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After Jace left mom and I baked chocolate chip cookies. "Mmmm they smell really* good!" I beamed.
"Haha yes well, they are cookies!" She laughed. "You excited for the party tomorrow?"
I nodded. "Just wished our last day of school went a lot better." I mumbled
Mom sighed and hugged me. "I know sweetie, just be happy they're okay."
I smiled. "Can we eat them now?"
She laughed. "Sure, let's pop in a movie as well." We put the cookies on a big plate and watched a scary movie.
'I miss our mate' Ella whined.
'Yeah me too!"
'When are we gunna mate?' She purred and I held in a gasp. 'What?'
I bit back a laugh. 'You little perv' Mom was hiding behind a pillow while I had my hands over my face. "Why did we decide on a scary movie??"
"No clue!!!!!" My mom whimpered. The music started getting more intense and I just knew something was gunna pop out.
"RUN!" My mom yelled unexpectedly, making me scream bloody murder when the psycho did pop out.
"DANGET MOM!!" I growled. I thought I smelled Jace's heavenly scent but I figured it was from when he was here. When the movie was over I made myself a ham and cheese sand which. I grabbed a can of Pepsi and went into my room. I opened the door to see a figure on my bed. I let out a blood curling scream until the lights turned on. "God dammit Jace!"
Jace got up from my bed and couldnt help but laugh. "S-sorry Annalise bu-but that was h-h-hilarious!" He clutched his stomach.
"Not falling for it!" My mother screamed from downstairs.
I rolled my eyes and glared at Jace. "Not funny!" I closed my door, sat on my bed and pouted.
Jace looked serious and sighed. "I'm sorry, babe!"
I smiled. "It's okay." I took a bite out of my sandwich. "I thought you left?"
He nodded. "I did, went to say hi to the family and then showered. But I missed you." He pouted making me smile.
"I missed you too" I kissed his cheek and continued to eat.
I drank my Pepsi and noticed Jace was awfully quiet. I turned to him smiling at me. My look made him chuckle. "Nothing, I just like to look at you is all." His eyes drifted to my mouth and he bit his bottom lip almost making me moan, almost.
I set my plate and empty on my dresser. "Ummmmm I'm gunna put on my pj's okay?"
He nodded and casually laid in my bed after taking his shoes off. I grabbed a pair of black shorts and a baggy shirt that had my high school's name on it.
After I changed in my bathroom I let my hair fall down and I washed my face and brushed my teeth. "Hey this party tomorrow-" he said but stopped when I walked out of the bathroom.
I rose my eyebrows. "What about it?"
"Umm..." Jace cleared his throat. "Oh yeah haha, like is it a fancy party orrrrr?"
I laughed hard. "No, it's basically like a huge barbecue with the pack, which is huge since we have like over 100 pack members. Its behind the pack house, we do it every year for something whether it's a birthday, celebrating someone getting married, having pups." I sat next to him. "We have our own music system and everything, Alpha Max asked me to sing."
Jace smiled. "Can I hear you?"
"Hmmm...." I eyed him and smiled hugely. "Gotta wait till tomorrow."
He pouted and then laughed. "I think I need to leave."
'NO' yelled Ella and I shhh'ed her.
"Why?" I couldn't keep the hurt from my voice hidden.
Jace's face softened up and he grabbed my hands. "Because Angel, you look too damn sexy right now and I can't trust myself to keep under control."
I felt my cheeks heat up. "Oh" He chuckled and kissed my cheek before getting up. "Come by tomorrow before the party?"
He gave me a 'duh' look. "Of course, babe." He kissed me lightly on the lips and I pouted. Jace laughed and kissed me again a littler deeper. "Okay I need* to go now." I looked to see his eyes a little darker now.
I sighed. "Fine." I smiled at him as he slipped through my window. I blew out a breathe and decided to call Daniel.
"Hey D, how's Cris?" I asked while slipping under the covers.
Daniel sighed. "She's good, whining and making me do shit for her, she's lucky I love her Anna!!"
I laughed. "Yeah I know, I can't believe Jace is my mate."
Daniel chuckled. "You sound like you didn't want that?"
"Well I mean I didn't expect that he would be my mate like...at all, I actually thought it would be....never mind." I said and cursed at myself for saying anything.
"Who?" He asked. "Oh please tell me this sounds juicy!"
"You're gunna laugh at me..." He snorted and sighed. "You" I mumbled.
It was silent. "Me? Oh ummm wow...."
I groaned. "See? Now it's gunna be awkward between me and you! Like now I can't picture my life without Jace and I'm so* happy he's my mate and-"
"Anna calm down!!!" Daniel laughed. "It's okay, trust me, no awkwardness here I promise."
"Oh" I said and smiled. "Well good! I'll see you tomorrow. Bye D."
"Bye Anna" I hung up and blew out a breathe and turned on my tv, Ella was whining for Jace and I couldn't help but miss him too. I closed my eyes and let sleep overcome me.
I woke up to hear bickering. I opened my eyes and saw Cris and Maxine going through my closet. "W-what?"
They turned around and smiled. "Rise and shine birthday girl!!" Maxine beamed. "How does it feel to be eighteen?"
I chuckled. "Errr...good?"
Cris rolled her eyes. "Lucky, I still have a month to go." She groaned as Maxi laughed.
I hugged them both. "So glad you guys are okay, so so* glad!" I checked my clock, 9:30 AM. "So how about I shower and then we go into town and shop!"
