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"So how do you feel?" I asked Daisy. She smiled.

"Better," she replied. "I heard about what you did."

I smiled sheepishly.

   "What did you hear about?" I asked as innocently as possible. She laughed.

   "You know what I'm talking about. How you snuck onto the Zephyr to save Lincoln and I? And got shot? How's your shoulder, by the way?" I sighed.

   "It's fine. And I- I know what I did was stupid...but I wanted to save you and Lincoln." Daisy smiled.

   "Just promise me you'll never do that again."

   "What? Save you? I can't promise that." Daisy rolled her eyes.

   "No. Promise me you won't do anything stupid like that again."

  I smiled.

   "Ok. But define stupid."

She laughed.

   "How's Lincoln doing?" she asked, changing the subject.

"He's doing pretty good," I responded. "About as good as you."

She nodded.

"What were they doing, at that lab they had you two in?" I asked. Daisy shrugged.

"Just experimenting on us, trying to find out how out powers worked I guess." I nodded.

We were silent for a few moments.

      "Coulson also told me that you told him everything," Daisy continued.  I nodded and looked down.

"What did he say?" I asked.

      "He told me pretty much everything you told him."

I nodded.

   "Well, now you know everything."

     Daisy nodded. She put a tender hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off.

   "Just because now you know some terrible things happened in my past doesn't mean you have to be all pitying towards me," I growled. She was taken aback for a moment, but then the caring look crossed her face again.

   "Sorry," I mumbled. She smiled. 

"It's fine. And I'm just showing you that I care. Because I don't think many people have done that in your life."  I looked up a bit and couldn't help but smile a little too.

    Daisy pulled me into a hug. I thought about pulling away, but decided not to. After a few moments, I pulled away, smiling more. I leaned back.

     "I- I'm really glad I met you. I wasn't sure what it would be like to meet you. I was hoping that you wouldn't push me away like our parents had," I told her.

   "I would never push you away Coriana," Daisy responded.

"Cori,"I whispered.


I took a breath.

  "Cori. Call me Cori," I said louder. "It- it's what my friends would call me. Liam, he- he gave me that nickname." 

    Daisy smiled. She started to speak again, but stopped when we heard the door behind us open. It was Simmons.

   "Coriana, Coulson wants to talk to you," She said. I nodded and stood up. I waved goodbye to Daisy and followed her out of the room.

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now