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   I collapsed on my bed, exhausted.

       Training had been exhausting, but not as exhausting as the day I was late.

   Not only had she made me do extra push ups and pull ups, but training had been extended for another 30 minutes. (A word of advice: never, and I mean NEVER, be late for any training session with May. You'll regret it, trust me)

    Needless to say, from then on, I was never late for training. In fact, I was usually early.

  I laid in bed for a bit, but I got bored, so I decided to check out the lab again.

I had never really gotten a chance to check out their tech.

   Like I had said, I was pretty good with technology, and I enjoyed working with it.

 This time, it was only Fitz who was in the lab. 

    I knocked on the door.

  "Come in," he said.

       "Hi Fitz!" I said cheerfully.

"Hi," he said, looking up from the equipment he was studying.

    "Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Working on a piece of equipment. You?"

    "Just wandering around. What's wrong with the equipment?"

 "A component shorted out, so I'm just fixing it."

    I was only half listening, since I suddenly became fascinated by all of the tech in the lab. I had never seen anything like it.

    To anyone watching, I probably looked like a kid in a candy store.

I noticed Fitz watching me as I looked around the lab- he probably wanted to make sure I didn't break anything.

"So.....are you interested in technology?" he asked after a little bit.

     "What? Oh! Yeah. One of my friends taught me some stuff, and I picked up the rest. Once I made a device to help keep my power contained, but it got destroyed and I never was able to make another one.  I also modified my phone once, I gave it longer battery life, increased it's storage space, stuff like that," I told him.

    "Can I see it?" he asked.

 I nodded and handed my phone to him.

    He started examining it and muttering to himself.

After a bit, he hand ed it back to me.

    "Wow. See, what you did is really simple, I could do it easily-"

"Thanks," I cut him off sarcastically.

   "You didn't let me finish. I was about to say, it's really good for someone who has had no professional training like I have. And you said you had made a device to help contain your power?"

    "Yeah. I noticed that my power reacted with light bulbs, so I assumed it had to do something with the energy, so I was able to make something that contained a sort of light in it, but there was too much energy for my power to absorb so....yeah," I said rather quickly.

    "If you want to, I could teach you some more things. With good training, you could become pretty good with this sort of thing," Fitz offered.

    "That would be great! Thank you!" I exclaimed as my face lit up. 

  "Bye! Thanks again!" I said cheerfully as I left the lab. 

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now