A Stupid Idea

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    We were all huddled around the computer, eager to see if any information on the hard drive would be useful. We were close to cracking all the files.

     While I waited, I walked out into the hallway and did what I usually did when I was nervous or impatient. I paced.

  The two people I was the closest to here were captured. Who knows what their captors wanted with them. I was mad at myself because of Lincoln's capture. I should have known that they would watch that place. It was my fault.

    "Coriana? Are you OK?" I whirled around when I heard that gentle voice. It was Simmons, who was smiling compassionately. I sighed.

 "Yeah. I'm just worried about Daisy and Lincoln," I said. She nodded.

     "Me too." I looked down. I didn't know her very well, but Simmons seemed nice...

"And I feel like Lincoln's capture is my fault. I should have known they would be watching that place. And now he's captured."

    "It's not your fault," Simmons said and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"How do you know that."

    "It's not." She said a bit more firmly. I looked up and smiled.


    Suddenly a man walked out into the hall. He had short, curly brown hair, and there was stubble on his face.

  "Jemma?" he said with a Scottish accent. She turned around to face him.

"What is it Fitz?" She asked him.

    "We found something," He replied. Simmons and I looked at each other, hope showing on our faces. We followed him over to the computer.

"That's Fitz," Simmons explained. "He's an engineer." Fitz left to get Coulson as we looked at the data on the computer. All of the files had been cracked, to my relief.   

     I heard footsteps behind me and I saw Coulson walking towards us.

"What was found?" He asked Fitz.

 "The hard drive contained the location of one of their bases. We don't know if it is the base they have Daisy and Lincoln at, but it's worth a shot," Fitz replied.

"We need to go there as soon as possible!" I exclaimed. I was eager to get Daisy and Lincoln back. Coulson raised an eyebrow.

    "We?" he said.

"I- I was kind of hoping I could come along," I said hopefully. Coulson, as I expected, shook his head.

   "No. You are far from ready to go on a mission. You need to stay here-"


   "You're staying here. No buts." I sighed and nodded. "You!" He pointed to a random agent. "Take her back to the containment room." I rolled my eyes.

 "I'm capable of finding my own way." He cast an annoyed glance at me. I grudgingly followed the agent who was to lead me to my room. After we were a good distance down the hall, I cast a glance over my shoulder to make sure no one was near. When I saw no one else, I casually said to the agent next to me, "Sorry about this." He glanced at me.

"About what?" I turned so I was facing him.

    "This!" I said quickly as I held out my hands and knocked him back with my power, knocking him unconscious. I looked around once more, then ran towards where I remembered the garage being.

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now