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I sighed as I walked out of the extremely boring, bland, in desperate need of color white room. I was happy to be leaving it, but nervous at the same time. I was desperately hoping I wouldn't hurt anyone.

      I had changed my clothes and grabbed a bag. I walked over to where I was supposed to meet Lincoln. He wasn't there yet, so I started pacing.

"Do you pace like that all the time?" I jumped as a deep voice spoke. I turned around. And saw a big, burly, black man standing behind me. He was grinning, as if he was pleased with himself for startling me.

"Only when I'm bored or impatient,"I replied, "which is most of the time, so yeah."

"You must be Coriana," he said and held out a hand. I nodded. "I'm Mack." I shook it.

"It's nice to meet you," I said. He smiled and leaned up against the wall.

"So, I hear your power is like shadow or something?"

"Well actually it's dark energy. But basically."

"Hmm. Shadows...Aha! I got it." I looked at him warily.

"Got what...?" I said uncertainly.

"Your nickname," He replied, grinning more. I groaned.

"A nickname? Lincoln warned me about that. "Ok, what is it?" I couldn't help but smile, even though I was dreading my nickname. I couldn't help but like him.

"Shady." I rolled my eyes.

"Shady? Shady?" I said incredulously. "I just told you my power isn't even shadow!"

"You said it was close enough," he pointed out.

"But seriously, Shady? That is soooooo original." He shrugged.

"I like it." I sighed.

"Of course you do. You made it up." He laughed.

"Whatever, Shady."

I grinned. I had only known him for a few minutes, and he was already teasing me. Like I was his friend. I hadn't had many friends in my life, and when I did, it never ended well.

We stood in silence for a bit, then Mack finally spoke. "So," He began. "You're Daisy's sister." I nodded. "It's kind of weird, thinking that she had a sister and didn't even know it." I shrugged.

"I guess," I said.

Finally, Lincoln joined us, followed by Coulson.

"You ready to go?" Coulson asked us. We all nodded. They led me to their "garage", and I saw a sort of plane-thing.

"That's a quinjet, Lincoln explained. I nodded an we all got on it. I told them were to go, and the quinjet took off.

"What is this place we are going to?" Coulson asked.

"I- I lived here once. Actually not too long ago. There- there was a group of teenagers who lived on the streets. They invited me to join them, and I did. I lost the hard drive there," I explained. Coulson nodded.

"Are they still there?" Mack asked. I looked down.

"No," I said quietly. "No one lives there right now."

"What happened to them?" Lincoln asked hesitantly. I bit my lip. I knew they just wanted to know more about me but- I hated talking about this. And I wasn't a very open person either.

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now