Being Jace's Mate

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"MOM!!!!" I screamed as I walked through the door to see her reading a book. "Where is it?!" I barked
My mom gave me an innocent look. "What do you mean sweetie?" She tried hiding a smile.
I groaned. "Mom, you know what! You took my phone and texted people on it! I went to school today and random people came up to me asking if I really would do that with them?! What the hell did you say?"
My mom bursted out laughing and tears formed her eyes. "O-o-oh sor-rry hunny....too toooo funny!! You had it coming!" She laughed while throwing my phone to me.
I narrowed my eyes. "So not cool ma"
She mirrored my look. "Hey, you're the one who told everyone at my work that I turned FORTY!" She scoffed. "As if." My mom had me when she was eighteen. I'll be eighteen in two days and my mom just turned thirty six. My dad left when I was a baby. Can you believe it? He left his mate!!! How pathetic. I remember for years she would just lay in bed and drink. I spent most of the time at my friend's houses. But that's all in the past now.
I grinned evilly. "Oh how I wish I saw the look on your bosses face from that email I sent."
My mother shot up from the couch. "What e-mail?" Shit!! I ran upstairs with my mom hot on my heels. I slammed my door and locked it. "ANNALISE NATALIA JACOBS OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" She growled and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Mom stop!" She banged on the door and flew it open. "Damn your wolf strength." Oh yeah, we're biggie!
She walked slowly towards me which was scary. "What did you tell him?!"
I laughed nervously. "Oh nothing, just that you had feelings for...for him!"
My mom tackled me and straddled my hips. "You didn't!" She growled and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee.
"M-mom hahaha s-s-stop!!" I struggled and ended up back near the door. I was breathing hard and smiled. "Oh come on mom, you know you two like each other." She scoffed and I raised my eyebrows. "You do know you talk in your sleep right?" She turned bright red and I laughed. "Oh Mr. George, your'e so handsome yes yes kiss right there!" I said in a country accent even though she doesn't have one. She lunged for me but I ran back downstairs. The door bell rang and I opened it. "Alpha Max, save me!" I yelled and pulled him in and hid my body.
"Annalise I'm gunna-oh, Hi Alpha Max!" She said cheerily. "My daughter is behind you huh?"
Alpha Max chuckled and moved more into the house. I closed the door. "Hello Lillian, I see you and your daughter are pranking each other again?"
"How did you know??" I asked while sitting on the couch next to my mom.
Alpha Max sat across from us and smirked. "I heard Daniel talking about a certain text he got from you and he was very excited to hang out with you?" I glared at my mom and he laughed. "Don't worry, I explained it to him and told him to pass it on!"
I smiled. "Thanks Alpha!" I sighed and looked at my mom. "Tomorrow is the last day of school and a bunch of people are going to Christie's house." Christie's dad is Beta and also my best friend.
She nodded. "Yes of course! Go ahead!"
I smiled. "Thanks oh and Alpha is it okay if Maxine stays the night tonight?" Maxine is his daughter and my other best friend.
"Actually no, we have family business to discuss but you can stay the night there, go pack and I'll take you." He said and I got straight up and walked upstairs to pack. Family business? Huh. Alpha Max has four kids. Derek is the oldest, he's mated to this girl named Lilly, she's super sweet. Then it's Maxine, she's a year older than me but didn't go to school until I did (health problems), she has yet to find her mate. After her is Jace, he's my age but he went to this super Alpha academy when we turned fourteen, I don't know if he has or not (probably not since it's an all boys school). The youngest is Libby, she's five and the cutest thing ever!
After I packed my things I heard my mom say. "I understand Alpha, I will make sure it is prepared."
"Good" He said happily. I walked downstairs and Alpha Max smiled. "Ready squirt?"
I groaned. "Really? Squirt?"
He chuckled. "Hey, I've known you since you were in diapers, you'll always be squirt, squirt!"
I sighed and hugged my mom. "You'll be alone tonight, why don't you....." I pretended to think about it and gave her an evil smile. "Ask George over."
