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   After I took Malick too the Zephyr, I headed back to where I had left Lincoln. I was almost there, but when I rounded a corner, I froze. Someone blocked my path, and I knew immediately who it was. It was him. Hive. Before I could react, he flung his hands forwards and these strange particle things flew out of his hands, towards me. They entered me, and then suddenly I knew what I had to do.

 I awoke with a gasp. 

   It's ok. You're safe, I told my self, looking around. I was back. Back with Shield.

  You'll never be safe, a voice in my head said. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. 

    I was in a Shield containment room, again. 

     I just can't seem to get away from this room, can I? I thought dryly. But you deserve to be in here. This is where you belong for what you did. 

  The reasonable portion of my brain was saying that I couldn't have done anything, but at that moment, the overly negative voice that was presiding over my brain won the argument. 

     How could I ever forgive myself for what I had done? Sure, I couldn't help what I was doing, but- I still hurt people. 


      I ran through the town, trying to find where the attacking Shield agents were. They were my friends, yes, but I had to stop them from getting to Hive. I heard a noise coming from the church, and when I moved closer I saw that Shield was moving inside.

I ran towards them, hoping I wouldn't have to hurt them but I was prepared to do so if necessary. I crept closer, then I finally reached them.

"Hi May," I said, and she whirled around to face me.

"Cori?" She said.

"I'll give you one warning. Leave now, or I will have no choice but to hurt you."

"Cori, listen to me. Stop. You don't need to fight us."

"I won't fight you if you leave. It's for your own good."

"Really? How is this for our own good? Hive is a crazy, psychopathic parasite who is going to kill us all." May moved closer to me, motioning for the other agents to keep going

"You're wrong about him. He isn't going to kill you. He's going to help you. He give you a connection."

"Well, he's already killed people, so I think that automatically shows he doesn't have good intentions in the slightest. The Coriana I know would be smart enough to realize that Hive is evil and insane," May said, stepping closer to me.

"I guess I've changed then. This is your last warning. Leave now, or I will kill you," I said, hoping she would leave, but I doubted that she actually would.

"You really want to do this? Do you really think you can beat me?" She asked. "You still have a hurt arm, and you still aren't very trained."

"I don't need your training," I said and thrust out my good arm, shooting dark energy at her. She barely dodged it, then she kicked out at me. I barely dodged it, then continued to attack her.

I was able to evade most of her attacks, just barely, but not for long. She was too quick, and was able to kick me right in the stomach. I doubled over, and another punch sent me down to the ground.

"You can't win!" She said after she pinned me. "Just stop!"

"Never." I began to charge up some dark energy, and before she could do anything, I let it explode through the room, knocking her back against the wall, dazed. I got back up.

"I'm sorry, May," I said quietly. "You left me with no choice." I raised my hand, getting ready to finish her off, then a gunshot rang out and I felt immense pain in my side. I collapsed backwards and closed my eyes, but when I opened them again, Shield was gone.

No, I didn't actually kill May, but I almost did. I had promised myself I wouldn't ever hurt anyone that I cared about, but I still did. How could I ever forgive myself?

I jumped as I heard someone enter the containment module, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning, Cori," I heard Simmons say as she walked up to the glass.

I didn't look up. I didn't know if I could ever look any of my teammates in the eye again.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"I came to ask if you remembered any more pertinent information," she said.

I shook my head.

"I already told you everything. Hive didn't tell me much, he talked to Daisy more. You should ask her."

"I already did."

"How's she doing?"

"About the same as you. But you don't remember anything else?"

   "No, that's what I said. I'm sorry I can't help you. I'm useless."

 Jemma sighed. 

 "It's alright. The information you and Daisy gave us was helpful. We've tracked down Hive and a team is headed to capture him." 

   "Thanks for letting me know," I said quietly.

"I'm going to go now. I'll see you later," she said and left.

   I sighed and laid back down. I coulnd't even help them anyomore. I was useless. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, knowing that if I did I would probably be plagued by nightmares. 


Yay! I finally updated! 

I know I skipped over quite a few episodes, but I didn't think it was entirely necessary to show everything that had happened. Plus, I really want to finish this book so I can move onto the next one, which I already have pretty much entirely planned out. 

 I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading!

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Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now