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Life doesn't always make much sense.

I mean, it doesn't make sense that some people get to be completely normal, and there's people who have completely weird, strange, messed up lives.

Daisy left. Yeah, she left. I don't even know why. She didn't even say goodbye. She just abandoned me.

Oh, and in addition, we have a new director! Yay! And that was sarcasm, by the way. If you met the guy, you would know I was being completely sarcastic. He's so annoying.  I would go into detail about that, but I don't want to go on a rant right now. 

I just wish things could go back to how they were. I feel lost, and I feel like I have no family anymore. 

My parents might have been my "family," but they didn't treat me like it. The only birth family I have anymore just left. And the rest of the team might be like my family now, but we're all so busy I hardly get to see or talk to them at all. 

But it's not like things can get much worse, right? Right? 

Ok, maybe I should knock on wood.

The End


Bum-ba-dum! It's the end! Of this book! Finally! Yay! *confetti and sparkles explode everywhere, then they disappear because I remember that Lincoln died*

So, the prologue of the sequel to this book should be up today. I already know practically everything that happens in it, so the writing should go pretty quickly (watch as it takes me weeks to update XD)

I hope you all enjoyed this book! Thanks for reading! 

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