At Last

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   I hurried down the alleyway.

     I had worked so hard to get here, so I was not going to let a few people who wanted to capture- or possibly kill-  me mess it up.

     I had to find her, and soon. Especially now that I was alone. Alone with no one to help me with anything. Not with finding her, not with- control. The extremely elusive control I never seemed to have.

       Perhaps she could help me with that. Help me like my Mom and Dad could have done. But all they cared about was "putting their family back together," while forgetting about me, the family they still had left.  But they weren't my family anymore. They were just more people who I wanted to forget. It was a long list.

    But now I had other things to worry about. Like the people chasing me.

   I had only one chance to get into the building and connect to that computer. I had a picture of her, and if I could just remember what Li- he had taught me, I could use the top-notch facial scanner to locate her, if she was still alive.

     But I was sure I would find her.  My sister. The one I had never met, but had heard about a lot. They never stopped talking about her, my parents. They were obsessed with finding her. I would be too, if I was them, but I wouldn't neglect the daughter I did have like they did.

      I bypassed the alarm and entered the building. I had taught  myself, with a little help from others, how to break into places. It wasn't a skill I always liked, but it was necessary at times.

    I got to work, trying to remember what he had done, bypassing the security measures and downloading her picture into it.

    I was waiting for it to finish scanning when I heard someone say, "Stop! Put your hands up!" I froze, unfazed. I had known security guards would be there. I slowly stood and put my hands in the air. Suddenly I whirled around and an explosion of "blackness" erupted from my hands before he could react.

  Yeah. That's what I didn't have control of. You get it now.

     I started to turn back to my work, but then I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I got ready to fend off more security, but when I saw them, I realized they were not security. They were the people who had been chasing me.

     I didn't know what to do. So I panicked, as usual. And when I panic, the result isn't good. It's disastrous.

   I lost control, of course. My power exploded out from me. It knocked all of them over. I could tell that the ones closest to me were dead. I wasn't surprised.  Some were only knocked out, and the rest were slowly recovering from the hit.

     I knew I couldn't stay so I grabbed my stuff and escaped out the window. I ran as fast as I could, away from the building.

   I tried not to think about how I had failed. I had lost another chance at finding my sister. Again. History repeated itself.

     I reached the end of the alleyway, hoping that whoever was after me wouldn't be there.

    Suddenly, a woman blocked my path.

     "I'm Daisy Johnson and I'm with SHIELD. You need to come with me," She said.

  I gasped when I saw her face. It was her. At last.

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now