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My head was pounding and my throat was screaming 'WATER'!! I opened my eyes and tried to look around but they were still a little groggy. "Easy there kiddo." Someone said. I turned my head to see a man about my mother's age.
"W-w-where am I-I?" I asked, trying not to panic
He sighed and tilted my head up. "Drink first." He tipped a cup to my mouth, it felt so nice when the cool water ran down my throat. "Thanks"
I looked around and noticed I was in a damp dark room with only one light. There was a few cotton beds and a creepy looking room I assumed was the toilet. "Oh this is nasty.....where am I??"
The guy looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "Have you ever heard of werewolf cage fighting?" Shit. I nodded and he sighed. "Well, then you know where you are. But...the weird thing is is that you're with me, which means your in the medium ranking instead of low....can you fight or something?"
I groaned. "Or something...." I mumbled and slowly got up. "Can't believe I'm here....how did they even get me I was in a house filled with werewolves?"
The man chuckled unhumorously. "That's their specialty. What's your name hunny?"
I touched my head and winced. "Annalise....yours?"
"Tegan, but you can call me Tay." He smiled warmly at me and he kind of reminded me of Alpha Max. I sniffed the air and could smell rogues and werewolves that belonged to all sorts of packs. "So how much do you know about werewolf cage fights?"
I sat next to him. "Not much, just stories my Alpha would tell us when we were kids."
Tay nodded. "Well, basically werewolves fight each other for many reasons, freedom, money, fun, all sorts. The facility we're in, likes to kidnap nd or force people to come here and fight. Other facilities bring there warriors" He did air quotations with the word warriors. "Here and they bet on who will win....two things you need to know child, one, never look scared that'll mark you as weak." I nodded. "And two, don't let emotions get the best of you....you're gunna see a lot of bad things here....but I'm here and I'll keep you safe as log as I can." I smiled and heard a door unlock.
A man came in with a girl and shoved her in. "Alright Tagen, you're up." He looked at me and lust filled his eyes. Uhh ew, hell no creepy dude, hell no. "Don't worry sweetie, you'll be next." Tagen gave me a small smile and left with the guy. I turned to see the girl wearing nothing but old shorts and a plan brown bra. She had cuts everywhere and her black hair looked matted.
"A-are you okay?"
She looked at me and sighed. "We'll I won." I then noticed her eyes....they were filled with sorrow,hopelessness, an just blank. I feel like I now know what a broken person looks like.
After what seemed like a while the door opened again and the guy was there with Tagen, his blonde hair was now red from dried blood and it looked like his nose was broken. The guy looked at me and smiled. "Come on babycakes, shoes off first." I kicked of my heels and walked out with him. They guy looked at me up and down. "God you're hot." He licked his lips and I forced myself not* to gag or hit him.
I was pushed out and into a hallway. We got to a red door and he pushed me in there and locked the door behind me. There I was.....in a freaking large cage with hundreds of people around it. I looked down and noticed on the ground was like the material used in baseball fields.
"ANNDDD NOWW!!!" A booming voice yelled out of no where. "CAREFUL PEOPLE, SHE MAY LOOK INNOCENT BUT SHE'S FAR FROM IT!!!" I looked around but didn't see where it was coming from. "THE BEAUTIFUL BUT DEADLY.....ANNALISE JACOBS!!!" There was a mixture of applauds and boos.
Across from me a big guy walked through a blue door. He saw me and have me an evil smile. He looked at me up and down and licked his lips. Gross, i moaned inwardly. "NOW COMING FROM AFAR, HE'S HUGE HE'S SCARY HE'S.....ROLAND MASS!!!!" Everyone cheered loudly and my wolf didn't like that. Ella was itching to come out.
A bell rang and Roland shifted into a huge silver wolf. He snapped his teeth and I breathed in and out. 'Shift' Ella said and I did just that. Everyone gasped at the sight of my wolf. All white with a patch of red on my chest and a line across my right eyes and solid black paws. "THIS IS TURNING OUT TO BE INTERESTING!!" The annoying voice said.
Roland snapped his teeth at me and I growled loudly. He tried running straight to me but I side stepped and tripped him. The crowed erupted in laughter Roland snarled and bit my leg. I yelped and then growled out of anger. I not into his fur on his neck and threw him across the cage. Hell no, this guy is trying to kill* me!!! I ran full speed and my head made impact with his snout. He yelped and I used my claws and started swiping. His chest turned silver to a weird color cuz of the blood. I put his neck into my mouth and I could have easily killed him but his eyes stopped me cold. He was submitting...oh. I let go and snarled again, making him whimper back. Roland shifted back and have me a look of anger and respect. Ella barked happily and I shifted back, wincing at my leg.
"OH MY GOD FOLKS ANNALISE WINS!!!" Everyone cheered and I tried covering myself up. I looked by the door I came through and there was a pair of shorts and a plain red bra. I hurriedly and put them on. My door opened and the guy smiled at me with proud. Okay dude stop being creepy please.
"Good job!" He beamed and walked me back to the room. Before he let me in he grabbed my arm. "You know, you do things for me I can do things for you?" I have him a confused look and he chuckled. "I love your innocence...makes me want to taint it." My eyes grew and he smiled. He was actually not bad looking but his personality just makes him U G L Y! "Think about it." He opened the door and pushed me in before closing it.
"Anna!" Tay said and smiled in relief. "Come here and let Julie take care of your leg." Julie must be the girl, I nodded and walked towards them. Julie worked on my leg while I stared into space. Wondering if I was even going to be saved. "Jace...." I whispered before blacking out.

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