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I sighed. "This is what you get for telling me to try. I barely know anything about Guardians!" I fumed at Drew who was laughing at me.
"You'll get the hang of it." Drew whispered in my ear, making it go hot. I cleared my throat and moved away while he chuckled.
"Hey, love birds. Enough with the flirting and tell me where we are!" Annabelle yelled.
"We aren't-" I sighed. "We are at my pack's house." I stared at the house and sniffed the air. I smelled my friends and mother in there. I looked at them. "Maybe I should go in first, huh?"
They all nodded and murmured. I walked up and went into the house. "Annalise oh my goodness!" Maxine yelled and gave me a bone crushing hug. I noticed it got tighter and when I opened my eyes Cris was hugging both of us. I laughed and hugged them back just as tightly.
We let go and I smiled. My mom was just staring at me, tears rushing down her face. "I-I can sense him...."
My smile vanished and I walked up to her. "Mom..." I rubbed her arms. "Don't freak out okay?" I laughed nervously and went to open the door. First Drew came in with a smile on his face.
"Mom, Maxine, this is Prince Drew." I said, feeling a little weird calling him that.
"Your highness." My mother smiled and bowed her head.
Maxine just smiled and Cris nodded while saying "Sup". I laughed while Drew chuckled.
Dad slowly came in and when him and my moms eyes locked it was as of they were lost in time. A few seconds turned into minutes which felt like days. "Hi" dad said huskily.
"Shut up and come here!" My mom breathed out. And that's all my dad needed to hear before she was in his arms. I couldn't help but tear up a little bit.
Anna cleared her throat awkwardly and scooted closer to me. I could tell she was nervous....call it a "twin thing". I smiled at her and took her by the arm. "Mom, this is-"
"Annabelle!!" Now my mother was full out bawling her eyes out while clinging onto Anna for dear life. Annabelle hugged her back but did not cry.
Gregg, Julie, Paige, and Tommy came down stairs with confused faces. "Uhhhh what did we miss?" Gregg asked while wrapping his arms around Cris.
"Ohhh nothing just Anna's twin sister and father are right here!" Maxine said and scolded him.
I laughed and shook my head. "So do you guys know-"
"Yeah, Jace called us a little bit ago, you alright babes?" Maxine asked and hugged me. "Cuz I know I wouldn't be."
I held back my tears and nodded. "Nothing I can't handle right?" My laugh cracked and I cleared my throat. "Mom, Guardian?"
My mother shook her head. "It was always a possibility but I never knew truly."
"Well that's not your fault. It only comes out when it's ready." Drew said. "Like I said before though, it is beyond rare for it to be a female let alone two! The academy is all male."
My father shook his head. "That is too dangerous. We all have heard the stories about how some Guardians feel about Weres."
"That's why I'm going with them."
I held in my gasp as I stared at Drew. He just looked at my parents and nodded at them. "Well...." Cris said. "Then I'm going too!"
"What?" Gregg growled.
"You can't sweetie you aren't one." My mother said.
"Then we'll lie. Say I'm their cousin. No offense Drew but you can't watch both of them all the time."
Gregg kept shaking his head but Drew grinned. "Not a bad idea"
"Hell then I'm going too no way I'm staying here like a child!" Maxine said. "Cris and I will be twins just not identical."
Drew sighed. "Okay but...it's gunna hurt." They looked at him confused and he laughed. "You have to have a Guardian mark."
I laughed as well and pointed at them. "Guess who's getting tattoos?" I sang and they both groaned.
Tommy grunted. "Why does all the good stuff happen to you guys?" Most of us laughed and yelled at him while Paige punched him in the arm. "Ouch!!!"
"You guys should say goodbye then cuz we have to get back to Italy. The cleaners will like to know what's going on." Drew said seriously. They all nodded and went away.
I looked at him. "You're coming huh?"
He shrugged. "Gotta keep you all out of trouble." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. "But seriously though, the academy is no joke. Think of an army boot camp but a hundred times worse. They will push you until you're nothing...and then push you some more."
I nodded but couldn't speak. I didn't want my voice to betray me. Because I was* scared. I've been through cage fighting and possession and yet I'm still scared. Does that mean I'm weak?
After a while Cris came back with her hair messed up and I couldn't help but laugh. The look she gave me just made me laugh harder. Then Maxine came with her eyes all puffy but a smile on her face. I squeezed her hand gently and smiled at her.
Drew nodded towards all of us and then to my parents. "You have my word, I will protect them till my last breathe." He bowed slightly. "Protettore di bellezza"
My mother smiled and nodded. "What did he say?" Maxine asked.