"Why you little-" She said and I screamed and ran to Alpha Max's car. He chuckled and closed our door and walked to his car.
While we were driving he smiled at me. "You excited for your birthday saturday?, you kids grow up too* fast!"
I laughed. "I am verryyy excited. And don't think I don't know you guys are doing something! You do this every year!" Every year on my birthday they do a HUGE surprised party but I always know.
Alpha laughed. "Yeah I know, but this time it's going to be a birthday party and a welcome home party." I gave him a confused look and he laughed. "Jace is coming back Saturday!" "Oh cool!" I smiled.
He nodded. "Yes, your mother and Lidia will be cooking for it. You know those two, when they cook together it's like heaven." Lidia is Alpha Max's mate.
I smiled hugely. "Yes! We haven't had their cooking in months!! Since Libby's birthday!"
Alpha Max smiled and turned into the driveway. He lives in the pack house along with a few others. Alpha looked at me. "I was thinking that could sing?"
I gave him a surprised look? "Really?" He nodded and I smiled. "I-I don't know..."
"Do it Anna" He said in his Alpha tone.
"Yes Alpha" I said without hesitation.
He gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry squirt, habit." We laughed as we got out and he grabbed my bag. We went inside to see Maxine on the phone and Libby playing on the floor with toys.
Libby saw me and squealed. "Leesie!" She ran to me. I laughed and picked her up. "You staying da night?" I nodded and she smiled hugely. "Did you hear dat Max? Leesie's staying the night!" She saw Alpha and screamed. "Daadddyyyy!!"
Alpha laughed and grabbed her, throwing her in the air a few times. "Hi pumpkin! Where's mommy?"
"Kitchen" He walked with Libby in his hand and I sat next to Maxine.
"Hey Anna, hold on I'm talking to Derek" She said an paid attention. She smiled. "Okay bye." She looked at me. "OMG girl last day of school tomorrow, your birthday and my brother is coming home saturday! This is gunna be fun!"
I laughed. "And guess who's singing?"
"Jeez girl can you scream any louder??" I groaned and then laughed. "Are you excited for Christie's party tomorrow night??"
Maxine giggled. "Hell yeah!! We're gunna be the hottest ones there!" She winked when the door opened. Derek and Lilly walked in and Max smiled. "Hey!"
Rick grinned. "Hey Max, hey Leese!" He hugged us and then Lilly hugged us.
"Awe Lilly I love your dress!" I groaned. Lilly is beyond beautiful. Perfect blonde hair, blue eyes, curves in all the right places! Talk about being jelly!
She laughed. "Thank you, I got it on sale!"
Derek groaned. "No girl talk right now please!!"
Alpha Max and Luna Lidia walked in with Libby. "Hello lovelies!" Lidia beamed. She's like a second mom to me. They all sat down while Lilly and Rick stayed up.
"Okay, we are here because we have big news!" Derek said. "We are changing the wedding date to next week."
Luna Lidia gasped. "That is awfully close!"
"Well..." Lilly said and then screamed. "WE'RE PREGNANT!"
All us girls screamed and squealed in delight! "This is freaking great!" Maxine said started crying. "I'm gunna be an auntie!!"
Derek chuckled and kissed her forehead. Lidia gasped. "I'm gunna be a grandma!" She said in mock horror.
Lilly laughed and then looked at me. "Leese, you are basically blood family and Derek and I love you so much!" I felt my heart warm. "We know Maxine is going to be the aunt so we were wondering if you' the God mother?"
I looked at them shocked while Maxine beamed. "Wow, I-I'd be honored to!" I felt tears appear and everyone cooed and awed. "Awe shut up" I mumbled and they laughed. For the next hour we talked about baby names and stuff. Since we are werewolves, we grow a lot faster than humans so she-wolves are only pregnant for about a seven months, depends.
"Okay, so if it's a boy, Cameron, an if it's a girl, Lexi." Lilly agreed with all of us while Alpha and Derek were talking pack business in his office. Me, a godmother, oh how exciting!

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