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Tay, Julie, Gregg, and I have come up with a plan to get the heck out of this hell hole. The 'Boss' or whatever watches from the very top on a camera and when he likes someone they get rewarded. I've been here for about six months now and we are now at the high level. We got others to follow in suit and to help us out. I had to play nice with Dave and let me tell you, I haven't thrown up so much in my entire life. Ew stop being perverts I don't sleep with him, just kissing and occasional groping. It's gross and I have to keep telling myself it's for a good cause. Dave now answers my every question like which door has the stairs to go up where The boss stays. The yellow door. I even made a name for myself, 'The Fallen Angel'. I always roll my eyes when someone calls me that. They named Julie 'The Ripper' because she doesn't care to kill or not. Like I said.....my friend's kind of broken. Gregg is called 'The Grim Reaper' and Tay is called 'Steel'. Right now Julie and I are sitting while Gregg and Tay are in the cage.
"God I can't wait to get out of here." I whined and tried to get the knots out of my hair. "When we do, you're joining my pack."
Julie sighed. "I-I don't know, Anna."
I smiled. "Won't take no for an answer sorry." The door opened and Tay and Gregg came in. They looked extra happy. "What's gotten you guys to be all happy go lucky?"
Gregg smiled while his bleach blonde hair was in every direction and his brown eyes were blood shot. "Todays the day!!!" I looked at him with my eyebrows squished together and he rolled his eyes. "Today's the day we bust out of this joint!" He jumped up and started dancing. Getting to know Gregg for six months you notice he's very playful and funny. He's like a brother to me and Julie. Tay is like a father; very serious but humorous at times.
Tay laughed. "We over heard Dave talking to Leonel saying they will both be going somewhere so no one** will be on guard." I gasped and Julie looked shocked. "Dave keeps the key in his back pocket so....you know what to do Anna." He said sadly.
I nodded. "Whatever will help getting us out. I'll get the keys." I said with full determination. We stood in silence when the door opened and there stood Dave. I have him my sweetest smile without growling. "Hi" pretending to be all sheepish is actually quite easy.
He smiled and kissed my temple. Ella wanted me to rip him to shreds. "Hey sexy. You and Julie are up." I nodded and we walked out and to the cage.
Julie sighed. "Please let this be the last time." She whispered more to herself.
The other door opened and a girl and boy came through. They looked confused and kind of scared. I look at them and gasped. "They look like they're no older than fifteen." I sniffed and noticed they were rogues.
I looked at Julie. "Don't kill them." She nodded and I looked at Paige. She had long black hair with blue green eyes. "Breathe" I mouthed to her and she nodded. The bell rang and I ran and pinned her to the ground. "You and your brother pretend to fight us and lose. We're getting you guys out of here." She nodded and she pushed me off of her. She whispered to Tommy and he nodded.
Julie and I shifted and so did Paige and Tommy. We fought and I let them get in a few hits before I knocked Paige out and Julie made Tommy submit. The crowd started chanting. "KILL KILL KILL KILL!!" Ella and I for angry and growled so loud it got everyone to be quiet and then they cheered cuz they loved when I defied the killing.
"THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS, ANOTHER WIN FOR THE FALLEN ANGEL AND THE RIPPER!!!!!" Everyone cheered and Dave opened the door with clothes for Julie and I. We dressed and walked out.
When we got to the door I stopped Dave. "You go in Jules." She nodded an went in. I looked at Dave and smiled. "You look hot today." I said trying to butter him up.
He snorted in a 'duh' kind of way. "You too doll face." He pinned me against the wall and kissed my cheek. "You were amazing."
I brushed my lips against his and he shuddered. "I've missed your lips." I said and kissed them softly and I grabbed his ass, making him groan. He deepened the kiss and I took the advantage to grab the set of keys and closed my fist. He started kissing down my neck and between my breasts.
"God you make me crazy." He said and kissed my sweet spot but it just made me shudder. "God I want to take you right here and now." I put my shy act on and he sighed. "I know, no sex cuz ur a virgin and you don't want it like this. Trust me, when we do it'll be special." He winked at me and I pretended to giggle.
"I better get inside." I kissed him again and slightly squeezed Dave Jr. Hey, I despise the guy but it's still fun to tease.
He groaned and then cupped my sex. "Until later." He kissed me again and opened the door. I quickly went in and when he closed it I threw the keys at Jules who put it under a cup. Dave came in and looked panicky. "Have you guys seen-never mind."
He walked back out and Gregg laughed and spun me around. "Good job girl!!" Tay kissed my forehead and Julie high five'd me. "Now, we just wait a few hours."