"He said," My mother smiled, "protector of beauty."
Maxine looked at Drew and smiled. "Awe!" She hugged him and I couldn't help but laugh at his red face. "That's so cute, wasn't that so cute Cris?"
"Uh yes, Max, very cute." She laughed and shook her head. "Now get off of him before you creep him out even more, though, I don't know if that's possible." Maxine moved away and stuck her tongue out at her.
My mother shook her head. "Alright young ladies enough, Okay? Now, you all are strong beautiful women." Mom's eyes got teary again. "But what is the one thing I taught you girls?"
"All jean outfit is a no?" Cris asked.
"Never wear make up to work out?" Maxine asked.
"Wear a bra one size smaller?" I asked.
"No!" My mother laughed hard and then smirked. "Always put men in their place." She looked at dad and he gulped. I stifled a laugh when she turned and winked at us.
"Yes ma'am." Maxi said while Cris laughed.
Drew smiled. "Okay, we really need to get going." I hugged mom and turned to dad. I smiled and hugged him back tightly. Mom was clinging onto Annabelle. Then we all held hands. "Let me do it this time." He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. I closed my eyes and felt a gust of wind.
I opened my eyes and squishes my eyebrows. "Huh?" I looked up. Ridge's Tattoo shop. I looked at Max and Cris and laughed hard while they groaned. We went inside and a man filled with tattoos and piercings was on the phone.
"I'm gunna get one too." Annabelle said and smiled while walking up to the wall with all kinds of tattoos.
I followed her. "What are you going to get?"
She thought about it. "How about a wolf with the sun under it?" I stared at her and she sighed. "Look, I can't help what the sun god gave me. This will be a forever reminder of what I am and that it is okay."
I smiled at her and held onto her hand gently. "Sounds good to me."
She looked at me and then shook her head. "So, what about you?"
I laughed. "Oh I'll wait until I know what I want." Truth be told I could get so many tattoos. But I didn't know if I wanted to always remind myself of the fucked up shit.
I turned to Cris and Max who were talking to the man. Cris decided to get one on the back of her neck and Maxine on her wrist. They sat on the chairs and Cris was first. She barely even flinched the whole time. Maxine on the other hand kept growling at the man. I was afraid she was gunna bite his head off. After Annabelle got hers on her lower back I thought of something.
"My turn!" I said and they all looked at me.
"Of what?" Drew asked.
I gave him a look. "You'll see." I walked into the room and told the man what I wanted. It stung a little but mostly was just annoying. I came out when it was done and showed them. Annabelle stared at it for a while and then smiled. On my wrists I got a sun and moon imbedded together.
"I like it, Anna!" Maxine said and smiled.
Drew nodded and looked at the man. "How much?"
"Three sixty five." He said.
"Wow, why such a bargain?" Drew asked.
The man smiled. "Beautiful women can do many things to a man."
Drew laughed and nodded while handing him money. "Keep the change, sir." The man nodded and we walked out. "Alright ladies, ready to see Italy?"
Maxine squealed. "Uh yeah!" I laughed and grabbed her and Annabelle's hand. I closed my eyes and felt that same wind. But before I could open them I felt lips on me. The electricity coming made me know who is was. I kissed him back fiercely.
I opened my eyes and saw him. Jace. I smiled. "Hi"
"Hi, angel."
"Uh hello? Sister over here?" Maxine said amusingly.
Jace laughed and ran up to her. "He's your mate?" Anna whispered into my ear. I nodded. "But I thought..." I looked at her and she was looking at Drew who was talking to Lajando.
"No no, he's not." I said and smiled. "Just friends, sis." Jace came back and I smiled. "Jace, Annabelle. Annabelle, Jace."
Jace laughed and shook her hand. "Oh wow haha hey nice to meet you. Talk about identical man."
Annabelle smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Jace."
Lajando smiled at me. "Welcome back Anna, and pleasure to meet all of you. My nephew has informed me you will be joining her to the Academy. The cleaners-" all of a sudden they showed up.
Luca nodded. "Everything has been arranged." He handed us folders. "This is your rooms and schedules. All of you have same classes together except for one of each. We have people on the inside to keep you safe as well as Prince Drew over here."
"Maxine Jacobs?" Max asked.
"Yes, you all are related so we have you all with same last names. You and Cris are fraternal twins and cousins to Annabelle and Annalise."
I nodded and Annabelle looked conflicted. "So this Academy....Guardians are like warriors correct?" They nodded. "Well because.....never mind."
