Confusion and Disaster

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     I had taken Malick to the Zypher, of which Daisy and Joey were taking control of.

   I went back for Lincoln, and finally got him to wake up. We made our way back to the Zypher, but only Joey was there.

      "Where's Daisy?" I asked him.

  "She went to get the team," Joey said. 

   I looked at Lincoln.

    He nodded. 

  "Go," he told me.

  I nodded and ran into the Zypher.  I made my way through the hallways, trying to find them. Finally I ran into Daisy and Yo-Yo, leading the rest of the team.

    I ran to Mack, who wrapped me in a bear hug. He chuckled. 

     "It's good to see you too, Shady," he said. 

  I smiled. For once I would let the awful nickname slide. 

    I looked past him at the rest of the team, and gasped. 

      Most of them were alright, but May was badly injured. 

    "May!" I exclaimed and ran over to her.

        "I'm fine," she grunted.

  I raised an eyebrow. 

    "Obviously not."

  "Come on. Let's get moving," Daisy said before May could respond.

"Wait, shouldn't May get medical attention?" I asked.

   "I'm the only one who can fly this," she replied.

    I shrugged, not wanting to argue.

"Then let's go."


   Daisy, Joey, Lincoln and I laughed as Yo-Yo was telling us about what had happened.

      "Elevator door open," She said. "He comes out." She motioned to Joey.

    "Bullets. Boom, boom, boom! And soldiers ... 'Aaah!'" She imitated their expressions in an exaggerated way. I laughed again.

   "This man!" She finished, motioning to Joey again.

    "Hey, I stopped the bullets, but you dropped 'em down," Joey said.

   "No, you guys all did so good. We were asked for a miracle, and we came through. You're a hell of a team," Daisy said.

     "You should have seen Cori," Lincoln said. "She can really kick butt."

I laughed.

  "Thanks," I said. "And by the way, Lincoln, I forgot to tell you something."


   "You're really heavy."

  The five of us burst out laughing.

     "You know, you went down twice in one day," Daisy said to Lincoln. "Maybe I should kick you off the team and find someone more useful."

   We all laughed again.

      "You ok?" Daisy asked Yo-Yo as we noticed a small wound on he leg.

  "Oh! I didn't feel it. You run fast, things happen, huh?" She replied.

   "Yeah. You sure you're all right?" Daisy asked again.


   "Hey. Thanks for having my back when I went down," Lincoln said to Joey.  "You saved me. Daisy's right. It was a good day."

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now