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  "WHAT!" I yelled and shot to my feet. "What happened?"

      "We aren't quite sure, but we think she was captured by the same people who tried to capture you," Lincoln replied. 

 "And do you know who that is?" I asked.

     "We think it might be Hydra. They are the only ones we know of who would kidnap her." Suddenly my eyes grew wide as I remembered something.

"I know how we might be able to find her," I said quietly.

    "What?" Lincoln said, confused.

"I know how we can save Daisy!"

   "How?" He exclaimed. I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I should tell him...but if it could save Daisy...

"When I was being chased by them, a- a friend of mine discovered that the people who were chasing me had information that  could help me find Daisy. So we broke into the facility and-" I broke off, my breathing ragged. I took a deep breath and continued.  "And we were able to get some information. I found out that they were tracking Inhumans like Daisy, and that's how I discovered she worked for SHIELD. Anyway, I have a hard drive we stole with some of their information on it. We couldn't view all of the files, but I think SHIELD could crack them."

    "Where is the hard drive?"

"Uh, I think I could find it, but I would have to be there. I- I would have to leave here."

    "Hey," he looked at me kindly. "You can do it." I smiled. "I'll get Coulson," Lincoln said as he stood up and walked over to the door. "He'll want to hear all of this." He exited the room. I sighed when I thought about how I would have to tell Coulson all of this. I sighed and waited for him to come. I tried not to think about where we would be going. That was the one place in the world that I didn't want to go. Ever. The last time I had been there- when I lost the hard drive- had been unbearable enough. I didn't want to go again, but I had to. And Coulson would probably ask about what had happened there. Great. More things I would have to tell him. I still wasn't quite sure about him yet. He seemed like a good guy, but I don't think we really see eye to eye.

    I looked up as the door opened. Lincoln entered again, along with Coulson. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

   "Lincoln tells me you have some information that could help us find Daisy," Coulson began. I nodded. "What do you know?" I took a deep breath.

    "Not to long after I, you know- changed- these people started coming after me. A friend of mine discovered that these people might have information to help me find Daisy. So we followed them-"

    "Who is this friend of yours?" Coulson broke in.

 "You know, it's rude to interrupt people," I said, irritated.

     "Just answer the question."

"Fine. He's dead." I bit my lip. "So, do you still want to know who it is, or can I continue?" I didn't bother to hide my impatience. Coulson sighed.


"Thank you. We followed them to their base, and he was able to get some of their information. He put it on a hard drive, but we I couldn't view all of the files. I believe SHIELD could crack them. But, the hard drive was lost. I know where it is though! I could take you there and-"

   "Wait," Coulson broke in again, "you're saying that you would actually go there. Are you sure you're ready to-"

"I'm fine!" I snapped. "I can handle it. And you interrupted me agai-"

     "I have the right to interrupted you. You, on the other hand, do not," he snapped back. "I am the Director. You aren't even an agent. And I get to decide if you go or n-"

 "Well you don't even know where it is!" I had started to raise my voice. "You need me to tell you where it is. Only I can find it! And-"

    "Stop interrupting me!" Coulson yelled. I glanced at Lincoln. He was turned away from us trying not to listen. I could tell our arguing made him uncomfortable. "I understand that you want to help Daisy, but to do that, you have to cooperate. You will listen to me, and you will do what I say. Got it?"

 "Got it," I said through gritted teeth. Apparently Coulson really doesn't like being interrupted, I thought wryly.

      "Now. You, will stay here, until I am assured that your power is under control." I glared at him.

"With all due respect sir," Lincoln interjected and turned around, "I think she should go. She could help , and who knows if we will actually be able to find it." I looked at Lincoln, surprised he was helping me. I took a deep breath.

    "It might be hard  to find without me. It- it's hidden," I explained. I sighed. "I- I'll explain more when we get Daisy." I looked down. "I promise." Coulson nodded.

 "Alright. You can go. But you will answer all of my questions after we get Daisy back. Deal?" I nodded.


"Okay then. Get ready to go. Lincoln, Mack, and I will go with you. " He got up and walked out. I looked at Lincoln.

    "Who is Mack?" I asked.

"He's an agent here-"

     "Well I figured that." Lincoln sighs.

"You interrupt people a lot, don't you?" I grinned.


"Anyways, he's nice, but you should watch out, because he might give you a nickname. It's kind of his thing."

    "A nickname?" I tried to hold back laughter. He nodded.

"Daisy's is Tremors, and there is another inhuman who he gave the nickname Yo-yo."

      "Do you have one?"

"Anyways, Coulson said to get ready, so you and I need to do that. I'll see you in a bit." I smiled at his weak attempt to change the subject.

    "Hey, I asked if you had a nickname." I grinned when he turned red.
"That's not important," He mumbled and walked out the door. I couldn't help but laugh. I sighed as I started to get ready. I would have to tell him everything now. And that meant everything. All the pain, all the death, everything. To someone I didn't even know, much less liked. I mean, I wanted to like him, but he didn't trust me. How can you like someone who doesn't even trust you?

Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}Where stories live. Discover now