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        All five of us walked down the hallway, with Daisy leading.

   "It's this way," Daisy said. "It's not much farther....The original passage is hidden through here."

   "I hope you're sure about this," Lincoln said.

     She opened a door and we walked in.

   Suddenly the door shut behind us and the lights turned on. Too late we realized that it wasn't a secret exit, but one if the containment rooms, just like the one I had lived in when I was first at SHIELD. Coulson stood in the middle of it.

    "Hi," he said.

   "You sold us out!" Joey exclaimed.

  Yo-Yo yelled something in Spanish.

    "I'm sorry. If someone's infected, I had to make this call," Daisy explained.

  I nodded, understanding, but still not happy she lied to us.

   "I mean no harm," Coulson said. "We're all a part of the same team, but one of us is sick. I didn't say anything earlier because we didn't know who it was, but now we do. Let me guess....when you decided to leave, Lincoln didn't want to go. Not without his prize." I gasped as Coulson held out the Kree artifact. "This was taken from the Assets room and hidden in your locker."

  My eyes grew wide.

    "I didn't do that. Daisy, you have to believe me," Lincoln said.

   "You know how to get in there. You've stolen from that room before," Coulson continued.

 He's talking about the terrigen crystal.

   "Yeah. That was different," Lincoln said.

    "No. That was exactly the same. From the moment Hive popped up on our radar, you suddenly knew where to find this and had your hands on it until our distress call diverted you to Malick's base."

   "Exactly. That was before any of this could have been exposed to Hive!"

   "Was it?"

   "Transia. The rooftop," Daisy realized suddenly.

   "Daisy fought Malick. I found the bodies. But you said you caught a glimpse of Ward, didn't you?" Coulson said.

  "So you're saying he wasn't turned last night?" I asked.

   "No...He's been turned this whole time," Coulson said.

   "I wasn't anywhere close to Hive!" Lincoln yelled with rage, sparks appearing in his hands.

   "We can fix this, Lincoln. Let us help you."

 Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yo-Yo take one of the special handcuff-things out of her pocket.

  "Leave me alone!" Lincoln yelled, and made electricity go around his whole body, shocking Yo-Yo who had tired to put it on him.

    "Lincoln!" Both Daisy and I yelled.

   Coulson pulled out an icer, but Lincoln hit him with a blast of electricity.

 "Lincoln, stop!" I yelled.

  Daisy thrust her hand forwards and used her power to throw Lincoln against the wall, knocking him unconscious.

                                                          ~~~~No ones POV~~~~

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now