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I looked at Sasha confusingly. "Errrr....the what?"

A young man probably in his late twenties stood up from where he was sitting. He had olive colored skin with light brown eyes and deep black violet colored hair. "She said the key, ms. Jacobs. It's a name you were called by many....many years ago."

The elderly woman from before swatted his arm. "Shush that mouth of yours boy." The man grunted but kept quiet.

Jace intertwined our hands together. "What are you guys talking about?"

"What we are talking about," Daniel said and then sighed. "Is of prophecies and things I thought were just myths. But I'm afraid I have to leave tonight. You know, Julie-"

I laughed. "D boy shut up!" I walked up and hugged him. " kiss Julie and baby bump for me okay?"

Daniel smiled and nodded. I turned to Sasha. "So tell me, how am I, the key?" I motioned my hands and made air quotes.

"You are written in the ancient prophecies of Egypt." Lajando's son, Ramon said and I saw Sasha shiver.....weird. "Look." He motioned me to stand by him. I did and he pointed to the center of the table. Soon mist formed and words in gold appeared. "It's in Egyptian language."

I shook my head. "I don't know that language though."

Ramon laughed. "Yes you do, concentrate." I stared at it for a while and then the word began to shift. I gasped and Ramon lightly squeezed my arm. "What does it sat, Anna?"

I said slowly. "Light, dark, moon, sun." I looked harder. "Ummm.....war, crusade-" soon those images like before started flashing through my head. Everything was becoming dizzy. "No no no no....." The images turned into live action. Blood was everywhere and I noticed I was standing in the middle. I looked around and at my feet was everyone that I loved. "No no no no no please no......" Soon I was embracing a man but I could not see his face. "My little dark one..." I repeated what he said to me before he kissed me and I returned the favor. Soon the images disappeared like whiplash and I fell right into a chair. "Whoa....." I whispers to myself.

Jace ran up to me and cupped my cheeks with his hands. "Babe, you okay ?"

I nodded. "I-I-I- think so.... It was just so....real....."

"A vision; you had a vision." A young woman said. She had dark blonde hair that was up in a mid high tight bun. Her eyes were completely white.

"I thought you could only see them, Tatiana?" The man asked.

She sighed. "As did I, Tomas, as did I. Tell me girl, what did you see?"

"Her names is Annalise not girl!!" Sasha growled. That took me by surprise.

Everyone looked surprised as well and Tatiana smirked. "Annalise, my apologies."

I shook my head. "At first just images of war and...and then it was like I was right there." I shifted my body and swiped hair from my face. "It was of me, standing around blood....I much blood." I felt myself stare into space. "Everyone that I loved, was dead right under my feet....it was horrific!"

Sasha gave me a glass of water and I took it gratefully. "So you saw war an you think you were the cause of it ?" Lajando asked as he stroked his jaw.

I shrugged. "But....there was a man. I don't know who I couldn't see his face... He called me-"

"Little dark one." Daniel said and I nodded. "You said it out loud."

"Anything else?" Tomas asked.

I fiddled with my fingers. "Well.....at the end he sort of....kissed me." Jace growled ferociously and his eyes began to glow.

"Come down!" Lajando ordered loudly. Jace started shaking and then he stormed out. Just freaking great! Why did I have to say that part it's probably not even relevant!!

"I'll go check on him." Daniel said and walked out.

I groaned. "Why can't I just be a normal were?!"

Ramon chuckled. "Now wheres the fun in that?" He winked playfully and I rolled my eyes. I noticed Ramon's mood change immensely in like two seconds. He clenched his jaw and tightened his fists. I followed his eyes and it landed on Sasha. She was talking to a very handsome man who was shamelessly flirting with her and she flirting just as shamelessly back.

I turned back to Ramon. "You alright there bud?" I smirked because I knew what was going on.

He just simply shrugged. "Don't know what you're talking about."

I snorted. "Yeah okay. He is pretty hot though, maybe she'll get lucky-" he growled angrily and I smiled smugly. "Mhmmm."

Ramon crossed his arms and pouted. "I don't like you."

I put my hand over my heart. "Ouch! So, why aren't you two going at it like crazy?! Mates do that when they first find each other."

Ramon sighed. "It is....complicated."

I snorted. "No it isn't."

"Oh but it is."

"Is she your mate?"


"Then it isn't complicated."

Ramon stared at me an then smiled a little. "You are like an annoying little sister."

I laughed. "And you, Ramon, are the idiotic big brother that should always listen to the annoying little sister."

We both laughed and I sighed. "Well, I should probably find my mate before he tears the castle apart. But you," I poked him in the chest. "Talk to her, now!" He sighed and started making his way over to Sasha. I smiled and almost walked out when a hand landed on shoulder. I turned to see it was Lajando. "Hi" I smiled.

Lajando chuckled. "Thankyou, I've been trying to get him to talk to her ever since you all arrived." I gasped and then rolled my eyes. "Anyways, I'm here to tell you that your mother called today....forty six times."

I laughed. "That's my mother for ya, thanks." He nodded and I walked out. Soon I noticed I've been walking for a while and groaned. "Pleas don't tell me I'm lost!"

"You're not lost?" I twirled around to see a gorgeous man standing there. Like damn.....is he a god?? Oh no, I shouldn't be thinking that way I have a mate. Um....um....shit what's his name?? This is bad, somethings wrong. "Hello? Earth to girl?" I snapped out of it to see he was closer now. He had golden brown eyes and sandy blonde hair.

"Ummm....sorry it's just-ah haha nothing." I smiled to try to hide my nervousness. It seemed to have worked because he smiled as well, which made my heart race. What the hell!?

He held out his hand. "The name's Drew, Drew Brookes. "

I hesitantly shook his hand. Not electricity but warmth shot through my arm.....weird. "Annalise-"

"Jacobs, yeah I know, I live here." He laughed. "I'm Lajando's nephew, Ramon's cousin."

I nodded. "Oh cool, nice to meet you. Um....hey don't mean to sound weird or whatever but....can you help me find my room? I'm completely lost. It's hard to find things when everything looks the same."

We both laughed. "Sure, follow me." We walked side by side and every now and then we would brush arms. I gulped and tried to contain the heat coming off of me because of him. Dammit what is going on?! I feel like something bad is going to happen. Really, really bad.

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!!!!! Ooooooooooo what is HAPPENING LIKE OM FRAKIN G!!!! Muahahahahahahahahah! I'm so excited to where this is going like whoop whoop!!!! Anywhore, updates soon promise ❤️

Love ya 😘

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