
Jacob grinned and got on the bed, wrapping one arm around her shoulder and gently stroking Noah's cheek with the other.
"Here" Connie said as she held Noah out to him.
He took him with his free arm and held him whilst smiling at Connie.
She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, slowly drifting off cuddled into Jacob.

Jacob sat holding Noah for half an hour or so whilst Connie was still sleeping on his shoulder.
He pressed a light kiss to Noah's forehead before doing the same to Connie's but as he looked up he saw Layla stood outside.
He carefully got up then put Noah in his cot before going outside to get.
"Hey" Jacob smiled at her.
"Hey, congratulations" Layla replied.
"Thanks" he said she placed his hands on her waist but she stepped back.
"Jacob don't, please don't make this any harder for me. All I want is for you to be happy, and I understand now that I can in no way compare to Connie, you look at her and I see how much you love her, you don't look at me like that but honestly I don't blame you" Layla said.

"What are you saying?" he asked.
"I'm saying go in there and tell her how much you love her because I know she loves you too. I can't come between you when I know she has your heart, that little boy can grow up with both his parents together, and you can both be happy" she told him before placing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"Thank you" he said genuinely.
Layla smiled, "good bye Jacob" she said before turning around and walking away.

Jacob quietly went back into Connie's side room and picked up Noah who had woken up.
"Hey little man, it's daddy" he said as he stroked his cheek.
"I love you and I love your mummy so so much" he added then brought him closer and kissed his head before lying him back down.
Jacob turned around back to Connie's as her eyes fluttered open.
"Hey beautiful" he said as he laid back down next to her and pulled her closer.
"Hey" she smiled sleepily, wrapping her arm around him and resting her head on his chest.
"Connie" he said softly causing her to look up at him again, "I love you" he added before pressing his lips to hers gently.

Neither of them made any attempt to deepen the kiss, but after a few seconds Connie pulled away.
She opened her mouth to speak but Jacob placed his finger on her lips, "I know what you're going to say, and it's over. She made me realise how much I really do love you and our son, I want us to be a proper family, me, you, Grace and Noah" he told her.
"I love you too" she replied before kissing him again.
Jacob smiled and held her close, "thank you Connie, you've given me one of the best things I could ask for" he whispered.
"Well I couldn't of done it without you" she giggled.
"I love hearing you laugh" he grinned.

Connie woke up the next morning curled up next to Jacob who was holding Noah.
"Hey, didn't he drop back off after I fed him?" she asked.
"Nah but he's alright, you only fell back asleep for an hour or so" he told her.
She smiled up at him then she lent up and kissed him gently just as the doors opened.
"What's going on here?" Robyn asked as she walked in with Louise, Rita, Max, Jez, Iain and Zoe.
"Did you come to meet our baby boy?" Jacob grinned at them.
"I'm sorry? Your baby?" Rita asked.
"Yes, Noah is our baby" Connie confirmed.

"Errr how did we not know about this?! And Jacob, aren't you forgetting someone? Layla?!" Max said.
"Actually we knew yesterday, me, Iain and Zoe" Jez piped up.
"And you didn't decide to share?!" Robyn asked.
"Thought we'd let them surprise you" Iain smirked.
"So who wants the first hold?" Jacob asked them all.
"Me!" Robyn squealed quickly.
Jacob held him out for Robyn who took him in her arms.
Connie snuggled into Jacob and he kissed her head as Robyn cooed at Noah.

"Seriously, Jacob! Layla?!" Max asked.
"It's over, I love Connie and my baby" he grinned before kissing her again.
"I love you too" Connie smiled up at him.
"Awww how cute are you all!" Robyn said happily as she passed Noah over to Rita.
"He's so beautiful, congratulations" Rita said.
"Thank you" Jacob replied.
"I can't believe we didn't know the baby was Jacob's" Max said.
"Well we are very good at keeping secrets" Connie said.
Jacob grinned, "we can tell them about the next one" he said.
"Dream on muscles, labour hurts" she laughed.

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