"You had a dream child, correct?" Luca asked.
Annabelle looked at him with full shock on her face. "What you know of my dream?"
"It is not for me to say, child."
She nodded but said nothing else. Lajando nodded his head. "Thank you, cleaners. When will they need to leave?
"Tomorrow morning, you will be on a train it'll take most of the day to get there."
"We aren't just appearing there like we just did?" Cris asked.
Drew shook his head. "Magic is forbidden at the academy until you graduate....not like any of them listen." He said the last part in a mumble.
"Eat, relax, sleep. For your life will forever be changed tomorrow." They disappeared and all was silent.
Jace whistled. "We'll they know how to leave." I chuckled and leaned against him.
"Are you nervous?" Jace asked and then kissed my shoulder.
I shrugged. "Honestly I don't know really. Sometimes I see myself standing there with my eyes closed, waiting to wake up with you by my side and everything normal."
Jace chuckled and moved me so that I was on top of him. "Baby I love you, so much it's insane!!"
I laughed and kissed him softly. "And I love you. I'm gunna miss you so much."
"Angel come on, you think anything or one will keep me away from you?" Jace laughed hard. "Paleaseee!" I laughed with him and he sighed. "You're just special, my love."
I snorted. "Ha yeah the only thing special is my mind and not the good kind."
"Give yourself some credit, Anna." Jace said and softly caressed my cheek. "So, how does it feel to have a twin sister?"
"It's crazy!" I laughed. "I mean it's crazy to find out you have a sister but to find out you have one that looks exactly like you...it's surreal." I sighed and sat up a little. "You'll call all the time right?"
Jace kissed me. "Every day, angel." I smiled and laid my head on his chest. My breathing was rigid from my nerves. What exactly is a seeker? Why did they implant a demon inside of me? How did they know I was part Guardian? So many questions swirled in my head and started to hurt my brain. "Turn your brain off love." Jace chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I sighed and closed my eyes.
"Have you ever been on a train?" Annabelle asked me as we stood in front of the train station.
I sighed. "Nope"
"Me neither." She breathed. "They kind of freak me out." We laughed and turned when there was a big commotion. Maxine was arguing with an Oriental girl. She then came back mumbling angrily. "What?"
"That little girl bought the last bottle of green tea and I politely asked for it that I would pay double but she stuck her tongue out at me and called me a DOO DOO brain!" She grunted and Cris laughed hard with Annabelle. "Not funny you too."
Drew walked towards us and have us our tickets. "Here you all are. Follow me." We followed him to the train and gave the man out tickets. We then followed him towards the back. "Okay pick a seat while I go take care of some business." He walked out.
I sighed and plopped on the seat next to the window. I turned to see Maxine next to me. "Cris wants to get to know Annabelle more." I nodded. "You okay?"
"Would you believe me if I said yes?"
She thought about it. "No" she laughed. "Everything's gunna be okay peanut, we got your back."
I smiled. "Thanks boo."
It was silent for a while. "So," she began, "Drew is cute."
I scrunched up my nose. "I guess."
"Mhm you guess." She did air quotes. "You mean you know that he is a hot piece of ass!"
"Who's a hot piece of ass?" Drew asked as he came up to us.
I started to panic. "Uh um....."
"Channing Tatum!" Maxine blurted out.
Drew shook his head. "Why does everyone think he's so hot?" He went a little in front and say down. Maxine and I looked at each other and started busted out laughing.
Hours went by and my stomach started to growl. "I'm hungry!!" I whined.
"Me too." Said Maxine. "Hold on a sec. She got up and walked behind me. A few minutes later she ran back in her seat with two cokes and some sandwiches. "Shhhhhh!" We laughed and ate. We saved some for Anna and Cris, who ate like cavemen.
A few more hours went by and I was bored out of my mind. Max and I started playing I spy. That lasted for a while until we fell asleep. "Anna!" I opened my eyes to see Drew. "Time to get off." I nodded and walked out with everyone. We followed Drew to a car and all of us moaned. "Just a ten minutes drive I swear." It was more like twenty but I kept my mouth shut. The car stopped and we all got out.
"Whoa...." Cris gasped.
"Damn...." Annabelle said while Max gaped like a fish.
Drew laughed. "Welcome to the Academy."

Sadly this book is over.........BUT BOOK #2 IS COMING!!!!!!! Haha it's gunna be called Being a Guardian! Which I'm writing write now!!!! I'm gunna write on here when Ch1 is done I love u guys and really hope u read the other one 😘😘😘😘😘😄😄💕💜💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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