~Four hours later~
"Ready?" I asked them while holding the set of keys. They nodded and I slowly opened the door. No one was there so we walked out. "Okay, so Dave told me the keys open all doors except this big black one opens to the bosses and that he's human." I gave Gregg a key. "Go find your sister and let everyone else out and meet us up there." He nodded and went into the door that led to the low level.
"Lets go see the son of a bitch." Julie said and bared her teeth. We went through the yellow door and then went to the stairs. It felt as if it took forever and finally we got to a solid black door. I unlocked it and we barged in ready to shift. The sight made me want to puke. A really fat man was laying in bed with about five girls of different races. He had a long black beard and smelled horribly.
Tay growled and the girls coward in the corner while the fatty cringed. "Uhhh hey guys, h-how did you get in here?"
"Seems as if you are in need of better security." Tay spat and covered the man's area. "Now, you will tell us how to get out of here or I'll let Julie rip your heart out, and you know she will. You've seen us on your little cameras." He pointed to the security set and thats when I noticed an outside one.
"There, how do we get there?!" I asked and the man chuckled. "Go to hell whore."
Tay grabbed the man by the throat and squeezed tightly. "What did you just call her, pig?!"
The man looked like he was gunna pee himself. "There's an elevator behind that bookshelf." Right then Gregg came in with about twelve wolves behind him. What the hell?! You're ruining my business!!" He yelled angrily.
Julie looked like she snapped and pushed Tay out of the way and she half shifted. Before the man could scream she but into his neck and cracked his neck. The girls in the corner screamed and cried.
"Lets go!" I screamed and Tay helped me move the bookcase to see a golden elevator. I pushed the button and it opened. It was huge so all of us piled up in there. I pushed the button to the last floor and the doors closed. Elevator music came on which made the silence more awkward.
Gregg laughed which made me laugh which made Tay laugh which made Julie smile and roll her eyes. The rest just looked at us like we were crazy. The elevator opened and we got hit with a big gust of air. We all stepped out. "Okay, everyone shift and we will run until we can't anymore." We all shifted and ran like there was no tomorrow. After about sixty miles we stopped to rest.
Tay looked around and smiled. "I know where we are, my packs about forty miles from here."
I sniffed the air and nodded. "Mines about fifteen." I looked at everyone and smiled. "Some can come with me and some can go with Tay if you don't have anywhere to go." Julie walked next to me and so did Paige and Tommy.
Gregg sighed. "Yo I don't want to pick between you and Steel." He pouted and slung his arm over a petite girl. She had the same color hair and eyes as Gregg but just had fairer skin.
Tay chuckled while three rogues went next to him. Some of them ran off after saying thank you. Two more were left and it was Roland and another boy who looked like he was eight. Over the months we went against Roland multiple times and in that time we secretly talked and got close. After he lost to me the first time he wasn't allowed to leave.
Roland sighed and smiled while walking to me. "Thank you, Ben an I are going to go with Tay okay?" I nodded and hugged him.
"Well then guess sis and I are going with Anna." Gregg said and gave Roland and Tay those male hug thingy.
I hugged Tay. "Thank you for being like a father to me."
He chuckled. "Love you too Anna banana. See you soon." He hugged Julie and then they shifted and ran off.
"Well, lets hurry and go so we can have some peace." Gregg said and I nodded. We shifted and ran. Ella was getting excited and then she thought of something. 'ALPHA MAX!'
'Anna is that you? Oh my God Anna where are you?!' He boomed.
'Long story, almost home and brought a few people.'
'Just hurry and come home' I move my legs faster and finally I smelled the scent of my pack. Ella whimpered cuz she and I missed them so much. We ran the back way and we ended up in the back of the pack house. Alpha Max ran out with my mother. I shifted and ran to them.
"Anna oh my baby!!" My mom sobbed while hugging me for dear life. Tears came falling down and I hugged her back hard. "Oh my little girl...."
I let go and hugged Alpha Max. "So glad your okay, squirt."
I smiled. "I've missed you guys, oh sorry..." I turned to the others. "You guys can shift." They did. "Alpha, this is Paige and her brother Tommy, Julie, and Gregg and his sister Lucy."
They all bowed their heads in respect. "Hello." Alpha said politely. Mom got us all clothes an now we're sitting in the entertainment room. Luna Lidia, after kissing my face hundreds of times, made sandwiches for all of us.
Soon the door opened and people flooded in. Cris, Maxi, Daniel, and Richelle. They all hugged me and cried. Daniel and Cris sniffed the air crazily. Daniel stared at Julie wide eyed. "Mate!" He yelled and stalked to Julie who looked so shock.
Cris walked to Gregg who was smiling from ear to ear. "Mate." She said and they embraced. I awed and cooed which made Daniel to tell me to shove it.
The door opened. "Where is she-" Jace yelled and stopped as soon as our eyes met.

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