Both girls squealed in delight. Maxine looked at me. "Did anything happen between you an my brother yesterday?"
"Besides him being my mate?" I laughed. "No why?"
"Hmmm...I don't know, this morning he seemed really* mad." She said and shrugged before leaving my room, Cris behind her.
Mad about what? I showered real fast and put on a knee length black dress that was tight up top but loose at the bottom with black pumps. I my hair in a banana clip and light make up on. I walked downstairs. "Ready!" I sang and grabbed an apple from the kitchen. Moms gone so I'm guessing she's at the pack house with Luna Lidia.
Maxi smiled. "Lets go, I'm itching for a new outfit." We went into town and shopped around. Party starts at 1:00 so we took our time. At 11:30 we decided to stop to get something to eat.
"God I'm craving a burger." Cris complained. "But I'm trying to lose weight."
I scoffed. "Girl you're perfect shut your face." Maxine nodded in agreement. We ate, talked and joked around.
Maxine sighed. "I need to hurry and fin my mate, where is he?!" She almost screeched.
"I feel ya girl, I feel ya." Cris said before drinking her Pepsi. After we were done we went to the pack house for them to get ready. I just decided to wear this
We got inside and saw Libby and Derek watching tv. "Hi girls" Derek smiled.
Libby was wearing a yellow and white flowery dress. "Like my dress?" She asked, quite proud of it.
"Oh!" I gasped and fell to my knees, throwing my bags next to me. "Miss Libby you are a goddess!"
"No no" Cris fell next to me. "A queen she is yes indeed!"
Maxine fanned her face an pretended to faint. Libby laughed so hard. "Thanks guys!!!!" We laughed and got up.
I put my bags on the couch and saw Jace walk downstairs. "Hey" I smiled. He just gave me a hard look and walked outside. Ummmm okay? I followed him out. "Jace?" He never answered me. "Can you at least look at me?"
"What do you want, Anna?" He asked coldly.
I gave him an exasperated look. "What I want? Did I do something to upset you?"
He turned around and I saw so many emotions flicker in his eyes. "Just leave me alone." He tried walked past me but I blocked him. "Annalise" He warned.
"No, tell me what I did wrong? I-I'm not understanding!!!" I almost yelled.
Jace started to shake and his eyes turned black, which meant his wolf took over. Jace grabbed my arm and squeezed so hard I yelped in pain. "Jace....y-you're hurting me."
He let go, looking sad but then hardened his face. "Sorry sweet cheeks, why don't you find Daniel to help you out?" I gave him a confused look and he screamed in aggravation. "I HEARD YOU LAST NIGHT ANNA!! SAYING YOU DIDNT EXPECT ME TO BE YOUR MATE AND HOPED IT WOULD BE DANIEL!!" He yelled so loudly the whole world probably heard.
I felt anger and so did my wolf, she didn't like that her mate thought she was interested in another man. I grabbed Jace by the collar and crashed my lips onto him. It took him only a second to respond. I wrapped my arms on his neck. My kiss wasn't sweet, it was hard and authority like. He parted his lips and I shoved my tongue in there, loving the taste of him. After a while I pushed away from him. He gave me a confused look. "I told Daniel I thought it was gunna be him but I was beyond happy that it turned out to be you. And I said I didn't expect you to be my mate because I thought I wasn't good enough for an amazing man like you. But hey, that's what you get for assuming shit!" I glared and walked back into the pack house.
My mom walked to me. "You okay?"
"No" I said trying not to cry. I heard Jace come in and I did the mistake in turning around. He looked almost heartbroken.
"C-can I speak to you upstairs?" He pleaded. I just walked upstairs and went into a room that had a 'J' on it. I went in and smelled Jace all over the room. God why did he have to smell so good?! I sat on the bed and looked at Jace who was closing the door.
"What do you want?" I asked and crossed my arms.
Jace sighed. "L-look I'm sorry Annalise, I really am. I just heard that and thought....."
Curiosity got the best of me. "Thought what?"
He got on his knees and put his head in my lap. "I thought you didn't want me..." His voice was thick.
I lifted his head up and have him a 'wtf' look. "Jace, of course I want you! You're my mate and I love you!" I blurted out and looked shocked. Wow, I do* love him.
Jace growled lowly and kissed me softly. "I love you, angel. I promise you to never jump to conclusions again." He kissed the arm he squeezed. "I can't believe I did that." He was referring to the arm thing.
I kissed his forehead. "It's okay baby, I'm okay, we're* okay." I smiled at him.
He pushed me further into the bed and leaned over me. "That was very sexy, what you did back there, taking control. But do not get used to it, Angel." He said, authority dripping from his voice and he nibbled on my earlobe.
"Yes, mate." Whoa where did that come from? Yes mate, haha wow. 'You love it' Ella purred and I agreed with her. I did love it. We kissed for what it seemed like forever and we finally parted for air. He trailed kissed down my throat and licked my sweet spot I gasped and turned us over. "Do you love me?" I asked, my lips hovering over his.
"More than you 'll ever know." He said and flipped us so he was back on top. "Now, let me mark you." It was more of a question. I smiled and nodded. He kissed my sweet spot and then let his canine teeth sink into skin. Pain was replaced with pleasure in a split second. He licked the wound clean and it quickly healed. I couldn't help but let sleep take me, feeling Jace's arms around me protectively. Ella purred and was content. So was I.

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