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"A Guardian.....what is that?" I asked while Drew stared at me intensively.
Lajando looked confused as hell. "I-impossible....a Guardian has never been...been a woman before. Let alone a wolf."
"She's special." Drew said and I looked away from his gaze. He cleared his throat. "A Guardian is a sort of....warrior. But that also means she isn't just wolf."
Sasha gasped. "That would explain a whole lot about the things that has been happening to her." She looked deep in thought.
I shook my head. "Wait so...you're not a wolf?" I asked Drew.
He shook his head. "It is rare when a Guardian is born into a supernatural family. They are usually born to human families. But perhaps since the sun god and moon goddess fought over you and your sister....the moon goddess tried to protect you from him. So she gave you a wolf. Which in a way is cruel."
"How is having a wolf cruel?" Jace snarled and I lightly pinched his thigh.
Drew sighed. "Well because just like wolves, Guardians have their own...soulmate-"
"Wait...." I laughed humorlessly. "Are you saying I have a wolf mate and....and a guardian one?"
Jace growled viciously. "Anyone takes her away from me will see my teeth rip out their throats!"
"Easy Jace." Lajando said and sighed. "We have no choice but to contact the cleaners."
I sighed. "I'm sorry who? The cleaners ?"
"Basically they clean up the messes supernaturals make." Drew said and took out a pocket knife from his....pocket.
"Let her do it." Sasha said and pointed to me. "Whether she likes it or not she's a Guardian and needs to learn the ways. Which means we need to find your sister pronto...she might be one as well."
Drew motioned me to come to him an I reluctantly got up. I got to him and he gently took my hand. "Repeat after me okay?" I nodded. "I, rector est dominus, quoniam iuramentum. Quia fortis est Deus."
I repeated with no challenge as if I already knew....weird. Drew cut my palm and I winced. Jace growled behind me. Drew places my hand on the wall looked at me. It was as if time stopped and it was just us two. My heart beat faster and heat crept up my arms. He blinked a few times and looked behind me. Drew let my hand go and turned me around.
"Whoa." There was two insanely tall guys. One had on an all white suit and black long hair. The other one wore an all black suit with long white as snow hair. "Again...whoa."
The white haired one chuckled. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Annalise Jacobs."
I smiled. "Pleasure is mine uh....."
"Azekiahl." I smiled again and looked at the other one.
He bowed a little. "My name is too hard to pronounce so you can call me Luca."
I nodded. "Luca it is. So I'm a.....Guardian?"
"It would appear so. It is not common for a Guardian to also be a were. Too complicated." Azekiahl said and looked kind of conflicted. "We will try to figure what this is. In the mean time." He snapped his fingers and a paper appeared on my hands. "There is the location to where your sister is. Find her, we have work for the both of you."
"But she doesn't have the proper training?" Drew said and stepped a little in front of me.
Luca nodded. "We understand. That is why after she finds Annabelle, they will both go into the Academy."
"Why now? All of this?" Lajando asked softly and looked at the cleaners.
Azekiahl looked at Luca and then at us. "Because, King, we are at war."
"A war between heaven and hell." Luca said and then they disappeared.
Everyone was silent and Sasha plopped down on the couch. "That's why a seeker did that to Anna. To tap into her Guardian. But why?"
"Like he said....w-war."
I sighed. "Yeah, between heaven and hell! Oh my God. What is the Academy?"
Drew rubbed his neck. "Its a school for Guardians. But like I said you tap into your powers when your like 16 but you don't graduate until you're 22. But since you and your sister are part wolf they might put you in the higher level. Oh and you'll be the only girls so....yeah."
"Ok....ok....ok....." I kept saying and nodded. "Okay! So let's go get my sister."
Lajando laughed. "Eager i love it. I can see you being a Guardian. I can get the plane ready in an hour."
Drew shook his head. "I have a faster way. Uncle, cousin, you guys are too important you should stay here."
"You too Sash." I said and she have me a confused look. "You just found your mate. Trust me if I need you I'll use my all mighty powers." I laughed and she smiled while nodding. "That leaves you Jace. You have to stay here too."
"No way in hell!!" He growled.
I took his hands into mine. "I need you to be safe and also keep them safe. Who is going to inform our family back home whats going on? Prepare them for war Jace." He stared deep into my eyes but reluctantly nodded. I kissed him and then let go.
"You ready?" Drew asked and I nodded. "Grab the paper." I did and have it to him. He read it and then took both my hands into his. He then closed his eyes and I did as well. Wind picked up and when I opened my house we were infront of an old house.
I laughed. "You have to teach me how to do that !"
"Deal." He smiled and we looked at eachother for a moment. "So, you ready to meet your twin?"
I snorted and we walked towards the door. I sighed and then hesitantly knocked on the door. No answer so I knocked again. "I'm coming!" A familiar voice yelled.
The door open and I stared into eyes. My eyes. We said simultaneously. "Holy shit."

Being Jace's Mate (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now